Showing 881 - 890 of 2913 results

  • Restoring Beauty: The Good, the True, and the Beautiful in the Writings of C.S. Lewis, By Louis Markos

    Restoring Beauty

    The Good, the True, and the Beautiful in the Writings of C.S. Lewis

    by Louis Markos

    More and more in our modern and postmodern culture the twin concepts of beauty and truth have been separated both from each other and from their individual connection to the divine source of Beauty and Truth. Even as our public schools move further and further away from their connection to the universal moral code, the world of art (both high and low) embraces an aesthetic that privileges ugliness ...

  • Handbook of Christian Apologetics, By Peter Kreeft and Ronald K. Tacelli

    Handbook of Christian Apologetics

    by Peter Kreeft and Ronald K. Tacelli

    • Voted one of Christianity Today's 1995 Books of the Year

    Reasonable, concise, witty and wise, Peter Kreeft and Ronald K. Tacelli have written an informative and valuable guidebook for anyone looking for answers to questions of faith and reason. Topics include:

    • faith and reason
    • the existence of God
    • God's nature
    • how we ...
  • Metaphysics, By William Hasker


    Contours of Christian Philosophy

    by William Hasker

    What is ultimately real? What is God like? Do human beings have minds and souls or only brains in bodies? Are humans free agents or are all human acts determined by prior circumstances? Through insightful analysis and careful evaluation, William Hasker helps readers answer these questions and thereby construct a world view to make sense of the universe and the people in it.

  • The Road Back to You Study Guide, By Ian Morgan Cron and Suzanne Stabile

    The Road Back to You Study Guide

    by Ian Morgan Cron and Suzanne Stabile

    Missio Alliance Essential Reading List

    The Essential Study Guide Companion to the Bestselling Enneagram Resource

    Want to go deeper into the Enneagram? Ian Morgan Cron and Suzanne Stabile have created a content-rich companion to their book The Road Back to You. For those who don't yet know their number, it will offer further opportunity to explore ...

    Number of Studies: 5

  • Foundations of the Christian Faith: A Comprehensive & Readable Theology, By James Montgomery Boice

    Foundations of the Christian Faith

    A Comprehensive & Readable Theology

    by James Montgomery Boice
    Foreword by Philip Ryken

    In one systematic volume, James Montgomery Boice provides a readable overview of Christian theology. Both students and pastors will benefit from this rich source that covers all the major doctrines of Christianity. With scholarly rigor and a pastor's heart, Boice carefully opens the topics of the nature of God, the character of his natural and special revelation, the fall, and the person and work ...

  • The People's Book: The Reformation and the Bible, Edited by Jennifer Powell McNutt and David Lauber

    The People's Book

    The Reformation and the Bible

    Wheaton Theology Conference Series

    Edited by Jennifer Powell McNutt and David Lauber

    Five hundred years ago, Martin Luther's Ninety-Five Theses caught Europe by storm and initiated the Reformation, which fundamentally transformed both the church and society. Yet by Luther's own estimation, his translation of the Bible into German was his crowning achievement. The Bible played an absolutely vital role in the lives, theology, and practice of the Protestant Reformers. In ...

  • Are you looking for ways to tangibly share God's love and kindness with those in your community and around the world? To connect you with practical ideas for giving and getting involved, we've gathered some ministries near and dear to our authors' hearts that are worthy of your support. We're happy to shine a light on these nonprofits in order to bolster the kingdom work they are doing all over the world.

  • Invitation to Theology: A Guide to Study, Conversation  Practice, By Michael Jinkins

    Invitation to Theology

    A Guide to Study, Conversation Practice

    by Michael Jinkins

    Are you intimidated by theology? Confused? Bored? Michael Jinkins knows it doesn't have to be that way. "Theology is our critical and prayerful reflection on the totality of life," he writes. "We all do theology on a regular basis, whether or not we are conscious of the fact." In Invitation to Theology Jinkins offers a knowledgeable, helpful and caring guide to walk you through the basics ...

  • Confessions of a Beginning Theologian, By Elouise Renich Fraser

    Confessions of a Beginning Theologian

    by Elouise Renich Fraser

    I hate looking and sounding like a beginner. Making mistakes and asking questions. Not sure yet where I'm going, much less how I'm going to get from here to there. Afraid of what might happen along the way. But God loves beginners.Becoming a theologian is about becoming a beginner. It isn't about whether you're old enough, young enough, smart enough or good enough. . . .It ...