Showing 921 - 930 of 1065 results

  • In her book "Nobody's Mother," New Testament scholar Sandra Glahn digs deep into evidence about the ancient Greek goddess Artemis of the Ephesians from both biblical and classical sources in order to bring into focus Paul's teaching in 1 Timothy. Read this interview to learn more about her thoughts on scholarship, mentoring, and the role of story in academic writing.

  • Justification: Five Views, Edited by James K. Beilby and Paul Rhodes Eddy


    Five Views

    Spectrum Multiview Book Series

    Edited by James K. Beilby and Paul Rhodes Eddy
    Associate Editor Steven E. Enderlein
    Contributions by Michael S. Horton, Michael F. Bird, James D. G. Dunn, Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen, Gerald O'Collins, and Oliver Rafferty

    "Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ" (Rom 5:1). When Paul wrote these words he seemed confident he had made himself clear.

    But for centuries the Pauline doctrine of justification has been a classic point of interpretation and debate in Christian exegesis and theology. And while in recent decades there have ...

  • Embracing Evolution: How Understanding Science Can Strengthen Your Christian Life, By Matthew Nelson Hill

    Embracing Evolution

    How Understanding Science Can Strengthen Your Christian Life

    by Matthew Nelson Hill
    Foreword by J. Richard Middleton

    Christians often have a complicated relationship with science—especially when it comes to evolution. In recent years there has been an explosion in scientific understanding of evolutionary theory and its implications for human nature. Yet many Christians still see evolution as at best irrelevant to their faith and at worst threatening to it. Is it possible that adopting an evolutionary ...

  • Seven Lies About Sex, By Alice Fryling

    Seven Lies About Sex

    IVP Booklets

    by Alice Fryling

    Why should we wait for sex? How can we wait? And what if it's already too late? We believe what we want to, whether or not it is true. We buy into cultural lies about what to value and how to spend our time and resources. And when it comes to relationships, intimacy and sexuality, our culture almost always encourages us to choose the easy lie over the hard truth. The problem is that building relationships ...

  • Living Your Legacy: An Action-Packed Guide for the Later Years, By Sandy Larsen and Dale Larsen

    Living Your Legacy

    An Action-Packed Guide for the Later Years

    by Sandy Larsen and Dale Larsen

    No matter what stage of life we find ourselves in, we may wonder if what we've done with our time on earth bears any significance. But this question becomes especially important when our expectations for lifelong achievement and ability in later years come face to face with a reality that may not meet those lifelong hopes. It's common to ask, "Who am I now? How should I invest these years? Must ...

  • Emmanuel Kolini: The Unlikely Archbishop of Rwanda, By Mary Weeks Millard

    Emmanuel Kolini

    The Unlikely Archbishop of Rwanda

    by Mary Weeks Millard

    Turbulent times of wars, oppression and adverse living conditions can break a man or forge him into a leader who inspires us. Such a man is Emmanuel Kolini, Archbishop of Rwanda and one of the leaders in the global Anglican Communion. He was born in a part of Africa that has had a long and troubling history of racial hatred and bloodshed. The author gives us a background and context for this hatred ...

  • Portraits of God: A Biblical Theology of Holiness, By Allan Coppedge

    Portraits of God

    A Biblical Theology of Holiness

    by Allan Coppedge

    What is God like? Answering this is the great quest of human existence. Because God is so different from us, we struggle to describe him. While doctrinal statements about God certainly have their place in Christian understanding, the Bible more often uses God's actions and roles to help us know him better. Indeed, some of the most helpful insights in Scripture arise when God is compared to something ...

  • Unlost: Being Found by the One We Are Looking For, By Michael Hidalgo


    Being Found by the One We Are Looking For

    by Michael Hidalgo

    • 2014 Readers' Choice Award Winner

    Michael Hidalgo writes: "I grew up in a Christianized world. I always attended Christian schools, and after high school, I even went to a Bible school for a year before eventually going to a Christian college. All the while, I was never interested in what others thought I should do and not do. I never really saw myself as a bad ...

  • The Historical Jesus: Five Views, Edited by James K. Beilby and Paul R. Eddy

    The Historical Jesus

    Five Views

    Spectrum Multiview Book Series

    Edited by James K. Beilby and Paul R. Eddy
    Contributions by Robert M. Price, John Dominic Crossan, Luke Timothy Johnson, James D. G. Dunn, and Darrell L. Bock

    Christianity Today Book Award winner

    The scholarly quest for the historical Jesus has a distinguished pedigree in modern Western religious and historical scholarship, with names such as Strauss, Schweitzer and Bultmann highlighting the story. Since the early 1990s, when the Jesus quest was reawakened for a third run, numerous significant books have ...