Showing 891 - 900 of 2020 results

  • The Next Evangelicalism: Freeing the Church from Western Cultural Captivity, By Soong-Chan Rah

    The Next Evangelicalism

    Freeing the Church from Western Cultural Captivity

    by Soong-Chan Rah

    • 2010 Golden Canon Leadership Book Award winner

    The future is now. Philip Jenkins has chronicled how the next Christendom has shifted away from the Western church toward the global South and East. Likewise, changing demographics mean that North American society will accelerate its diversity in terms of race, ethnicity and culture. But evangelicalism has ...

  • Story-Shaped Worship: Following Patterns from the Bible and History, By Robbie F. Castleman

    Story-Shaped Worship

    Following Patterns from the Bible and History

    by Robbie F. Castleman

    What is the right way to worship? Right worship does not require a return to the identical forms found in the early church or later in Rome or after that in Westminster. What it calls for is a faithful response today to the God of our salvation in light of those biblically ordered and historically informed patterns. In this study Robbie Castleman uncovers the fundamental shape of worship. What ...

  • Holy War in the Bible: Christian Morality and an Old Testament Problem, Edited by Heath A. Thomas and Jeremy A. Evans and Paul Copan

    Holy War in the Bible

    Christian Morality and an Old Testament Problem

    Edited by Heath A. Thomas, Jeremy A. Evans, and Paul Copan

    The challenge of a seemingly genocidal God who commands ruthless warfare has bewildered Bible readers for generations. The theme of divine war is not limited to the Old Testament historical books, however. It is also prevalent in the prophets and wisdom literature as well. Still it doesn?t stop. The New Testament book of Revelation, too, is full of such imagery. Our questions multiply.

    • Why ...
  • The Blessing of Africa: The Bible and African Christianity, By Keith Augustus Burton

    The Blessing of Africa

    The Bible and African Christianity

    by Keith Augustus Burton

    According to some estimates, Africa will soon have the highest concentration of Christians in the world. But African Christianity has had a long and conflicted history. Even today, modern misinterpretations of Scripture argue for God's curse upon the dark-skinned peoples of Africa. In this comprehensive study, Keith Burton traces the story of biblical Africa and the place of the Bible in the land ...

  • From Head-Hunters to Church Planters: An Amazing Spiritual Awakening in Nagaland, By Paul Hattaway

    From Head-Hunters to Church Planters

    An Amazing Spiritual Awakening in Nagaland

    by Paul Hattaway

    There is a tendency today to associate revival and miracles with charismatic churches, but there were none of those in Nagaland when God first brought revival there. These powerful and life-changing visitations came to orderly, conservative Baptist congregations. As a result, Nagas found their true dignity not in themselves, their ethnic roots, their head-hunting, or the defense of their homeland, ...

  • Jesus, Paul and the End of the World, By Ben Witherington III

    Jesus, Paul and the End of the World

    by Ben Witherington III

    More than eighty years ago Albert Schweitzer posed a question of enduring debate for New Testament scholarship. Did Jesus--and later Paul--believe that the apocalyptic kingdom of God was about to appear, bringing an end to this world? Indeed, what were the eschatological teachings of Jesus and Paul? Is there any appreciable continuity between the two? Ben Witherington takes a hard look at the ...

  • Transformed by God: New Covenant Life and Ministry, By David G. Peterson

    Transformed by God

    New Covenant Life and Ministry

    by David G. Peterson

    What significance does the New Covenant have for life and ministry? Foundational to the New Testament understanding of Jesus is Jeremiah's promise of a "new covenant"--that God will transform our hearts. In this important new study, David Peterson expounds Jeremiah's oracle and its influence on the New Testament, as well as the relevance of the New Covenant for life today. Peterson demonstrates ...

  • The Message of Amos, By J. Alec Motyer

    The Message of Amos

    The Bible Speaks Today Series

    by J. Alec Motyer

    They neglected the needy, gained material riches through exploitation, and indulged in inauthentic religious practices. And rather than following God in the pursuit of justice, they drew on the divine name to justify their pretense. This is the social landscape in which the prophet Amos delivers a message from God. With searing clarity and daring hope, Amos calls God's people to ...

  • Proverbs, By Derek Kidner


    Kidner Classic Commentaries

    by Derek Kidner

    Proverbs—a book full of wisdom, and yet a book demanding all one's wisdom to understand. Derek Kidner has not only provided a running commentary on the whole of Proverbs, but has also included two helpful study aids: a set of subject guides that bring together teaching scattered throughout the book, and a short concordance that helps locate lost sayings (in territory notoriously hard to search) ...

  • Luke, Edited by Arthur Just Jr


    Volume 3

    Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture

    Edited by Arthur Just Jr
    General Editor Thomas C. Oden

    For the church fathers the Gospels did not serve as resources for individual analysis and academic study. They were read and heard and interpreted within the worshiping community. They served as sources for pastoral counsel and admonition for those who were committed to the Way. Although Matthew and John were generally the preferred Gospels, Luke, because of his particular interests ...