Showing 871 - 880 of 2910 results

  • Missional God, Missional Church: Hope for Re-evangelizing the West, By Ross Hastings Missional God, Missional Church: Hope for Re-evangelizing the West, By Ross Hastings

    Missional God, Missional Church

    Hope for Re-evangelizing the West

    by Ross Hastings

    "As the Father has sent me, I am sending you" (John 20:21). With the reality of broad-scale secularization in the West and the attendant cloud of insignificance hanging over the church, is there any hope for the re-evangelization of the West? In this comprehensive theology of mission, Ross Hastings directs the fretful gaze of the church to the trinitarian commission of John 20. There we find ...

  • Thinking About Church Life, By R. Paul Stevens and Robert Banks Thinking About Church Life, By R. Paul Stevens and Robert Banks

    Thinking About Church Life

    The Everyday Faith eSeries

    by R. Paul Stevens and Robert Banks

    How should you deal with conflict in your church? What is a "sacrament"? Why are there so many different church "denominations"? What are the roles of the clergy and the roles of the laity? How can you "keep the Sabbath"? Christians often profess that Jesus is Lord over all of life. Yet it isn't always easy to relate Christianity to your day-to-day activities and concerns--even those of the ...

  • Loving the Church . . . Blessing the Nations: Pursuing the Role of Local Churches in Global Mission, By George Miley Loving the Church . . . Blessing the Nations: Pursuing the Role of Local Churches in Global Mission, By George Miley

    Loving the Church . . . Blessing the Nations

    Pursuing the Role of Local Churches in Global Mission

    by George Miley

    Rediscovering the role God designed for the church in mission is a critical issue facing the missions movement today. That role is to glorify God by planting churches among every tongue, tribe, and nation. Planting churches amid unreached peoples is a complex process. It calls forth every ministry gift and the contribution of every believer. Imagine a businessman, a construction worker, a schoolteacher, ...

  • Reading Scripture as the Church: Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Hermeneutic of Discipleship, By Derek W. Taylor Reading Scripture as the Church: Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Hermeneutic of Discipleship, By Derek W. Taylor

    Reading Scripture as the Church

    Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Hermeneutic of Discipleship

    New Explorations in Theology

    by Derek W. Taylor

    The Bible is meant to be read in the church, by the church, as the church.

    Although the practice of reading Scripture has often become separated from its ecclesial context, theologian Derek Taylor argues that it rightly belongs to the disciplines of the community of faith. He finds a leading example of this approach in the theology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who regarded the ...

  • The Enneagram Goes to Church: Wisdom for Leadership, Worship, and Congregational Life, By Todd Wilson The Enneagram Goes to Church: Wisdom for Leadership, Worship, and Congregational Life, By Todd Wilson

    The Enneagram Goes to Church

    Wisdom for Leadership, Worship, and Congregational Life

    by Todd Wilson

    If I had known the Enneagram earlier in my ministry, I would have been a much better pastor.

    When this thought came to Todd Wilson, he had already served as a pastor in several churches for the better part of fifteen years and was successfully leading a large, historic, and diverse congregation. He'd started out in ministry with a strong education in everything from ...

  • The Future of the Global Church: History, Trends and Possibilities, By Patrick Johnstone The Future of the Global Church: History, Trends and Possibilities, By Patrick Johnstone

    The Future of the Global Church

    History, Trends and Possibilities

    Operation World Resources

    by Patrick Johnstone

    • The 2013 Outreach Magazine Resource of the Year in Global Outreach

    In The Future of the Global Church, Patrick Johnstone, author of six editions of the phenomenal prayer guide, Operation World, draws on his fifty years experience to challenge us with his bold vision of the global Christian church. The Future of the Global Church weaves ...

  • Why Church History Matters: An Invitation to Love and Learn from Our Past, By Robert F. Rea Why Church History Matters: An Invitation to Love and Learn from Our Past, By Robert F. Rea

    Why Church History Matters

    An Invitation to Love and Learn from Our Past

    by Robert F. Rea

    Does it matter how Christians in other times and places thought? If the Bible alone is God?s revelation, why spend time studying church history? Aren?t history and tradition more of a problem than a solution? For many Christians who believe the Bible is the ultimate authority for faith and life, questions about the role and value of the church's traditions can be difficult to ...

  • Worshiping with the Church Fathers, By Christopher A. Hall Worshiping with the Church Fathers, By Christopher A. Hall

    Worshiping with the Church Fathers

    by Christopher A. Hall

    Christopher Hall invites us to accompany the fathers as they enter the sanctuary for worship and the chapel for prayer. He also takes us to the wilderness, where we learn from the early monastics as they draw close to God in their solitary discipline. The focus of this book is not liturgy but more broadly worship in its corporate and individual dimensions. We enter into the patristic understanding ...

  • Partnering with the Global Church, By Nikki A. Toyama-Szeto and Femi B. Adeleye Partnering with the Global Church, By Nikki A. Toyama-Szeto and Femi B. Adeleye

    Partnering with the Global Church

    Urbana Onward

    by Nikki A. Toyama-Szeto and Femi B. Adeleye

    In our globally interconnected world, mission depends on healthy partnerships across the globe. Many talk about wanting to partner with the Global South, but we're not always sure what that looks like on the ground. Too often North Americans have acted as if we don't need others to do what we think God has called us to do. And our witness overseas has suffered as a result. We need to live out a ...

  • A Vision for the Aging Church: Renewing Ministry for and by Seniors, By James M. Houston and Michael Parker A Vision for the Aging Church: Renewing Ministry for and by Seniors, By James M. Houston and Michael Parker

    A Vision for the Aging Church

    Renewing Ministry for and by Seniors

    by James M. Houston and Michael Parker

    Are we ready for the opportunities and challenges facing the aging church? Now is the time for the church to offer ministry to its increasing numbers of seniors and to benefit from ministry they can offer. In this book James M. Houston and Michael Parker issue an urgent call to reconceive the place and part of the elderly and seniors in the local church congregation. Confronting the idea that ...