Showing 891 - 900 of 2910 results

  • Creative Church Handbook: Releasing the Power of the Arts in Your Congregation, By J. Scott McElroy Creative Church Handbook: Releasing the Power of the Arts in Your Congregation, By J. Scott McElroy

    Creative Church Handbook

    Releasing the Power of the Arts in Your Congregation

    by J. Scott McElroy

    If the future is creative, is it any wonder that sometimes the church seems stuck in the past? Now is the time for the church to reclaim its role as a center of creativity. Among your members are artists, musicians and other creatives whose gifts can enhance your worship, inform your theology and impact your community. Christian arts advocate J. Scott McElroy gives a comprehensive vision and manual ...

  • Reading Scripture with the Church Fathers, By Christopher A. Hall Reading Scripture with the Church Fathers, By Christopher A. Hall

    Reading Scripture with the Church Fathers

    by Christopher A. Hall

    Many Christians today long to become reacquainted with their ancient ancestors in the faith. They see a deeper worship and devotion in the prayers and hymns of the early church. And they believe that the writings of the early church can shed new light on their understanding of Scripture. But where and how do we begin? Our first encounter with the writings of the church fathers may seem like visiting ...

  • Centered-Set Church: Discipleship and Community Without Judgmentalism, By Mark D. Baker Centered-Set Church: Discipleship and Community Without Judgmentalism, By Mark D. Baker

    Centered-Set Church

    Discipleship and Community Without Judgmentalism

    by Mark D. Baker

    Christians can be adept at drawing lines, determining what it means to be "a good Christian" and judging those who stray out of bounds. Other times they erase all the lines in favor of a vague and inoffensive faith. Both impulses can come from positive intentions, but either can lead to stunted spiritual life and harmful relationships. Is there another option?

    The late missionary ...

  • When Narcissism Comes to Church: Healing Your Community From Emotional and Spiritual Abuse, By Chuck DeGroat When Narcissism Comes to Church: Healing Your Community From Emotional and Spiritual Abuse, By Chuck DeGroat

    When Narcissism Comes to Church

    Healing Your Community From Emotional and Spiritual Abuse

    by Chuck DeGroat
    Foreword by Richard J. Mouw

    Outreach Resource of the Year

    Why Does Narcissism Seem to Thrive in Our Churches?

    We've seen the news stories. Maybe we ourselves have been hurt by a narcissistic church leader. But what is narcissism, really? And how does it infiltrate the church?

    Chuck DeGroat has been counseling pastors with narcissistic personality disorder, ...

  • From Adam and Israel to the Church: A Biblical Theology of the People of God, By Benjamin L. Gladd From Adam and Israel to the Church: A Biblical Theology of the People of God, By Benjamin L. Gladd

    From Adam and Israel to the Church

    A Biblical Theology of the People of God

    Essential Studies in Biblical Theology

    by Benjamin L. Gladd

    Biblical Foundations Award Finalist

    What does it mean to be created in God's image? How has the fall affected this image? Who are the people of God?

    Addressing these core questions about spiritual identity, From Adam and Israel to the Church examines the nature of the people of God from Genesis to Revelation through the lens of being ...

  • Rediscipling the White Church: From Cheap Diversity to True Solidarity, By David W. Swanson Rediscipling the White Church: From Cheap Diversity to True Solidarity, By David W. Swanson

    Rediscipling the White Church

    From Cheap Diversity to True Solidarity

    by David W. Swanson
    Foreword by Brenda Salter McNeil

    "Many white Christians across America are waking up to the fact that something is seriously wrong—but often this is where we get stuck."

    Confronted by the deep-rooted racial injustice in our society, many white Christians instinctively scramble to add diversity to their churches and ministries. But is diversity really the answer to the widespread racial dysfunction we see ...

  • Attentive Church Leadership: Listening and Leading in a World We've Never Known, By Kevin G.Ford and Jim Singleton Attentive Church Leadership: Listening and Leading in a World We've Never Known, By Kevin G.Ford and Jim Singleton

    Attentive Church Leadership

    Listening and Leading in a World We've Never Known

    by Kevin G.Ford and Jim Singleton
    Foreword by Ed Stetzer

    The world has changed. The changes around us present daunting challenges to the church, and we minister in places we have never been in before. But there are no one-size-fits-all solutions because every church needs to attend to its specific situation and calling. We need to listen for not only what to do but also what not to do. In a world screaming in a thousand directions for ...

  • Confronting Sexism in the Church: How We Got Here and What We Can Do About It, By Heather Matthews Confronting Sexism in the Church: How We Got Here and What We Can Do About It, By Heather Matthews

    Confronting Sexism in the Church

    How We Got Here and What We Can Do About It

    by Heather Matthews
    Foreword by Scot McKnight

    How to Fight Sexism in the Church

    Despite the real progress that has been made in recent years, women continue to be silenced, wounded, and relegated to the sidelines in our churches. Many churches—even churches that outwardly affirm and platform women—remain unaware of the patterns and cultures at play that set up unseen barriers for women.

    This is a book for Christians ...