Showing 931 - 940 of 1065 results

  • Disabling Mission, Enabling Witness: Exploring Missiology Through the Lens of Disability Studies, By Benjamin T. Conner

    Disabling Mission, Enabling Witness

    Exploring Missiology Through the Lens of Disability Studies

    Missiological Engagements

    by Benjamin T. Conner

    In recent decades churches have accommodated people with disabilities in various ways. Through access ramps and elevators and sign language, disabled persons are invited in to worship. But are they actually enfolded into the church's mission? Have the able-bodied come to recognize and appreciate the potential contributions of people with disabilities in the ministry and witness of the church? Benjamin ...

  • Intercultural Theology, Volume Two: Theologies of Mission, By Henning Wrogemann

    Intercultural Theology, Volume Two

    Theologies of Mission

    Missiological Engagements

    by Henning Wrogemann

    Christianity is not only a global but also an intercultural phenomenon.

    In this second volume of his three-volume Intercultural Theology, Henning Wrogemann turns to theologies of mission. Mission theologies, he argues, are found in a wide range of implicit as well as explicit forms, from the practice of Christian presence by a Pakistani Christian among a marginalized ...

  • The Essential Jesus: 100 Readings Through the Bible's Greatest Story, By Whitney T. Kuniholm

    The Essential Jesus

    100 Readings Through the Bible's Greatest Story

    by Whitney T. Kuniholm

    Jesus is the most influential person of human history. "Jesus never became a political, military or government leader; he never wanted to. He never owned a multinational corporation or acquired any wealth to speak of; he didn't need it. He never wrote a book, never staged a concert tour, never appeared on television and never had a radio talk show--or even his own blog. . . . What's so special ...

  • Soul-Shaping Small Groups: A Refreshing Approach for Exasperated Leaders, By Kim V. Engelmann

    Soul-Shaping Small Groups

    A Refreshing Approach for Exasperated Leaders

    by Kim V. Engelmann
    Foreword by John Ortberg

    Is your small group boring? (It's okay to be honest.) Do you sometimes have to force yourself to attend the meetings (even the meetings you lead!)? Do you wonder if small groups are doing anything for your spiritual growth? Kim Engelmann, a pastor and small group leader, describes how she felt about one small group she attended: "It is Thursday evening--small group night. I . . . hesitate before ...

  • Planting a Church Without Losing Your Soul: Nine Questions for the Spiritually Formed Pastor, By Tim Morey

    Planting a Church Without Losing Your Soul

    Nine Questions for the Spiritually Formed Pastor

    by Tim Morey
    Foreword by Scott W. Sunquist

    Christianity Today Book Award

    What does it take to be a church planter or other ministry entrepreneur? Most leaders start out with passion, a sense of calling, and a focus on building ministry skills. Such things might get some results, but they are not enough to sustain a healthy ministry—or a healthy life. Beyond the vocational capacities every ...

  • 6 Modern Myths About Christianity & Western Civilization, By Philip J. Sampson

    6 Modern Myths About Christianity & Western Civilization

    by Philip J. Sampson

    When did you last encounter a myth? Maybe watching a movie, touring a museum or browsing the sci-fi section of your local bookstore? To contemporary men and women, myths seem mere relics of a premodern era--legendary stories of capricious gods, heroic deeds and lost cities. The physical and social anxieties that gave rise to myths have been dealt with more productively in our century by science, ...

  • Anxious: Choosing Faith in a World of Worry, By Amy Simpson


    Choosing Faith in a World of Worry

    by Amy Simpson

    Advanced Writers and Speakers Association's Golden Scroll Merit Award

    12th Annual Outreach Resource of the Year Recommendation

    Our culture is frantic with worry. We stress over circumstances we can't control, we talk about what's keeping us up at night and we wring our hands over the fate of disadvantaged people all over the world, almost as ...

  • Disability and the Way of Jesus: Holistic Healing in the Gospels and the Church, By Bethany McKinney Fox

    Disability and the Way of Jesus

    Holistic Healing in the Gospels and the Church

    by Bethany McKinney Fox
    Foreword by John Swinton

    • 2019 IVP Readers' Choice Award

    What does healing mean for people with disabilities? The Gospels are filled with accounts of Jesus offering physical healing. But even as churches today seek to follow the way of Jesus, people with disabilities all too often experience the very opposite of healing and life-giving community: exclusion, judgment, barriers. ...

  • The Folly of Prayer: Practicing the Presence and Absence of God, By Matt Woodley

    The Folly of Prayer

    Practicing the Presence and Absence of God

    by Matt Woodley

    Prayer can feel mysteriously difficult, boringly perfunctory and frustratingly out of our control. Often prayer brings us comfort, but sometimes, especially when there aren?t easy resolutions or prayers go unanswered, it intensifies and focuses our sense of longing, pain and care. And often God uses our times of darkness and desperation to awaken our hearts to the ache within us--and the cries of ...

  • Thriving with Stone Age Minds: Evolutionary Psychology, Christian Faith, and the Quest for Human Flourishing, By Justin L. Barrett

    Thriving with Stone Age Minds

    Evolutionary Psychology, Christian Faith, and the Quest for Human Flourishing

    BioLogos Books on Science and Christianity

    by Justin L. Barrett
    With Pamela Ebstyne King

    What does God's creation of humanity through the process of evolution mean for human flourishing? The emerging field of evolutionary psychology remains controversial, perhaps especially among Christians. Yet according to Justin Barrett and Pamela Ebstyne King it can be a powerful tool for understanding human nature and our distinctively human purpose.

    Thriving with Stone ...