Showing 891 - 900 of 3945 results

  • Splendour in the Dark: C. S. Lewis's Dymer in His Life and Work, By Jerry Root

    Splendour in the Dark

    C. S. Lewis's Dymer in His Life and Work

    Hansen Lectureship Series

    by Jerry Root
    Notes by David C. Downing

    Several years before he converted to Christianity, C. S. Lewis published a narrative poem, Dymer, under the pseudonym Clive Hamilton. Later, of course, Lewis became well known for his beloved imaginative stories, such as The Chronicles of Narnia and Till We Have Faces, as well as his ability to defend and articulate the faith in works such as Mere ...

  • Taking It to the Streets: Lessons from a Life of Urban Ministry, By Harry Louis Williams II

    Taking It to the Streets

    Lessons from a Life of Urban Ministry

    by Harry Louis Williams II

    • 17th Annual Outreach Magazine Resource of the Year - Church

    There's an urgent need for Christian ministry in our cities—but we need a guide. Known around Oakland, California, as "OG Rev.," Reverend Harry Williams's calling is to the streets: to the hungry, homeless, addicted, incarcerated, and vulnerable. In Taking It to the Streets, ...

  • The Enneagram Goes to Church: Wisdom for Leadership, Worship, and Congregational Life, By Todd Wilson

    The Enneagram Goes to Church

    Wisdom for Leadership, Worship, and Congregational Life

    by Todd Wilson

    If I had known the Enneagram earlier in my ministry, I would have been a much better pastor.

    When this thought came to Todd Wilson, he had already served as a pastor in several churches for the better part of fifteen years and was successfully leading a large, historic, and diverse congregation. He'd started out in ministry with a strong education in everything from ...

  • The God Who Is Triune: Revisioning the Christian Doctrine of God, By Allan Coppedge

    The God Who Is Triune

    Revisioning the Christian Doctrine of God

    by Allan Coppedge

    "We worship one God in Trinity, and Trinity in Unity." (Athanasian Creed, 6th century A.D. The triunity of the Christian God is not just one isolated doctrine among others. Allan Coppedge unfolds the implications of the trinitarian being of God for our entire understanding of the nature, character and acts of God. Building on the theology of the church from the early church fathers, tracing it ...

  • Analog Christian: Cultivating Contentment, Resilience, and Wisdom in the Digital Age, By Jay Y. Kim

    Analog Christian

    Cultivating Contentment, Resilience, and Wisdom in the Digital Age

    by Jay Y. Kim
    Foreword by Dan Kimball

    The Gospel Coaltion Award of Distinction—Christian Living

    Outreach Resource of the Year

    The digital age is in the business of commodifying our attention. The technologies of our day are determined to keep us scrolling and swiping at all costs, plugged into a feedback loop of impatience, comparison, outrage, and contempt. Blind to the ...

  • Knowing God Study Guide, By J. I. Packer

    Knowing God Study Guide

    by J. I. Packer

    Over a million people have found J. I. Packer's classic Knowing God to be an immense help, and tens of thousands have used this study guide to know God even better.

    This twenty-two-session guide takes readers through the essential truths of Packer's classic. Individuals can stretch their understanding and allow the material to change their lives. Small groups can ...

    Number of Studies: 22

  • Delighting in the Trinity: An Introduction to the Christian Faith, By Michael Reeves

    Delighting in the Trinity

    An Introduction to the Christian Faith

    by Michael Reeves

    Over 100,000 Copies Sold Worldwide!

    The Beloved Introduction to the Trinity and Christian Life

    Why is God love? Because God is a Trinity.

    Why can we be saved? Because God is a Trinity.

    How are we able to live the Christian life? Through the Trinity.

    In this lively book, we find an introduction to Christianity and the Christian life ...

  • Escape from Reason, By Francis A. Schaeffer

    Escape from Reason

    IVP Classics

    by Francis A. Schaeffer
    Foreword by J. P. Moreland

    Truth used to be based on reason. No more. What we feel is now the truest source of reality. Despite our obsession with the emotive and the experiential, we still face anxiety, despair, and purposelessness. How did we get here? And where do we find a remedy? In this modern classic, Francis A. Schaeffer traces trends in twentieth-century thought and unpacks how key ideas have shaped our ...

  • Each year, Biblical Foundations identifies the best books published in Biblical Studies. These lists offer an opportunity to recognize excellent scholarship in the field of Biblical Studies, honoring authors for their diligence in studying God’s word, as well as providing readers with an excellent list of noteworthy books to consider reading.

  • Everything Is (Not) Fine: Finding Strength When Life Gets Annoyingly Difficult, By Katie Schnack

    Everything Is (Not) Fine

    Finding Strength When Life Gets Annoyingly Difficult

    by Katie Schnack

    Sometimes the world knocks us flat on our butt.

    We feel stretched further than we ever thought physically, emotionally, or spiritually possible. And though we are torn up inside, we feel like we need to keep our chin up and put a good face on things. So we pretend that everything is fine, even though it's not.

    Even in the hardest times, strength from God rises from deep ...