Showing 881 - 890 of 3250 results

  • Shaping a Digital World: Faith, Culture and Computer Technology, By Derek C. Schuurman

    Shaping a Digital World

    Faith, Culture and Computer Technology

    by Derek C. Schuurman

    Digital technology has become a ubiquitous feature of modern life. Our increasingly fast-paced world seems more and more remote from the world narrated in Scripture. But despite its pervasiveness, there remains a dearth of theological reflection about computer technology and what it means to live as a faithful Christian in a digitally-saturated society. In this thoughtful and timely book, Derek ...

  • The Message of 1 & 2 Thessalonians, By John Stott

    The Message of 1 & 2 Thessalonians

    The Bible Speaks Today Series

    by John Stott

    The gospel shapes the church and the church spreads the gospel. In his heartfelt letters to the Thessalonians, the apostle Paul calls believers again and again to these essential truths. To encourage and correct the young church in Thessalonica, Paul addresses many issues that are still of vital importance today, such as Christian community, church leadership, moral living, evangelism, ...

  • The Thrill of Orthodoxy: Rediscovering the Adventure of Christian Faith, By Trevin Wax

    The Thrill of Orthodoxy

    Rediscovering the Adventure of Christian Faith

    by Trevin Wax
    Foreword by Kevin J. Vanhoozer

    Christianity Today Book Award of Merit—Popular Theology

    The Gospel Coaltion Award of Distinction—Popular Theology

    Every generation faces the temptation to wander from orthodoxy—to seek out the jolt that comes with false teaching, and to drift with cultural currents. And so every generation must be awakened again to the thrill ...

  • Do We Need the New Testament?: Letting the Old Testament Speak for Itself, By John Goldingay

    Do We Need the New Testament?

    Letting the Old Testament Speak for Itself

    by John Goldingay

    Do we need the Old Testament? That's a familiar question, often asked. But as an Old Testament scholar, John Goldingay turns that question on its head: Do we need the New Testament? What's new about the New Testament? After all, the Old Testament was the only Bible Jesus and the disciples knew. Jesus affirmed it as the Word of God. Do we need anything more? And what happens when we begin to look ...

  • Addiction and Virtue: Beyond the Models of Disease and Choice, By Kent Dunnington

    Addiction and Virtue

    Beyond the Models of Disease and Choice

    Strategic Initiatives in Evangelical Theology

    by Kent Dunnington

    What is the nature of addiction? Neither of the two dominant models (disease or choice) adequately accounts for the experience of those who are addicted or of those who are seeking to help them. In this interdisciplinary work, Kent Dunnington brings the neglected resources of philosophical and theological analysis to bear on the problem of addiction. Drawing on the insights of Aristotle and Thomas ...

  • Divine Foreknowledge: Four Views, Edited by James K. Beilby and Paul R. Eddy

    Divine Foreknowledge

    Four Views

    Spectrum Multiview Book Series

    Edited by James K. Beilby and Paul R. Eddy
    Contributions by Gregory A. Boyd, David Hunt, William Lane Craig, and Paul Helm

    The question of the nature of God's foreknowledge and how that relates to human freedom has been pondered and debated by Christian theologians at least since the time of Augustine. And the issue will not go away.

    More recently, the terms of the debate have shifted, and the issue has taken on new urgency with the theological proposal known as the openness of God. This view ...

  • Christ Crucified: Understanding the Atonement, By Donald Macleod

    Christ Crucified

    Understanding the Atonement

    by Donald Macleod

    How could the life, let alone the death, of one man 2,000 years ago be the salvation of the human race? The biblical explanation is the atonement: the crucified one was the Son of God, acting and suffering in cooperation with God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. The crucifixion of Jesus Christ is presented in all four Gospels, and occupies considerable space in the overall narrative. The death ...

  • The Epic of Eden: A Christian Entry into the Old Testament, By Sandra L. Richter

    The Epic of Eden

    A Christian Entry into the Old Testament

    by Sandra L. Richter

    Unclutter You Understanding of the Old Testament

    Does your knowledge of the Old Testament feel like a grab bag of people, books, events and ideas? How many times have you resolved to really understand the OT? To finally make sense of it?

    Perhaps you are suffering from what Sandra Richter calls the "dysfunctional closet syndrome." If so, she has a solution. Like a home-organizing ...