Showing 861 - 870 of 2388 results

  • 1-2 Corinthians, Edited by Gerald L. Bray 1-2 Corinthians, Edited by Gerald L. Bray

    1-2 Corinthians

    Volume 7

    Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture

    Edited by Gerald L. Bray
    General Editor Thomas C. Oden

    In Paul's letters to the Corinthian church, the pastoral issues of a first-century Christian community stand out in bold relief. And as the apostle responds to these challenges, the fathers lean over his shoulder, marveling and commenting on his pastoral wisdom. Best known among these patristic commentators is Chrysostom, whose seventy-seven homilies on the two Corinthian epistles ...

  • Paul and Judaism Revisited: A Study of Divine and Human Agency in Salvation, By Preston M. Sprinkle Paul and Judaism Revisited: A Study of Divine and Human Agency in Salvation, By Preston M. Sprinkle

    Paul and Judaism Revisited

    A Study of Divine and Human Agency in Salvation

    by Preston M. Sprinkle
    Foreword by Stephen Westerholm

    • Preaching's Preacher's Guide to the Best Bible Reference for 2014 (Pauline Studies)

    Ever since E. P. Sanders published Paul and Palestinian Judaism in 1977, students of Paul have been probing, weighing and debating the similarities and dissimilarities between the understandings of salvation in Judaism and in Paul. Do they really share a common ...

  • The Gospel of the Son of God: An Introduction to Matthew, By David R. Bauer The Gospel of the Son of God: An Introduction to Matthew, By David R. Bauer

    The Gospel of the Son of God

    An Introduction to Matthew

    by David R. Bauer

    From beginning to end, the very structure of the Gospel of Matthew emphasizes that Jesus is the Son of God.

    At climactic points Jesus is so identified—by Peter, by a Roman centurion, by Jesus himself, and by God the Father. With The Gospel of the Son of God, David Bauer provides a comprehensive introduction to this Gospel that has been so foundational to the Christian ...

  • Commentary on John, By Cyril of Alexandria Commentary on John, By Cyril of Alexandria

    Commentary on John

    Ancient Christian Texts

    by Cyril of Alexandria
    Translated by David R. Maxwell
    Edited by Joel C. Elowsky

    Cyril of Alexandria (ca. 378-444), one of the most brilliant representatives of the Alexandrian theological tradition, is best known for championing the term Theotokos (God-bearer) in opposition to Nestorius of Constantinople. Cyril's great Commentary on John, offered here in the Ancient Christian Texts series in two volumes, predates the Nestorian controversy and focuses its theological ...

  • 5475
    product set

    Introductions in Seven Sentences

    What if large topics such as philosophy, theology, and biblical studies could be boiled down to seven key sentences each? What if just a few phrases could distill an overwhelming area of study into the seven most pointed teachings in that field? Introductions in Seven Sentences do just that. The accessible primers in this collection act as brief introductions to an academic field, ...

  • 1 & 2 Thessalonians: Living in the End Times, By John Stott

    1 & 2 Thessalonians

    Living in the End Times

    John Stott Bible Studies

    by John Stott
    With Dale Larsen and Sandy Larsen

    Study Scripture with John Stott

    Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again. For centuries Christians have proclaimed these central truths. The gospel that began in space and time will ultimately be fulfilled at Christ's return. And as we wait and long for Christ's return, this gospel gives us encouragement and a reason for hope. These ten studies on Paul's letters ...

    Number of Studies: 10

  • 2 Timothy: Standing Firm in Truth, By John Stott

    2 Timothy

    Standing Firm in Truth

    John Stott Bible Studies

    by John Stott
    With Lin Johnson

    Study Scripture with John Stott

    "Our era is one of theological and moral confusion, even of apostasy. And the apostle summons us, as he summoned Timothy, to be strong, brave and steadfast." In this way John Stott summarizes the message of Paul's second letter to Timothy, a letter about leadership and responsibility. The inductive studies in this newly updated guide speak to ...

    Number of Studies: 8

  • Letters of John: Embracing Certainty in Times of Insecurity, By John Stott

    Letters of John

    Embracing Certainty in Times of Insecurity

    John Stott Bible Studies

    by John Stott
    With Dale Larsen and Sandy Larsen

    We live in times of insecurity.

    New nations are coming to birth. Social and political patterns are evolving. Violence, terrorism, and war threaten the very foundations of civilization. These external insecurities are reflected in the internal world of the mind and of the spirit. There is widespread distrust of Christian faith and a preference for agnosticism or free thought. ...

    Number of Studies: 10

  • Certainty: Know Why You Believe, By Paul Little


    Know Why You Believe

    Christian Basics Bible Studies

    by Paul Little

    Growing in faith means facing hard questions. Is Jesus Christ the only way to God? Why does God allow suffering and evil? Are miracles possible? These are questions that need--and deserve--solid answers. Six studies drawn from Paul Little's bestselling Know Why You Believe lead you into Scripture to find reasonable responses to the many tough questions you and others may have about Jesus ...

    Number of Studies: 6

  • The Letters of John, By N. T. Wright

    The Letters of John

    N. T. Wright for Everyone Bible Study Guides

    by N. T. Wright
    With Dale Larsen and Sandy Larsen

    In his letters, John expresses delight at believers who are "walking in the truth": behaving with that integrity which reflects the gospel. This involves not just correct doctrine and proper outward behavior, but also love for God and fellow believers. It's this love, John writes, that shows that the truth of the gospel has really been grasped, not as an abstract idea but as what it is, the very ...

    Number of Studies: 9