Showing 851 - 860 of 2020 results

  • Proverbs: An Introduction and Commentary, By Lindsay Wilson


    An Introduction and Commentary

    Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries

    by Lindsay Wilson

    In many ways, Proverbs is similar to the wisdom literature of the wider ancient Near East. However, while the book initially appears to consist primarily of practical advice, wisdom is grounded in a relationship with God. In this replacement Tyndale Commentary, Lindsay Wilson shows how the first nine chapters provide a reading guide for the many proverbs in subsequent chapters; and how the fear ...

  • The Message of Matthew: The Kingdom of Heaven, By E. Michael Green

    The Message of Matthew

    The Kingdom of Heaven

    The Bible Speaks Today Series

    by E. Michael Green

    Matthew's Gospel is the first—and perhaps the most important—single document of the New Testament. In it you will find the fullest and most systematic account of the birth, life, teaching, death, and resurrection of the founder of Christianity, Jesus the Messiah. In this Bible Speaks Today volume, Michael Green shows how this very Jewish Gospel portrays the power and purpose of ...

  • The Message of the Sermon on the Mount, By John Stott

    The Message of the Sermon on the Mount

    The Bible Speaks Today Series

    by John Stott

    "The followers of Jesus are to be different," writes John Stott, "different from both the nominal church and the secular world, different from both the religious and the irreligious. The Sermon on the Mount is the most complete delineation anywhere in the New Testament of the Christian counter-culture." In the Sermon on the Mount, the "nearest thing to a manifesto" that Jesus ever ...

  • The Message of Mark, By Donald English

    The Message of Mark

    The Bible Speaks Today Series

    by Donald English

    The fast-paced vitality of Mark's narrative wins the hearts of today's readers on its own terms. Yet while at first glance Mark appears to be a simple account of Jesus' ministry, a serious study raises all kinds of questions: Why doesn't Jesus make his true identity more obvious to the crowds? Why do his disciples find it so difficult to understand? Why is Jesus' work met with such ...

  • The Message of Luke, By Michael Wilcock

    The Message of Luke

    The Bible Speaks Today Series

    by Michael Wilcock

    Luke the physician was fascinated by people—rich and poor, Jews and Gentiles, men and women, rulers and slaves. In his Gospel he delights to portray Jesus as the Savior not of an elite group but of anyone, in any condition, who turns to him. Jesus is indeed the Savior of the world.

    Luke knew exactly what he was doing when he wrote his Gospel. He tells us his goal in the opening ...

  • The Message of Romans, By John Stott

    The Message of Romans

    The Bible Speaks Today Series

    by John Stott

    When Paul first penned his letter to the house churches of Rome, his purpose was to gain prayerful support for his coming mission to the western Mediterranean. Little did he know that for two millennia this finely tuned exposition of the gospel would echo through church and academy, market and home, around the world.

    In this revised Bible Speaks Today volume, John Stott clearly ...

  • The Message of Galatians, By John Stott

    The Message of Galatians

    The Bible Speaks Today Series

    by John Stott

    To enclaves of young converts in the mountains of Asia Minor, Paul wrote what is perhaps the oldest document in the New Testament—the letter to the Galatians. Paul's readers were struggling with numerous issues: How were men and women to be put right with God? Among a variety of religious authorities espousing different teachings, how were they to know who was right? How could Christians ...

  • The Message of Acts, By John Stott

    The Message of Acts

    The Bible Speaks Today Series

    by John Stott

    The Spirit moves the church into the world. That is how it has always been since the day of Pentecost, when the Spirit brought thousands from many countries into the body of Christ.

    With the breadth and scholarly care that marked John Stott's years of ministry, this revised Bible Speaks Today volume opens to us the early days of the church as recorded by Luke in the book of ...

  • The Message of Ephesians, By John Stott

    The Message of Ephesians

    The Bible Speaks Today Series

    by John Stott

    A common blind spot for evangelical Christians is to overlook the central importance of the church, emphasizing individual salvation more than the saved community. Yet no one can come away from a careful reading of Ephesians with a privatized gospel. Paul's letter to the Ephesians clearly sets forth God's eternal purpose to create the church—God's new society.

    In this revised ...

  • The Message of Hebrews, By Raymond Brown

    The Message of Hebrews

    The Bible Speaks Today Series

    by Raymond Brown

    The first-century readers of Hebrews were at a critical point. Many had been exposed to public ridicule, persecution, and imprisonment. Some had already abandoned their commitment to Christ, and others were in danger of compromising or giving up. The letter to the Hebrews brought a profound encouragement and appeal: they must keep their eyes on Christ and remain anchored in the ...