Showing 861 - 870 of 1316 results

  • Want more context as you begin to study Joshua? This introduction will give you the background you need as you read the Daily Quiet Time Bible Study. We hope you continue to discover the riches of Scripture and draw closer to God as you join the millions who have used this free devotional resource.

  • Paul and First-Century Letter Writing: Secretaries, Composition and Collection, By E. Randolph Richards

    Paul and First-Century Letter Writing

    Secretaries, Composition and Collection

    by E. Randolph Richards

    Traditional Christian art depicts Paul the letter writer, pen in hand, attentive to the Spirit. We might think we know better and imagine him pacing in agitation as he rapidly dictates to a secretary his letter to the Galatians. But in reality neither of these pictures is accurate. In Paul's day, producing a letter was a time-consuming and costly business. And we have ample resources from the ancient ...

  • Cross-Cultural Servanthood: Serving the World in Christlike Humility, By Duane Elmer

    Cross-Cultural Servanthood

    Serving the World in Christlike Humility

    by Duane Elmer

    Duane Elmer asked people around the world how they felt about Western missionaries. The response? "Missionaries could be more effective if they did not think they were better than us." The last thing we want to do in cross-cultural ministry is to offend people in other cultures. Unfortunately, all too often and even though we don't mean it, our actions communicate superiority, paternalism, imperialism ...