A Little Book for New Preachers: Why and How to Study Homiletics, By Matthew D. Kim alt

A Little Book for New Preachers

Why and How to Study Homiletics

Little Books

by Matthew D. Kim

A Little Book for New Preachers
  • Length: 128 pages
  • Dimensions: 0 × 0 in
  • Published: January 14, 2020
  • Imprint: IVP Academic
  • Item Code: 7021
  • ISBN: 9780830870219

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One of the central tasks of pastoral ministry is preaching the Word of God.

Yet those who are called to ministry may feel unprepared, unable, or unwilling to step into this role. Moreover, the discipline of homiletics sometimes gets lost amid the exegetical questions, theological debates, and denominational disputes that overwhelm our attention.

In this brief introduction to preaching, Matthew Kim helps to prepare those called to preach the Word. A seasoned preacher himself, Kim provides proven insight and guidance about the importance and history of preaching, the characteristics of faithful preaching, and the personal habits of a faithful preacher. With his help, both those training for ministry and those new to the pastoral task will be encouraged as they undertake their calling.

"Matthew Kim's excellent primer for new preachers is precisely what I needed as a new preacher—not homiletical tidbits but solid food to nourish the young preacher's soul. What makes for faithful preaching? And more importantly, what makes for a faithful preacher? As a seasoned preacher and skilled teacher of preachers, Dr. Kim speaks with both truth and grace in this genuinely inspiring book. Let me encourage you to get a copy as a gift for the young preacher you know—and don't forget to get one for yourself. Highly recommended!"

Todd Wilson, president of the Center for Pastor Theologians

"New preachers (and those of us who've been at it a while!) will be encouraged by Matt Kim's wisdom, challenged by his counsel, and moved by his vulnerability. An introduction not just to the preaching act but the preaching life."

Mary S. Hulst, college chaplain, Calvin College

"The art of preaching must not be lost. Dramatic changes in our society and in culture require that we go deeper in our preaching rather than dilute this sacred practice. I am thrilled that Matthew Kim has written this much-needed book. I am one of his friends who remembers when Matt was himself a new preacher as a seminary intern at my church. Matt has continued to hone his craft to become one of the best teachers of the preaching arts. In this text, we are reminded of the great legacy of preaching and how it can continue to have a deep impact. Thoughtful, accessible, and pastoral, this text offers some of the best of Matthew Kim's teaching ministry."

Soong-Chan Rah, Milton B. Engebretson Professor of Church Growth and Evangelism at North Park Theological Seminary, author of Prophetic Lament and The Next Evangelicalism

"There is no higher calling than the call to proclaim God's Word, in context, with the Spirit's power and authority. Dr. Kim has given the church a 'little treasure' in this book as he reminds us of the sacred responsibility and privilege that preachers have as those who will speak for God when they preach the text. This guide is for new and old preachers alike, and it reminds us that a high view of God preached from the pulpit is the main venue for teaching and instruction in a disciple-making church."

Eric J. Bargerhuff, associate dean for academic affairs and professor of Bible and theology, Trinity College of Florida

"There are lots of books on how to build a sermon, but in Matthew Kim's A Little Book for New Preachers, he takes a different approach. Instead of walking readers through the process of sermon construction, Kim helps us explore why preaching is so vital and what an effective sermon and preacher look like. This will be an excellent resource for young ministers who are just beginning their preparation, but it will also be an enjoyable read for veteran preachers as a refreshing reminder of why we do what we do."

Michael Duduit, executive editor of Preaching magazine, dean of the Clamp Divinity School of Anderson University, Anderson, SC

"Preaching isn't the only thing a pastor does, but it better be the first thing he does. Matthew Kim helps pastors and other preachers feel the holy heaviness of the task to which we've been called. From good theology to sound interpretation to practical application to spiritual character, he provides preachers—new and old—with a solid foundation on which to build a lifetime of faithful pulpit ministry. And he does it in a pastoral tone that makes us feel like we're having a fireside chat with an experienced practitioner."

Jim Shaddix, W. A. Criswell Professor of Expository Preaching and Senior Fellow at the Center for Preaching and Pastoral Leadership, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

"This 'little book' on preaching packs a punch. I have found that it is the simplest expressions that are often the most profound. Matthew Kim has written such an offering—a humble yet passionate affirmation of the value of preaching, with wise advice along the way for how we might pursue its practice. Clear some time for this. You are going to want to dwell on what you find."

Kenton C. Anderson, president and professor of homiletics at Northwest Seminary, ACTS Seminaries of Trinity Western University



Part I: Why Study Preaching?
1. Preaching: The Forgotten Discipline
2. Preaching: A Great Legacy
3. Preaching: Making Disciples

Part II: Characteristics of Faithful Preaching
4. Faithful Interpretation
5. Faithful Cultural Exegesis
6. Faithful Application

Part III: Characteristics of Faithful Preachers
7. Being Pastoral and Loving
8. Being a Person of Character and Integrity
9. Being Prayerful and Spirit-Led

Name and Subject Index
Scripture Index


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