Showing 901 - 910 of 2388 results

  • To Alter Your World: Partnering with God to Rebirth Our Communities, By Michael Frost and Christiana Rice

    To Alter Your World

    Partnering with God to Rebirth Our Communities

    by Michael Frost and Christiana Rice

    • 15th Annual Outreach Magazine Resource of the Year - Also Recommended in Church

    In Christ, a new world is being born and the new creation is unfurling all around us. God is directing history toward the future restoration, repair, and renewal of all creation. And our job is to cooperate with God in being a sign and foretaste of that coming world. Renowned missional ...

  • 1 Corinthians, Edited by Scott M. Manetsch

    1 Corinthians

    New Testament Volume 9A

    Reformation Commentary on Scripture

    Edited by Scott M. Manetsch

    In his first letter to the church in Corinth, Paul writes, "I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures" (1 Cor 15:3-4 ESV). Reflecting on Paul's summary of the gospel, sixteenth-century biblical commentator, theologian, ...

  • Structured for Mission: Renewing the Culture of the Church, By Alan J. Roxburgh

    Structured for Mission

    Renewing the Culture of the Church

    by Alan J. Roxburgh

    The church is living in a time of massive, unprecedented change. Traditional institutions and structures are unraveling in response to rapid social, demographic and economic developments. The existing ways of being the church are no longer meaningful to many. How should the church respond? Many seek to address this situation by tweaking the established institutions, finding new structures, reorganizing ...

  • Saving the Bible from Ourselves: Learning to Read and Live the Bible Well, By Glenn R. Paauw

    Saving the Bible from Ourselves

    Learning to Read and Live the Bible Well

    by Glenn R. Paauw

    • ECPA 2017 Christian Book Award Finalist

    Does the Bible need to be saved? Over the course of the centuries, Bible scholars and publishers have increasingly added "helps"—chapter divisions, verses, subheads, notes—to the Bible in an effort to make it easier to study and understand. In the process, however, these have led to sampling Scripture rather than reading ...

  • Jonathan Edwards and Deification: Reconciling Theosis and the Reformed Tradition, By James R. Salladin

    Jonathan Edwards and Deification

    Reconciling Theosis and the Reformed Tradition

    New Explorations in Theology

    by James R. Salladin

    The doctrine of deification or theosis is typically associated with the Eastern Orthodox tradition. Indeed, the language of participation in the divine nature as a way to understand salvation often sounds like strange music in the ears of Western Christians despite passages like 2 Peter 1:4 where it appears. However, recent scholarship has argued that the theologies of ...

  • Chrysostom's Devil: Demons, the Will, and Virtue in Patristic Soteriology, By Samantha L. Miller

    Chrysostom's Devil

    Demons, the Will, and Virtue in Patristic Soteriology

    New Explorations in Theology

    by Samantha L. Miller

    For many Christians today, the notion that demons should play a role in our faith—or that they even exist—may seem dubious. But that was certainly not the case for John Chrysostom, the "golden-tongued" early church preacher and theologian who became the bishop of Constantinople near the end of the fourth century. Indeed, references to demons and the devil permeate his rhetoric. ...

  • Reading Scripture as the Church: Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Hermeneutic of Discipleship, By Derek W. Taylor

    Reading Scripture as the Church

    Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Hermeneutic of Discipleship

    New Explorations in Theology

    by Derek W. Taylor

    The Bible is meant to be read in the church, by the church, as the church.

    Although the practice of reading Scripture has often become separated from its ecclesial context, theologian Derek Taylor argues that it rightly belongs to the disciplines of the community of faith. He finds a leading example of this approach in the theology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who regarded the ...

  • T. F. Torrance as Missional Theologian: The Ascended Christ and the Ministry of the Church, By Joseph H. Sherrard

    T. F. Torrance as Missional Theologian

    The Ascended Christ and the Ministry of the Church

    New Explorations in Theology

    by Joseph H. Sherrard
    Foreword by Alan Torrance

    Christ has ascended. Yet his work continues.

    Much has been made of a "missional" view of the church in recent theological literature, but largely overlooked in this discussion has been the contribution that T. F. Torrance, the late Church of Scotland minister and theologian, can make to this discussion. Addressing this lacuna, theologian and pastor Joseph Sherrard considers ...

  • Recovering the Full Mission of God: A Biblical Perspective on Being, Doing and Telling, By Dean Flemming

    Recovering the Full Mission of God

    A Biblical Perspective on Being, Doing and Telling

    by Dean Flemming

    Is our gospel witness too small? Should the gospel be proclaimed in words only? Or should we preach the gospel in deeds—and when necessary use words? Or are we missing something in playing the witness of words against deeds? If you are concerned about evangelizing the post-Christian West or the world beyond, you have probably debated this issue. And evangelical instincts drive us to Scripture. ...