• Pocket Dictionary of Apologetics & Philosophy of Religion: 300 Terms  Thinkers Clearly  Concisely Defined, By C. Stephen Evans

    Pocket Dictionary of Apologetics & Philosophy of Religion

    300 Terms Thinkers Clearly Concisely Defined

    The IVP Pocket Reference Series

    by C. Stephen Evans

    For philosophers, the pursuit of truth travels on precise definitions. For Christian apologists, the defense of the faith is founded on the defining Word. And for beginning students of either discipline, the difference between success and frustration begins with understanding the terms and ideas and identifying the thinkers and movements.

    The Pocket Dictionary of Apologetics Philosophy ...

  • Christianity and Western Thought: From the Ancient World to the Age of Enlightenment, By Colin Brown

    Christianity and Western Thought

    From the Ancient World to the Age of Enlightenment

    Christianity and Western Thought Series

    by Colin Brown

    From Socrates and the Sophists to Kant, from Augustine to Aquinas and the Reformers, Colin Brown traces the turbulent, often tension-filled, always fascinating story of the thinkers, ideas and movements that have shaped our intellectual landscape. Is philosophy the "handmaiden of faith" or "the doctrine of demons"? Does it clarify the faith or undermine the very heart of Christian belief? Brown ...

  • C. S. Lewis's Dangerous Idea: In Defense of the Argument from Reason, By Victor Reppert

    C. S. Lewis's Dangerous Idea

    In Defense of the Argument from Reason

    by Victor Reppert

    Who ought to hold claim to the more dangerous idea--Charles Darwin or C. S. Lewis? Daniel Dennett argued for Darwin in Darwin's Dangerous Idea (Touchstone Books, 1996). In this book Victor Reppert champions C. S. Lewis. Darwinists attempt to use science to show that our world and its inhabitants can be fully explained as the product of a mindless, purposeless system of physics and chemistry. ...

  • The Problem with Paul, By Brian J. Dodd

    The Problem with Paul

    by Brian J. Dodd

    Was Paul a chauvinist? Was he a prude? Was he anti-Semitic? Why did Paul condone slavery? How might he have fared on the Oprah Winfrey Show? People outside the church have often found Paul hard to stomach. His views on women, sex and marriage, his failure to attack the institution of slavery, and his verbal attacks on his opponents have all come under fire. Regrettably, Paul hasn't ...

  • Science, Creation and the Bible: Reconciling Rival Theories of Origins, By Richard F. Carlson and Tremper Longman III

    Science, Creation and the Bible

    Reconciling Rival Theories of Origins

    by Richard F. Carlson and Tremper Longman III

    Many Christians are torn between their belief in the Bible and the conclusions of science. This is especially the case concerning the creation narratives of Scripture and the rather different stories that science tells. Physicist Richard Carlson and biblical scholar Tremper Longman address the longstanding problem of how to relate scientific description of the beginnings of the universe with the ...

  • The Wonder of the Universe: Hints of God in Our Fine-Tuned World, By Karl W. Giberson

    The Wonder of the Universe

    Hints of God in Our Fine-Tuned World

    by Karl W. Giberson

    Like detectives sleuthing out the greatest mystery of all, scientists over the centuries have uncovered clues about the structure and origins of the universe. The work of Galileo, Newton, Einstein, and a host of other tenacious researchers and thinkers reveals a cosmos of almost unimaginable wonder and beauty. If we then honestly follow the evidence of science wherever it leads, where do we end ...

  • The Lost World of Genesis One: Ancient Cosmology and the Origins Debate, By John H. Walton

    The Lost World of Genesis One

    Ancient Cosmology and the Origins Debate

    The Lost World Series

    by John H. Walton

    In this astute mix of cultural critique and biblical studies, John H. Walton presents and defends twenty propositions supporting a literary and theological understanding of Genesis 1 within the context of the ancient Near Eastern world and unpacks its implications for our modern scientific understanding of origins.

    Ideal for students, professors, pastors and lay readers with an interest in ...

  • The Lost World of Adam and Eve: Genesis 2-3 and the Human Origins Debate, By John H. Walton

    The Lost World of Adam and Eve

    Genesis 2-3 and the Human Origins Debate

    The Lost World Series

    by John H. Walton
    Contributions by N. T. Wright

    Christianity Today Biblical Studies Award of Merit

    For centuries the story of Adam and Eve has resonated richly through the corridors of art, literature and theology. But for most moderns, taking it at face value is incongruous. And even for many thinking Christians today who want to take seriously the authority of Scripture, insisting on a "literal" understanding ...

  • Intelligent Design: The Bridge Between Science  Theology, By William A. Dembski

    Intelligent Design

    The Bridge Between Science Theology

    by William A. Dembski
    Foreword by Michael Behe

    Voted a Book of the Year by Christianity Today

    The Intelligent Design movement is three things:

    • a scientific research program for investigating intelligent causes
    • an intellectual movement that challenges naturalistic evolutionary theories
    • a way of understanding divine action

    Although the fast-growing movement has gained considerable ...

  • The Creation Hypothesis: Scientific Evidence for an Intelligent Designer, Edited by J. P. Moreland

    The Creation Hypothesis

    Scientific Evidence for an Intelligent Designer

    Edited by J. P. Moreland

    Is there evidence from natural science for an intelligent creator of the universe? For a century the reigning scientific view has been that God is not necessary to account for the existence of the world and of life. Evolutionary theory is said to be all that is needed to explain how we got here. In addition, many theistic evolutionists contend that God likely used many of the mechanisms of evolution ...

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