Showing 981 - 990 of 2700 results

  • Addiction and Virtue: Beyond the Models of Disease and Choice, By Kent Dunnington

    Addiction and Virtue

    Beyond the Models of Disease and Choice

    Strategic Initiatives in Evangelical Theology

    by Kent Dunnington

    What is the nature of addiction? Neither of the two dominant models (disease or choice) adequately accounts for the experience of those who are addicted or of those who are seeking to help them. In this interdisciplinary work, Kent Dunnington brings the neglected resources of philosophical and theological analysis to bear on the problem of addiction. Drawing on the insights of Aristotle and Thomas ...

  • In this interview, author and Christian leader Richard Stearns shares wisdom from a long career in both corporate and ministry leadership. Offering advice from his own experience, he previews many of the themes from his new book Lead Like It Matters to God, including the power of encouragement for motivating others and how our leadership needs to adapt in today's cultural climate.

  • Ephesians, By Walter L. Liefeld


    The IVP New Testament Commentary Series

    by Walter L. Liefeld

    "More than any other book of the Bible, Ephesians displays the great purpose and plan of God for the church," Walter Liefeld writes. "It provides a perspective that is unique: God's--and the believer's--view from the 'heavenly realms.'" For those who long to delve into the mind and purposes of God, few books are more helpful than Paul's letter to the Ephesians. Here the apostle paints in broad ...

  • Acts, Edited by Esther Chung-Kim and Todd R. Hains


    New Testament Volume 6

    Reformation Commentary on Scripture

    Edited by Esther Chung-Kim and Todd R. Hains

    Preaching's Preacher's Guide to the Best Bible Reference

    The Reformation was a call to return with renewed vigor to the biblical roots of Christian faith and practice. Still, for the Reformers, the truth of the Bible could never be separated from the true community of God's people gathered by his Word. In the book of Acts, they found God's blueprint for how the church ...

  • The Jonathan Effect: Helping Kids and Schools Win the Battle Against Poverty, By Mike Tenbusch

    The Jonathan Effect

    Helping Kids and Schools Win the Battle Against Poverty

    by Mike Tenbusch

    America may be called the "land of opportunity," but countless kids and teens are struggling like young Davids in the urban wilderness, attempting to fight the giant of poverty under insurmountable odds. What could make a difference? The presence of a "Jonathan" in their lives to offer them the life-giving support they need to survive and thrive. The church is the best source of these Jonathans, ...

  • Strength in Weakness: Healing Sexual and Relational Brokenness, By Andrew Comiskey

    Strength in Weakness

    Healing Sexual and Relational Brokenness

    by Andrew Comiskey

    Help and hope for men . . .

    • undermined by silent fathers
    • harassed by pornography and sexual temptation
    • afraid of failing those they love most
    • angered by past relationships with women

    Help and hope for women . . .

    • lost in their relationships with others
    • betrayed by fathers, husbands or male leaders
    • wounded by sexual assault
    • paralyzed ...
  • Christian Beliefs, By Stephen Eyre

    Christian Beliefs

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by Stephen Eyre

    Christian beliefs are vital to Christian living. They are the foundation of your relationship with God—and even with others. So . . . what do Christians believe? In this twelve-session LifeGuide® Bible Study, Stephen Eyre introduces one by one twelve key tenets of the Christian faith. Here is what you need to know (and tell others!) about God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, human nature, sin, ...

    Number of Studies: 12

  • Theology and the Mirror of Scripture: A Mere Evangelical Account, By Kevin J. Vanhoozer and Daniel J. Treier

    Theology and the Mirror of Scripture

    A Mere Evangelical Account

    Studies in Christian Doctrine and Scripture

    by Kevin J. Vanhoozer and Daniel J. Treier

    Evangelicalism has long been a hotly disputed label, and what counts as evangelical theology is often anyone's guess. Is evangelicalism a static bounded set defined by clear doctrinal limits, or is it a dynamic centered set without a discernible circumference?

    In this Studies in Christian Doctrine and Scripture volume, Kevin Vanhoozer and Daniel Treier present evangelical ...

  • The Dangerous Act of Worship: Living God's Call to Justice, By Mark Labberton

    The Dangerous Act of Worship

    Living God's Call to Justice

    by Mark Labberton
    Foreword by John Ortberg

    What's at stake in our worship? Everything. Worship is the dangerous act of waking up to God and God's purposes in the world. But something has gone wrong with our worship. Too often worship has become a place of safety and complacency, a narrowly private experience in which solitary individuals only express their personal adoration. Even when we gather corporately, we often close our eyes to those ...