• Is Belief in God Good, Bad or Irrelevant?: A Professor and a Punk Rocker Discuss Science, Religion, Naturalism  Christianity, Edited by Preston Jones

    Is Belief in God Good, Bad or Irrelevant?

    A Professor and a Punk Rocker Discuss Science, Religion, Naturalism Christianity

    Edited by Preston Jones

    Greg Graffin is frontman, singer and songwriter for the punk band Bad Religion. He also happens to have a Ph.D. in zoology and wrote his dissertation on evolution, atheism and naturalism. Preston Jones is a history professor at a Christian college and a fan of Bad Religion's music. One day, on a whim, Preston sent Greg an appreciative e-mail. That was the start of an extraordinary correspondence. ...

  • Finding God in the Questions: A Personal Journey, By Timothy Johnson

    Finding God in the Questions

    A Personal Journey

    by Timothy Johnson

    • Named one of the 2004 Top Ten Religious Books by the Massachusetts Bible Society
    • #8 on the New York Times Hardcover Advice Bestseller List! (June 14, 2004)
    • #7 on the Publishers Weekly Religion Hardcover Bestseller List (October 2004)

    Do you wonder whether or not God is real?

    Do you doubt that religion can be relevant?

    Do ...

  • C. S. Lewis's Case for Christ: Insights from Reason, Imagination and Faith, By Art Lindsley

    C. S. Lewis's Case for Christ

    Insights from Reason, Imagination and Faith

    by Art Lindsley

    There can be many obstacles to faith. As Art Lindsley says, "Lewis knew what it was like not to believe. He struggled with many doubts along the way to faith. Since he was an ardent atheist until age thirty-one, Lewis's experience and education prepared him to understand firsthand the most common arguments against Christianity." As a scholar and teacher of literature at Oxford, Lewis ...

  • Christianity on Trial: A Lawyer Examines the Christian Faith, By W. Mark Lanier

    Christianity on Trial

    A Lawyer Examines the Christian Faith

    by W. Mark Lanier

    Does the Christian faith hold up under scrutiny? What does science tell us about the plausibility of a god? Can we trust the alleged eyewitness testimony of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus? These questions are worth investigating in order to find an answer solidified in fact and evidence. Mark Lanier, one of America's top trial lawyers, uses his experienced legal eye to examine the plausibility ...

  • Grand Central Question: Answering the Critical Concerns of the Major Worldviews, By Abdu H. Murray

    Grand Central Question

    Answering the Critical Concerns of the Major Worldviews

    by Abdu H. Murray

    All religions and worldviews seek to answer the fundamental questions of human existence: Why am I here? What does it mean to be human? Why is there evil in the world and how do we deal with it? But not every worldview places equal emphasis on each issue. The main worldviews each tend to stress a different central question. Secular humanism focuses on: What is the inherent value of human beings? ...

  • Conversations with C. S. Lewis: Imaginative Discussions About Life, Christianity and God, By Robert Velarde

    Conversations with C. S. Lewis

    Imaginative Discussions About Life, Christianity and God

    by Robert Velarde

    "C. S. Lewis died in 1963, but I met him last week." Robert Velarde tells of an imaginative journey in which the literature professor mysteriously appears in Thomas Clerk's hospital room. "Call me Jack," the writer says as he invites Clerk to step into a wardrobe. From there the two embark on a remarkable journey through Lewis's life. They experience pivotal events from Lewis's childhood and ...

  • Love, the Ultimate Apologetic: The Heart of Christian Witness, By Art Lindsley

    Love, the Ultimate Apologetic

    The Heart of Christian Witness

    by Art Lindsley

    Defending the Christian faith is a multidimensional task. But central to that task must be the presentation and example of the uniqueness of Christian love. Author and apologist Art Lindsley explores the persuasive and illuminating power of Christ-like love expressed in commitment, conscience, community and courage. Such love, Lindsley shows us, does indeed bear ultimate witness to the living truth ...

  • In Search of a Confident Faith: Overcoming Barriers to Trusting in God, By J. P. Moreland and Klaus Issler

    In Search of a Confident Faith

    Overcoming Barriers to Trusting in God

    by J. P. Moreland and Klaus Issler

    Many obstacles can get in the way of having a healthy Christian faith. Some of those obstacles are intellectual, but there are emotional, relational and experiential ones as well. Even theological problems can get in the way when the very nature of faith itself is misunderstood. J. P. Moreland and Klaus Issler team up in this book to clear away the barriers to faith by helping you gain a clear ...

  • Know Why You Believe, By Paul E. Little

    Know Why You Believe

    by Paul E. Little
    Revised by Marie Little

    Christianity Today Top Books

    "After 2,000 years, no question is going to bring Christianity crashing."

    Do science and Scripture conflict? Are miracles possible? Is Christian experience real? Why does God allow suffering and evil?

    These are just a few of the twelve most common intellectual challenges to faith that Paul E. Little encountered ...

    Number of Studies: 12

  • Know What You Believe, By Paul E. Little

    Know What You Believe

    by Paul E. Little
    Foreword by James F. Nyquist

    What does Christianity have to do with anything? What does the Christian faith teach about God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit? What do I need to know about angels, Satan and demons? What place should the Bible or a church have in my life? By exploring these and other core questions, bestselling author Paul E. Little leads you into a greater appreciation of a God who has done great things to bring ...

    Number of Studies: 10

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