Showing 941 - 950 of 3945 results

  • Exploring Christology and Atonement: Conversations with John McLeod Campbell, H. R. Mackintosh and T. F. Torrance, By Andrew Purves

    Exploring Christology and Atonement

    Conversations with John McLeod Campbell, H. R. Mackintosh and T. F. Torrance

    by Andrew Purves

    Andrew Purves, the author of many works in pastoral theology, has spent his life exploring the significance of Jesus Christ for the life of the church. As a professor of historical theology, he has also investigated the significance of patristic and Reformed theology for understanding Christ. In Exploring Christology and Atonement, Purves brings these concerns together. If pastoral theology ...

  • The Trinity in the Book of Revelation: Seeing Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in John's Apocalypse, By Brandon D. Smith

    The Trinity in the Book of Revelation

    Seeing Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in John's Apocalypse

    Studies in Christian Doctrine and Scripture

    by Brandon D. Smith
    Foreword by Lewis Ayres

    How should we read the book of Revelation?

    Interpreting Scripture faithfully is a challenge with regard to any text and for any reader of the Bible. But perhaps no text confronts and confuses readers as much as the book of Revelation. With its vivid imagery and rich prophetic language, John's Apocalypse provokes and stirs our imaginations. Some have viewed it primarily as ...

  • Desiring God's Will: Aligning Our Hearts with the Heart of God, By David G. Benner

    Desiring God's Will

    Aligning Our Hearts with the Heart of God

    The Spiritual Journey

    by David G. Benner
    Foreword by Thomas H. Green

    Most people think of God's will as something to be found or as the receiving of guidance from God when making decisions. Too often, however, the problem is not that we don't know what God desires for our lives, but rather that we just don't want to do what we already know he wants. How might our wills be changed so that we become both willing and able to do what God asks of us? In Desiring ...

  • Peril in Paradise: Theology, Science, and the Age of the Earth, By Mark S. Whorton

    Peril in Paradise

    Theology, Science, and the Age of the Earth

    by Mark S. Whorton

    Young Earth vs.Old Earth. The debate has gone on for centuries, with most modern Christians disputing the scientific claim of an ancient earth. But is an old earth truly inconsistent with Scripture? Dr. Mark Whorton seeks to give biblically based answers and challenge the modern thinking that to be an evangelical Christian is to believe in a young earth. Using evidence as diverse as the bombardier ...

  • In Search of Christ in Latin America: From Colonial Image to Liberating Savior, By Samuel Escobar

    In Search of Christ in Latin America

    From Colonial Image to Liberating Savior

    by Samuel Escobar
    Foreword by C. René Padilla

    • Ten Outstanding Books in Mission Studies, World Christianity and Intercultural Theology for 2019 — International Bulletin of Mission Research (IBMR)

    Noted theologian Samuel Escobar offers a magisterial survey and study of Christology in Latin America. Starting with the first Spanish influence and moving through popular religiosity and liberationist themes in Catholic ...

  • Structured for Mission: Renewing the Culture of the Church, By Alan J. Roxburgh

    Structured for Mission

    Renewing the Culture of the Church

    by Alan J. Roxburgh

    The church is living in a time of massive, unprecedented change. Traditional institutions and structures are unraveling in response to rapid social, demographic and economic developments. The existing ways of being the church are no longer meaningful to many. How should the church respond? Many seek to address this situation by tweaking the established institutions, finding new structures, reorganizing ...

  • Voices and Views on Paul: Exploring Scholarly Trends, By Ben Witherington III and Jason A. Myers

    Voices and Views on Paul

    Exploring Scholarly Trends

    by Ben Witherington III and Jason A. Myers

    ECPA Top Shelf Book Cover Award

    In the field of Pauline studies, much has changed over the last twenty years. Since Ben Witherington III first published his influential book The Paul Quest, monumental works have appeared from scholars such as James D. G. Dunn, N. T. Wright, E. P. Sanders, and John Barclay. The New Perspective is no longer new, and ...

  • Providence & Prayer: How Does God Work in the World?, By Terrance L. Tiessen

    Providence & Prayer

    How Does God Work in the World?

    by Terrance L. Tiessen

    • Recipient of an Honourable Mention in the 2001 God Uses Ink Contest

    "Lord, please give me a parking space!"

    That prayer sounds right on your third time around the block, frustrated and late for an appointment. But is it consistent with how God works in the world?

    Does prayer change God's mind or only our feelings? Does God do things because ...

  • We Believe in One Lord Jesus Christ, Edited by John Anthony McGuckin

    We Believe in One Lord Jesus Christ

    Ancient Christian Doctrine Series

    Edited by John Anthony McGuckin

    "Who do you say that I am?" This question that Jesus asked of his disciples, so central to his mission, became equally central to the fledgling church. How would it respond to the Gnostics who answered by saying Jesus was less than fully human? How would it respond to the Arians who contended he was less than fully God? It was these challenges that ultimately provoked the Council ...

  • The Meaning of Singleness: Retrieving an Eschatological Vision for the Contemporary Church, By Danielle Treweek

    The Meaning of Singleness

    Retrieving an Eschatological Vision for the Contemporary Church

    by Danielle Treweek
    Foreword by Kutter Callaway

    Is Christian singleness a burden to be endured or a God-ordained vocation? Might singleness here and now give the church a glimpse of God's heavenly promises?

    Dani Treweek offers biblical, historical, cultural, and theological reflections to retrieve a theology of singleness for the church today. Drawing upon both ancient and contemporary theologians, including Augustine, ...