Showing 81 - 90 of 265 results

  • IVP Booksellers is a place to provide support and information for trade stores in the business of selling InterVarsity Press books. We provide information about our titles like how to order, how to return, shipping information, out of print titles, price changes, new titles, and rights availability.

  • Liuan Huska was only in her twenties when she began experiencing pain, first in her ankle but then to her knee, her lower back, and throughout other areas in her body. It was the beginning of a years-long journey with a chronic illness that raised many questions for her about what it means to be human, and what faith looks like when daily pain is a part of one's discipleship journey.

  • In this fascinating conversation with one of the key leading Native voices in the church, Mark Charles shares so many compelling and unique insights that we had to keep the mics rolling to capture it all. You'll also hear about his reflections on his campaign for the presidency of the United States, what he feels called to pursue next in his life, and why he never intended to write a book in the first place.

  • The Softer Side of Leadership: Essential Soft Skills That Transform Leaders and the People They Lead, By Eugene B. Habecker

    The Softer Side of Leadership

    Essential Soft Skills That Transform Leaders and the People They Lead

    by Eugene B. Habecker
    With Marylou Habecker

    Many who lead or who aspire to lead rightly champion the importance of hard skills. These are skills that are informed by quantitative measurement and analytical thinking, among others. Knowing the numbers, embracing leadership tasks, and implementing the right strategies are important but no longer enough to be an effective leader. Indeed, the best of the leadership literature consistently emphasizes ...

  • Dorena Williamson is one of the featured authors in the inaugural year of IVP Kids with her newest book The Celebration Place which offers a captivating vision of the church as God intended. You will love hearing from this delightful, faithful writer who has had to push against everything from imposter syndrome to apathy about racial issues in the industry, and in so doing has created books that both children and adults can treasure.