Showing 941 - 950 of 2388 results

  • Water from a Deep Well: Christian Spirituality from Early Martyrs to Modern Missionaries, By Gerald L. Sittser

    Water from a Deep Well

    Christian Spirituality from Early Martyrs to Modern Missionaries

    by Gerald L. Sittser
    Foreword by Eugene H. Peterson

    In Rome in A.D. 165, two men named Carpus and Papylus stood before the proconsul of Pergamum, charged with the crime of being Christians. Not even torture could make them deny Christ, so they were burned alive. Is my faithfulness as strong? In the fifth century, Melania the Younger and her husband, Pinian, distributed their enormous wealth to the poor and intentionally practiced the discipline ...

  • Interpreting Deuteronomy: Issues and Approaches, Edited byDavid G. Firth and Philip S. Johnston

    Interpreting Deuteronomy

    Issues and Approaches

    Edited by David G. Firth and Philip S. Johnston

    The book of Deuteronomy has been immensely influential, not least within the Old Testament itself. It is found among the most frequently occurring manuscripts at Qumran, and it is also one of the Old Testament books most frequently cited in the New Testament. In Matthew?s Gospel, it is Deuteronomy which Jesus cites in rejecting temptation. As with so many other Old Testament books, study of Deuteronomy ...

  • Talking About Good and Bad Without Getting Ugly: A Guide to Moral Persuasion, By Paul Chamberlain

    Talking About Good and Bad Without Getting Ugly

    A Guide to Moral Persuasion

    by Paul Chamberlain

    Abortion. Gay marriage. Euthanasia. How do we talk about these issues in a pluralistic society? The truth is that we often avoid such conversations in order not to offend others or appear "intolerant." But in doing so, we miss out on opportunities to influence others' views and make a real difference in the world. In Talking About Good and Bad Without Getting Ugly, Paul Chamberlain offers ...

  • The Meaning of the Pentateuch: Revelation, Composition and Interpretation, By John H. Sailhamer

    The Meaning of the Pentateuch

    Revelation, Composition and Interpretation

    by John H. Sailhamer

    Biblical Foundations Book Award

    The Pentateuch is the foundation for understanding the Old Testament and the Bible as a whole. Yet through the centuries it has been probed and dissected, weighed and examined, its text peeled back for its underlying history, its discourse analyzed and its words weighed. Could there be any stone in Sinai yet unturned? Surprisingly, there is. ...

  • Becoming Curious: A Spiritual Practice of Asking Questions, By Casey Tygrett

    Becoming Curious

    A Spiritual Practice of Asking Questions

    by Casey Tygrett
    Foreword by James Bryan Smith

    Curiosity is essential to growth. A little curiosity moves us deeper into the lives of the people around us. A little curiosity leads to opportunities we never knew existed. A little curiosity helps us understand our own strange emotions. A little curiosity, if focused on Jesus, will make us more like him. Pastor and spiritual director Casey Tygrett loves to ask questions. ...

  • Signals of Transcendence: Listening to the Promptings of Life, By Os Guinness

    Signals of Transcendence

    Listening to the Promptings of Life

    by Os Guinness

    There must be something more to life.

    The modern world is a place of great distraction, and it can be difficult to make sense of our human existence. But at some point in our lives, we may experience particular moments that prompt us to search for something deeper. Sociologist Peter Berger described these hints and clues as "signals of transcendence" that awaken us to unseen ...

  • A Christian Field Guide to Technology for Engineers and Designers, By Ethan J. Brue and Derek C. Schuurman and Steven H. VanderLeest

    A Christian Field Guide to Technology for Engineers and Designers

    by Ethan J. Brue, Derek C. Schuurman, and Steven H. VanderLeest

    Our technology shapes the way we live, interact, work, play, and even worship. Technology and its power are both old and new—as is the wisdom we need to envision, design, build, and use it well. For Christians passionate about developing technology, it's not always clear how their faith and work intersect. How can designing and using technology actually be a way of loving God and ...

  • The Way of Grace: Finding God on the Path of Surrender, By Glandion Carney

    The Way of Grace

    Finding God on the Path of Surrender

    by Glandion Carney
    With Marjean Brooks
    Foreword by Richard J. Foster

    Readers' Choice Awards Honorable Mention

    Distinguished Honorable Mention, from Byron Borger, Hearts and Minds Bookstore

    "No matter how old you are or how many degrees you have or don't have—when grace takes you to school, you start in kindergarten."

    This was the experience of Reverend Glandion Carney when he was given the life-altering news that ...

  • More Than Equals: Racial Healing for the Sake of the Gospel, By Spencer Perkins and Chris Rice

    More Than Equals

    Racial Healing for the Sake of the Gospel

    The IVP Signature Collection

    by Spencer Perkins and Chris Rice

    "The first step in the reconciliation process," Spencer Perkins writes, "is admitting that the race problem exists and that our inability to deal with race has weakened the credibility of our gospel."

    When longtime ministry partners and friends Spencer Perkins and Chris Rice began writing More Than Equals in the early 1990s, their goal was to offer an example of how ...

  • Rethinking the Police: An Officer's Confession and the Pathway to Reform, By Daniel Reinhardt

    Rethinking the Police

    An Officer's Confession and the Pathway to Reform

    by Daniel Reinhardt

    A former officer grapples with the reality of our broken police culture

    Our society has long been stuck in cultural and ideological battles about police brutality and the police force's broken relationship with our communities. Rethinking the Police promises to start a more hopeful conversation.

    Daniel Reinhardt spent twenty-four years as a police officer near ...