A Book of Prayers: A Guide to Public and Personal Intercession, By Arthur A. R. Nelson

A Book of Prayers

A Guide to Public and Personal Intercession

by Arthur A. R. Nelson

A Book of Prayers
  • Length: 191 pages
  • Published: December 06, 2012
  • Imprint: IVP
  • Item Code: 5736
  • ISBN: 9780830857364

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In the spirit of the Book of Common Prayer, Art Nelson provides a new collection of public and private prayers to help us meet the uncertainties of life with the dignity of prayer.

Often when situations of very specific pain or joy arise (pregnancy at risk, marriage crisis, addiction, psychosis, incarceration, rape, celebrating wedding or anniversary, victory over abuse, etc.), we struggle to find the right words to pray for that situation. The high emotion of the moment or the longstanding nature of a chronic illness or the shock of enduring a national crisis leave us frustrated at just the time when we want and need to pray.

This is a difficult and uncertain time for individuals, communities and nations. These timely and sensitive prayers are meant to stimulate reflection and provide reassurance--both for us and for those we pray for.

"Art Nelson has created a wonderful resource for pastors and for all who use prayer for themselves and in their ministry with others. I especially recommend A Book of Prayers to Stephen Ministers. As one who has felt a special call to mentor pastors of all denominations as they strive for excellence, I heartily recommend this wonderful book authored by my good friend and colleague Art Nelson."

Rev. Dr. Donald H. Fagerberg, founder, Ministry Mentors


Praying the Inner Life
Prayers for Times of Grief
Prayers for Times of Difficulty
Prayers for Ongoing Illness
Prayers for Healing
Prayers for a Marriage
Prayers for Parents and Children
Prayers for Celebrations
Prayers for Home and Church
Praying for Our Larger World
Praying for the Year's Seasons
Praying the Scriptures


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Arthur A. R. Nelson

Arthur A. R. Nelson presently serves as the chair of the board of Ministry Mentors, Inc. and as parish associate at Winnetka Covenant Church. He has pastored churches throughout the United States. He also served as the Dean of North Park University and Seminary in Chicago. He is also the author of Prayers: Public and Personal (Covenant Publications).