Showing 1 - 10 of 539 results

  • Keeping Place: Reflections on the Meaning of Home, By Jen Pollock Michel

    Keeping Place

    Reflections on the Meaning of Home

    by Jen Pollock Michel
    Foreword by Scott Sauls

    To be human is to long for home. Home is our most fundamental human longing. And for many of us homesickness is a nagging place of grief. This book connects that desire and disappointment with the story of the Bible, helping us to see that there is a homemaking God with wide arms of welcome—and a church commissioned with this same work. "Many of us seem to be recovering the sacred, ...

  • Race and Place: How Urban Geography Shapes the Journey to Reconciliation, By David P. Leong

    Race and Place

    How Urban Geography Shapes the Journey to Reconciliation

    by David P. Leong
    Foreword by Soong-Chan Rah

    Geography matters. We long for diverse, thriving neighborhoods and churches, yet racial injustices persist. Why? Because geographic structures and systems create barriers to reconciliation and prevent the flourishing of our communities. Race and Place reveals the profound ways in which these geographic forces and structures sustain the divisions among us. Urban missiologist ...

  • No Place for Sovereignty: What's Wrong with Freewill Theism, By R. K. McGregor Wright

    No Place for Sovereignty

    What's Wrong with Freewill Theism

    by R. K. McGregor Wright

    In recent years an increasing number of evangelical thinkers have called for a reevaluation of our understanding of God, making a case for what has variously been called "freewill theism" or the "open view" of God. R. K. McGregor Wright sees their efforts not as something radically new, but a contemporary reaffirmation of Arminianism. Concerned that evangelicals may soon find no place for sovereignty ...

  • No Place for Abuse: Biblical  Practical Resources to Counteract Domestic Violence, By Catherine Clark Kroeger and Nancy Nason-Clark

    No Place for Abuse

    Biblical Practical Resources to Counteract Domestic Violence

    by Catherine Clark Kroeger and Nancy Nason-Clark

    Domestic violence is a leading cause of injury and death to women worldwide. Nearly one in four women around the globe is physically or sexually abused in her lifetime, and gender violence causes more death and disability among women aged 15 to 44 than cancer, malaria, traffic accidents or war. Regrettably, the church is not immune to this problem. Numerous studies suggest that incident rates among ...

  • A Place for Truth: Leading Thinkers Explore Life's Hardest Questions, Edited by Dallas Willard

    A Place for Truth

    Leading Thinkers Explore Life's Hardest Questions

    Veritas Books

    Edited by Dallas Willard

    Many today pursue knowledge and even wisdom. But what about truth? In an age that disputes whether truth can be universalized beyond one's own personal experience, it seems quaint to speak of finding truth. But whether in the ivory towers of the academy or in the midst of our everyday lives, we continue to seek after the true, the beautiful and the good. Since its founding at Harvard in 1992, The ...

  • Journal Keeping: Writing for Spiritual Growth, By Luann Budd

    Journal Keeping

    Writing for Spiritual Growth

    by Luann Budd

    Would you like to journal, but you're not sure how to start? Do you love to journal, but need some fresh ideas? Here's a book to help you discover (or recover) the power of writing as a spiritual discipline. In these pages you'll find intriguing and encouraging insights on topics like "ordinary things," "discovery journaling," "drawing from another's well" and "dialogue journaling with Scriptures." ...

  • Sabbath Keeping: Finding Freedom in the Rhythms of Rest, By Lynne M. Baab

    Sabbath Keeping

    Finding Freedom in the Rhythms of Rest

    by Lynne M. Baab

    Let's give ourselves an A for effort.

    • We keep our minds so preoccupied with work projects that we act and think on autopilot.
    • We keep our kids so occupied with activities that they need day planners before grade school.
    • We keep our schedules so full with church meetings and housekeeping and even entertaining that down-time sounds like a mortal sin.

    When we ...

  • The Celebration Place: God's Plan for a Delightfully Diverse Church, By Dorena Williamson

    The Celebration Place

    God's Plan for a Delightfully Diverse Church

    by Dorena Williamson
    Illustrated by Erin Bennett Banks


    No longer is church a divided space
    Now it's a celebration place!

    Church is more than just a building—it's a gathering of God's people to celebrate who he is and all that he has done. It's also where we learn about God's vision for justice and unity. That was the message that Dr. Martin ...

  • Resting Place: A Personal Guide to Spiritual Retreats, By Jane A. Rubietta

    Resting Place

    A Personal Guide to Spiritual Retreats

    by Jane A. Rubietta

    A personal retreat. We've never needed it more. We run from one place to the next--from meetings and appointments to our kid's soccer practice, from class to work to choir rehearsal, from the grocery store to small group--and then drop into bed later than we hoped, exhausted and dreading the morning. We want to slow down but don't know how and don't really believe that we can. And often, the idea ...

  • Keeping Place: Reflections on the Meaning of Home, By Jen Pollock Michel Keeping Place: Reflections on the Meaning of Home, By Jen Pollock Michel

    Keeping Place

    Reflections on the Meaning of Home

    by Jen Pollock Michel
    Foreword by Scott Sauls

    To be human is to long for home. Home is our most fundamental human longing. And for many of us homesickness is a nagging place of grief. This book connects that desire and disappointment with the story of the Bible, helping us to see that there is a homemaking God with wide arms of welcome—and a church commissioned with this same work. "Many of us seem to be recovering the sacred, ...