• New Testament Theology and Ethics, By Ben Witherington III

    New Testament Theology and Ethics

    New Testament Theology and Ethics

    by Ben Witherington III

    All too often, argues Ben Witherington, the theology of the New Testament has been divorced from its ethics, leaving as isolated abstractions what are fully integrated, dynamic elements within the New Testament itself. As Witherington stresses, "behavior affects and reinforces or undoes belief." Previously published as The Indelible Image, Volume 1, Witherington offers the first of a two-volume ...

  • Salvation Belongs to Our God: Celebrating the Bible's Central Story, By Christopher J. H. Wright

    Salvation Belongs to Our God

    Celebrating the Bible's Central Story

    Christian Doctrine in Global Perspective

    by Christopher J. H. Wright

    A great multitude that no one could count . . . cried out in a loud voice: "Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb." Every phrase in Revelation 7:10 resonates with significant themes in the Old and New Testaments. Christopher Wright views the story of God's salvation through the lens of this verse to show the great breadth of God's saving work: the character ...

  • Abusing Scripture: The Consequences of Misreading the Bible, By Manfred Brauch

    Abusing Scripture

    The Consequences of Misreading the Bible

    by Manfred Brauch

    Virtually all Christians recognize the centrality of the Bible to their faith. Yet many Christians misquote and misapply Scripture regularly. Often those who are most passionate about the authority of the Bible are at the greatest loss when it comes to understanding its message clearly and applying it faithfully. Professor Manfred Brauch believes this kind of mistaken interpretation and application ...

  • The Message of Sonship, By Trevor J. Burke

    The Message of Sonship

    by Trevor J. Burke

    "Sonship" is an important, yet often overlooked, theme throughout the Bible. Adam, the first human being, is identified as a "son of God"; Israel is God's "first-born son"; the covenant with king David is cast in father-son terms; Christians are children of God, "adopted as sons"; and the same designation brings Scripture to a triumphant conclusion: "He who overcomes will inherit all this, and I ...

  • The Message of the Word of God, By Tim Meadowcroft

    The Message of the Word of God

    by Tim Meadowcroft

    "Any coherent comment on what the Bible says about the Bible, the Christian Scriptures," says Tim Meadowcroft, "must address the wider notion that God speaks." Accordingly, Meadowcroft offers fresh, wide-ranging expositions of key passages in both Testaments on the character and power of God's word. These passages highlight the extraordinary, fundamental reality that God speaks--and that when he ...

  • Story of Stories: A Guided Tour from Genesis to Revelation, By Karen Lee-Thorp

    Story of Stories

    A Guided Tour from Genesis to Revelation

    by Karen Lee-Thorp

    The Bible contains many of the most fantastic and memorable stories of all time--the great flood, David and Goliath, the empty tomb. These stories are packed with enough verve and vitality to astound and inspire readers on their own. Yet when read as parts of a larger, grander story, each of these stories reveals added depths of artistry and meaning. Still, it is easy to lose sight of how the Bible's ...

  • Saving the Bible from Ourselves: Learning to Read and Live the Bible Well, By Glenn R. Paauw

    Saving the Bible from Ourselves

    Learning to Read and Live the Bible Well

    by Glenn R. Paauw

    • ECPA 2017 Christian Book Award Finalist

    Does the Bible need to be saved? Over the course of the centuries, Bible scholars and publishers have increasingly added "helps"—chapter divisions, verses, subheads, notes—to the Bible in an effort to make it easier to study and understand. In the process, however, these have led to sampling Scripture rather than reading ...

  • A User's Guide to Bible Translations: Making the Most of Different Versions, By David Dewey

    A User's Guide to Bible Translations

    Making the Most of Different Versions

    by David Dewey

    What Bible should you use? KJV. NIV. NASB. NRSV. ESV. TNIV. The Message. NLT. It's never been easier to find a Bible in English. Still, it's never been harder to decide what Bible to use. Formal or conversational? Traditional or inclusive language? Word-for-word, meaning-for-meaning or paraphrase? A User's Guide to Bible Translations escorts you through the history of Bible ...

  • The Bible Study Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide to an Essential Practice, By Lindsay Olesberg

    The Bible Study Handbook

    A Comprehensive Guide to an Essential Practice

    by Lindsay Olesberg
    Foreword by Ajith Fernando

    There are Bibles literally all over the place. You can find them in the drawer of the end table in your hotel room, under the pews at your local church, on the shelves of your local library or bookstore, posted in full and in multiple versions on any number of websites. You can find them in every corner of the earth, even (if you look carefully enough) in places where they're forbidden.

    So ...

  • How to Understand Your Bible, By T. Norton Sterrett and Richard L. Schultz

    How to Understand Your Bible

    by T. Norton Sterrett and Richard L. Schultz

    Have you ever felt like you can't make sense out of the Bible but wished you could? Then this book is for you. Starting from scratch, Norton Sterrett presents the general rules for reading the Bible's ordinary language and moves on to specific principles that apply to special types of language such as parables, figures of speech, Hebrew poetry and symbols. Richard Schultz has updated T. Norton ...

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