• Disability and the Way of Jesus: Holistic Healing in the Gospels and the Church, By Bethany McKinney Fox

    Disability and the Way of Jesus

    Holistic Healing in the Gospels and the Church

    by Bethany McKinney Fox
    Foreword by John Swinton

    • 2019 IVP Readers' Choice Award

    What does healing mean for people with disabilities? The Gospels are filled with accounts of Jesus offering physical healing. But even as churches today seek to follow the way of Jesus, people with disabilities all too often experience the very opposite of healing and life-giving community: exclusion, judgment, barriers. ...

  • The Lost World of the Torah: Law as Covenant and Wisdom in Ancient Context, By John H. Walton and J. Harvey Walton

    The Lost World of the Torah

    Law as Covenant and Wisdom in Ancient Context

    The Lost World Series

    by John H. Walton and J. Harvey Walton

    Our handling of what we call biblical law veers between controversy and neglect.

    On the one hand, controversy arises when Old Testament laws seem either odd beyond comprehension (not eating lobster) or positively reprehensible (executing children). On the other, neglect results when we consider the law obsolete, no longer carrying any normative power (tassels on clothing, ...

  • A Week in the Life of Rome, By James L. Papandrea

    A Week in the Life of Rome

    A Week in the Life Series

    by James L. Papandrea

    In first-century Rome, following Jesus comes at a tremendous social cost. An urbane Roman landowner and merchant is intrigued by the Christian faith—but is he willing to give up his status and lifestyle to join the church? Meanwhile his young client, a catechumen in the church at Rome, is beginning to see just how much his newfound faith will require of him. A Week in the ...

  • Romans 1-8, By Gwenfair Walters Adams

    Romans 1-8

    New Testament Volume 7

    Reformation Commentary on Scripture

    by Gwenfair Walters Adams

    "If we have been united with him in a death like his, we shall certainly be united with him in a resurrection like his." (Rom. 6:5) With its themes of grace, sin, justification, and salvation through Christ alone, Paul's letter to the early church in Rome has been a primary focus of Christian reflection throughout church history. Sixteenth-century reformer Martin Luther reflected ...

  • The Gospel of the Son of God: An Introduction to Matthew, By David R. Bauer

    The Gospel of the Son of God

    An Introduction to Matthew

    by David R. Bauer

    From beginning to end, the very structure of the Gospel of Matthew emphasizes that Jesus is the Son of God.

    At climactic points Jesus is so identified—by Peter, by a Roman centurion, by Jesus himself, and by God the Father. With The Gospel of the Son of God, David Bauer provides a comprehensive introduction to this Gospel that has been so foundational to the Christian ...

  • Voices and Views on Paul: Exploring Scholarly Trends, By Ben Witherington III and Jason A. Myers

    Voices and Views on Paul

    Exploring Scholarly Trends

    by Ben Witherington III and Jason A. Myers

    ECPA Top Shelf Book Cover Award

    In the field of Pauline studies, much has changed over the last twenty years. Since Ben Witherington III first published his influential book The Paul Quest, monumental works have appeared from scholars such as James D. G. Dunn, N. T. Wright, E. P. Sanders, and John Barclay. The New Perspective is no longer new, and ...

  • Spiritual Practices of Jesus: Learning Simplicity, Humility, and Prayer with Luke's Earliest Readers, By Catherine J. Wright

    Spiritual Practices of Jesus

    Learning Simplicity, Humility, and Prayer with Luke's Earliest Readers

    by Catherine J. Wright

    Luke's Gospel was written to transform. In its original context, readers would have seen a portrait of Jesus as an ideal teacher and king, able to shape his people through exemplary leadership. They would have come to the Gospel expecting to be changed for God's purposes through the imitation of Jesus' lifestyle and adoption of his teaching. When today's readers approach the text ...

  • But What About God's Wrath?: The Compelling Love Story of Divine Anger, By Kevin Kinghorn

    But What About God's Wrath?

    The Compelling Love Story of Divine Anger

    by Kevin Kinghorn
    With Stephen Travis

    How can a loving God also be a God of wrath?

    God's wrath stands out in the minds of many as the single most puzzling aspect of God's character. Often Christians who would like to reconcile divine love with divine wrath—while remaining faithful to the Bible—can't figure out how to do so. Kevin Kinghorn and Stephen Travis offer a way forward.

    Using a philosophically informed ...

  • Paul and the Giants of Philosophy: Reading the Apostle in Greco-Roman Context, Edited by Joseph R. Dodson and David E. Briones

    Paul and the Giants of Philosophy

    Reading the Apostle in Greco-Roman Context

    Edited by Joseph R. Dodson and David E. Briones
    Foreword by John M. G. Barclay

    Biblical Foundations Award Finalist

    What forces shaped the intellectual world of the apostle Paul? How familiar was he with the great philosophers of his age, and to what extent was he influenced by them? When he quoted Greco-Roman sources, what was his aim?

    Pauline scholars wrestle with such questions in journal articles and technical monographs, but ...

  • The Gospel According to Eve: A History of Women's Interpretation, By Amanda W. Benckhuysen

    The Gospel According to Eve

    A History of Women's Interpretation

    by Amanda W. Benckhuysen

    Word Guild Awards Shortlist — Academic

    What does it mean to be male and female? Do women and men have different intellectual, spiritual, moral, or emotional capacities? Are women especially suited for serving and men for leading? Are women and men equal?

    While these may seem like relatively recent questions, they have been a topic of conversation throughout Christian ...

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