A Year of Slowing Down: Daily Devotions for Unhurried Living, By Alan Fadling
A Year of Slowing Down
  • Length: 336 pages
  • Dimensions: 6 × 9 in
  • Published: December 06, 2022
  • Imprint: IVP Formatio
  • Item Code: A0318
  • ISBN: 9781514003183

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With the overwhelming pace of life, many of us struggle to stop long enough to be present. Our long to-do lists and full calendars leave little breathing room to hear from God. We know we need to slow down but we don't even know how to begin.

Alan Fadling has spent years coaching leaders and communities on how to live an unhurried life, teaching that productivity and success are not our chief end, but rather living at the pace that our true self longs to live. Designed to help you center your day around God's loving presence, A Year of Slowing Down offers six devotionals for each week of the year. Each day begins with a Scripture passage followed by a short reading and a reflection question.

This book is an invitation to slow down and be present to the movement of God in your everyday life. Will you accept God's call to welcome a year of slowing down?

"The brilliance in this book cannot be overstated. Resting takes time. Lord knows, it takes great grace as well. When Israel came out of Egypt, it took a long time to learn the new rhythms of God under the lordship of Yahweh. This book invites us to a conversion of rhythm. And if you are like any of us, it may take a whole year. Highly recommended."

A. J. Swoboda, assistant professor of Bible, theology, and world Christianity at Bushnell University, author of After Doubt

"Under the culture's relentless pressure to hurry, we need a resource that not only reminds us to slow down but also offers a touch point with Jesus that nourishes our souls with the grace and truth of God's kingdom every day of the year. Alan Fadling's latest devotional is that resource—full of daily thoughts and questions that invite us into the life-giving presence of God. I highly recommend it!"

John Carroll, director of Dallas Willard Ministries' School of Kingdom Living

"Don't be fooled by the title of this book into thinking it's about slowing down the pace of your life so you can 'smell the flowers' or somehow break away from the world. It's about adopting a pace of life that allows you to listen to the Scripture more fully, with your mind as well as your heart. That is what Alan has done in the writing of this book. He models it for us on every page. If this is the result of a deliberately unhurried pace, then I'm in!"

Michael Card, musician and author of Scribbling in the Sand

"As someone who has walked and stumbled with Jesus for over fifty years, I found myself embarrassed and amazed at my inability to keep pace with him. Having given up on quick fixes to my long-term pacing problem, I was excited to embrace these daily readings—readings that became a yearlong slowing journey focusing on God, our Savior, and our community."

Tim Winters, executive pastor at Shepherd of the Hills Church

"We all know we need mentors and coaches in our lives. In A Year of Slowing Down, Alan opens up his life to give us a daily master class in what it means to apprentice ourselves to a deep, refreshing life in God. Alan's insights and questions will reveal new possibilities and expectations about your spiritual walk with Jesus. This book is the spread-out toolbox of a craftsman who lives this slowed-down life."

Rob Jacobs, pastor of spiritual growth at Saddleback Church

"If anyone could take five minutes of your time and turn it into a retreat, it's Alan Fadling. As I read the daily devotionals in A Year of Slowing Down, I found myself drawn into the selah of the psalmist, the richness of God's Word, the whisper of Holy Spirit, and the pace of Jesus. In each reading you're sitting down with a soul friend who has a simple way of chatting with you that feels easy and relaxing. Then, all of a sudden, profound insights rain down from heaven and wash your heart and soul with the smile of God. These holy moments can flood your soul with Jesus' living waters and overflow from you into the lives of the people around you."

Bill Gaultiere, psychologist and author of Journey of the Soul

"I can't think of anyone better than Alan Fadling to lead us on these five-minute daily retreats that he has provided. Far from being escape moments, these times will help us sink more deeply into reality."

Jan Johnson, president of Dallas Willard Ministries and author of Abundant Simplicity

"If we are to offer hope and healing in a world of anxious, driven souls, we must incarnate—not just preach—the message of rest and grace found in Christ. In this timely devotional, Alan Fadling offers us a simple, powerful reminder each day of who we are and who we are becoming. Slow down, Alan reminds us, so that we can savor the wonder of the life of God . . . and touch those around us with the love of God."

Jerome Daley, executive codirector of the Vining Center

"Having done contemplative retreats with Alan Fadling for more than fifteen years, I can almost hear his voice as I read each of these devotionals. More than anything, Alan's personal reflections are an invitation to live life at a different pace, cultivating a deeper awareness of God's Word and presence as an extraordinary invitation to 'learn the unforced rhythms of grace.' Alan's insights and reflective questions are a gentle invitation into that grace with the result of deep soul transformation and a richer life for those willing to take the journey."

Carol Taylor, former president of Evangel University

"Everyone needs a voice of wisdom in their life, and for many people, one of the most trusted voices belongs to Alan Fadling. And now we can hear his voice every day! Alan's new book, A Year of Slowing Down, is a daily devotional resource that helps orient our thoughts toward God and goodness. Everything about this book—the format, the organization, the choice of words—rings with Alan's pastoral presence, which ushers us gently but firmly into God's presence. I highly recommend this grace-filled book."

Richella J. Parham, author of Mythical Me: Finding Freedom from Constant Comparison

"In a world that privileges hustle and hurry, we need thoughtful, soulful guides for gospel living that shape us into fruitful Christians. Alan Fadling's A Year of Slowing Down ushers us into a life of sustainable spiritual rhythms for weary and overworked people."

Ashley Hales, author of A Spacious Life


Part One: The Unhurried Way of God—Days 1-91
Part Two: Following Our Unhurried Savior—Days 92-273
Part Three: Living in Unhurried Community—Days 274-365



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Alan Fadling

Alan Fadling (MDiv, Fuller Theological Seminary) is president and founder of Unhurried Living Inc. in Mission Viejo, CA, inspiring people to rest deeper, live fuller, and lead better. An international speaker, he is the award-winning author of An Unhurried Leader, A Year of Slowing Down, and A Non-Anxious Life. He is also the coauthor (with his wife, Gem Fadling) of What Does Your Soul Love?