• The Message of Galatians, By John Stott

    The Message of Galatians

    The Bible Speaks Today Series

    by John Stott

    To enclaves of young converts in the mountains of Asia Minor, Paul wrote what is perhaps the oldest document in the New Testament—the letter to the Galatians. Paul's readers were struggling with numerous issues: How were men and women to be put right with God? Among a variety of religious authorities espousing different teachings, how were they to know who was right? How could Christians ...

  • The Message of Romans, By John Stott

    The Message of Romans

    The Bible Speaks Today Series

    by John Stott

    When Paul first penned his letter to the house churches of Rome, his purpose was to gain prayerful support for his coming mission to the western Mediterranean. Little did he know that for two millennia this finely tuned exposition of the gospel would echo through church and academy, market and home, around the world.

    In this revised Bible Speaks Today volume, John Stott clearly ...

  • The Message of Acts, By John Stott

    The Message of Acts

    The Bible Speaks Today Series

    by John Stott

    The Spirit moves the church into the world. That is how it has always been since the day of Pentecost, when the Spirit brought thousands from many countries into the body of Christ.

    With the breadth and scholarly care that marked John Stott's years of ministry, this revised Bible Speaks Today volume opens to us the early days of the church as recorded by Luke in the book of ...

  • The Message of Colossians & Philemon, By Dick Lucas

    The Message of Colossians & Philemon

    The Bible Speaks Today Series

    by Dick Lucas

    Even healthy churches are never completely immune to the intellectual and spiritual pressures of their time. The church in Colossae was no exception. False teaching shaped by the spirit of the age was rising within the community, suggesting that a fuller knowledge and freedom was available beyond what ordinary Christians had experienced. Paul’s response was adamant: all God's fullness ...

  • The Message of Philippians, By J. Alec Motyer

    The Message of Philippians

    The Bible Speaks Today Series

    by J. Alec Motyer

    Paul wrote his letter to the Philippians while he was in prison, but it contains no hint of self-pity. Instead, the letter radiates joy—joy that Christ was proclaimed, joy in fellowship with the Philippian Christians, and above all, joy in Jesus himself.

    In this Bible Speaks Today volume, J. A. Motyer identifies three major themes that filled Paul's heart and mind as he wrote: ...

  • The Message of 2 Corinthians, By Paul Barnett

    The Message of 2 Corinthians

    The Bible Speaks Today Series

    by Paul Barnett

    The letter of 2 Corinthians reveals a powerful debate between the apostle Paul and a shadowy group of opponents, along with the local church members who supported them. Paul records a range of emotional extremes as he defends his doctrine, ministry, and character to this beloved yet troublesome congregation. In his response to the conflict, Paul develops a momentous theological ...

  • The Message of 1 Corinthians, By David Prior

    The Message of 1 Corinthians

    The Bible Speaks Today Series

    by David Prior

    The ancient city of Corinth was well-known for its prosperity, diversity—and debauchery. Any church planted there was bound to have problems. Indeed, snobbishness, divisiveness, insensitivity, doctrinal looseness, and overexuberance were all too common in the Corinthian church. When the apostle Paul heard about these difficulties, he was grieved because he had founded the church ...

  • The Servant of the Lord and His Servant People: Tracing a Biblical Theme Through the Canon, By Matthew S. Harmon

    The Servant of the Lord and His Servant People

    Tracing a Biblical Theme Through the Canon

    New Studies in Biblical Theology

    by Matthew S. Harmon
    Series edited by D. A. Carson

    It is often recognized that the title "servant" is applied to key figures throughout the Bible, culminating in Jesus Christ. In this New Studies in Biblical Theology volume Matthew Harmon carefully traces this theme from Genesis to Revelation with the intention of seeing how earlier servants point forward to the ultimate Servant. While this servant theme certainly is significant ...

  • Science and the Doctrine of Creation: The Approaches of Ten Modern Theologians, Edited by Geoffrey H. Fulkerson and Joel Thomas Chopp

    Science and the Doctrine of Creation

    The Approaches of Ten Modern Theologians

    Edited by Geoffrey H. Fulkerson and Joel Thomas Chopp
    Afterword by Alister E. McGrath

    Can Christians take seriously the claims of modern science without compromising their theological integrity? Can theology contribute to our understanding of the natural world without reducing the doctrine of creation to a few flashpoint issues? While there is no shortage of works that treat the intersection between science and religion, little attention has been paid to the theological ...

  • Reading While Black: African American Biblical Interpretation as an Exercise in Hope, By Esau McCaulley

    Reading While Black

    African American Biblical Interpretation as an Exercise in Hope

    by Esau McCaulley

    Outreach Resources of the Year, Christianity Today Book Award, The Gospel Coalition Book Award

    Biblical Interpretation from the Black Church Tradition

    Growing up in the American South, Esau McCaulley knew firsthand the ongoing struggle between despair and hope that marks the lives of some in the African American context. ...

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