• The Winding Path of Transformation: Finding Yourself Between Glory and Humility, By Jeff Tacklind

    The Winding Path of Transformation

    Finding Yourself Between Glory and Humility

    by Jeff Tacklind
    Foreword by Cathleen Falsani

    Jeff Tacklind, pastor of Church by the Sea—a quirky, diverse congregation in Laguna Beach, California—knows from decades of ministry experience that sometimes effective leadership looks like standing in the middle of conflict, holding the tension. In The Winding Path of Transformation, Tacklind describes spiritual transformation as an invitation to paradox. By entering into suffering, ...

  • Mindful Silence: The Heart of Christian Contemplation, By Phileena Heuertz

    Mindful Silence

    The Heart of Christian Contemplation

    by Phileena Heuertz
    Foreword by Richard Rohr
    Afterword by Kirsten Powers

    Our fast-paced lives are filled with distractions, frequently leaving us disillusioned and dissatisfied—with ourselves, with others, and even with God. Spiritual practices that used to sustain us fall short when life circumstances bring us to the limits of our self. After many years leading an international humanitarian organization, Phileena Heuertz experienced the deconstruction ...

  • Pursuing an Earthy Spirituality: C. S. Lewis and Incarnational Faith, By Gary S. Selby

    Pursuing an Earthy Spirituality

    C. S. Lewis and Incarnational Faith

    by Gary S. Selby

    "Red beef and strong beer" was how C. S. Lewis described his education under one of his early tutors. It was, in other words, a substantial education that engaged deeply with the intellectual tradition and challenged him to grow. Gary Selby sees Lewis's expression as an indication of the kind of transformation that is both possible and necessary for the Christian faith, and he ...

  • A Pastoral Rule for Today: Reviving an Ancient Practice, By John P. Burgess and Jerry Andrews and Joseph D. Small

    A Pastoral Rule for Today

    Reviving an Ancient Practice

    by John P. Burgess, Jerry Andrews, and Joseph D. Small

    The pastoral office has always been a difficult calling. Today, the pastor is often asked to fulfill multiple roles: preacher, teacher, therapist, administrator, CEO. How can pastors thrive amid such demands? What is needed is a contemporary pastoral rule: a pattern for ministry that both encourages pastors and enables them to focus on what is most important in their pastoral task. ...

  • Sculptor Spirit: Models of Sanctification from Spirit Christology, By Leopoldo A. Sánchez M.

    Sculptor Spirit

    Models of Sanctification from Spirit Christology

    by Leopoldo A. Sánchez M.
    Foreword by Oscar García-Johnson

    The Holy Spirit is sculpting you. Like the work of an artist who molds a lump of clay into its intended shape, the Spirit's sanctifying work lies in shaping people into the image of Christ. Avoiding either a "Spirit-only" or a "Spirit-void" theology, Leopoldo Sánchez carefully crafts a Spirit Christology, which considers the role of God's Spirit in the life and mission of Jesus. ...

  • Spiritual Practices of Jesus: Learning Simplicity, Humility, and Prayer with Luke's Earliest Readers, By Catherine J. Wright

    Spiritual Practices of Jesus

    Learning Simplicity, Humility, and Prayer with Luke's Earliest Readers

    by Catherine J. Wright

    Luke's Gospel was written to transform. In its original context, readers would have seen a portrait of Jesus as an ideal teacher and king, able to shape his people through exemplary leadership. They would have come to the Gospel expecting to be changed for God's purposes through the imitation of Jesus' lifestyle and adoption of his teaching. When today's readers approach the text ...

  • Embracing Contemplation: Reclaiming a Christian Spiritual Practice, Edited by John H. Coe and Kyle C. Strobel

    Embracing Contemplation

    Reclaiming a Christian Spiritual Practice

    Edited by John H. Coe and Kyle C. Strobel

    What does a Christian life lived "by the Spirit" look like? For many Christians throughout history, fulfilling Paul's command in Galatians 5:25 included a form of contemplation and prayer that leads to spiritual formation. But in large part, contemporary Christians—perhaps especially evangelicals—seem to have lost or forgotten about this treasure from their own tradition. Bringing ...

  • An Unhurried Leader: The Lasting Fruit of Daily Influence, By Alan Fadling

    An Unhurried Leader

    The Lasting Fruit of Daily Influence

    by Alan Fadling

    What does grace-paced leadership look like? Spiritual mentor. Pastor. Executive director. Parent. Professor. Spouse. We have many roles and relationships. And in the midst of all we do, we're tempted to frantically take control of situations in hopes of making good things happen. Alan Fadling, author of An Unhurried Life, writes: "That kind of unholy hurry may make me look busy, but ...

  • Spiritual Practices in Community: Drawing Groups into the Heart of God, By Diana Shiflett

    Spiritual Practices in Community

    Drawing Groups into the Heart of God

    by Diana Shiflett

    Diana Shiflett has been leading groups of all descriptions in spiritual practices for many years, and she understands the difficulties involved: the potential for awkwardness and self-doubt, the nagging question of whether anyone's getting anything out of this at all. But more than that, she understands the value of spiritual practices: their deep roots in the history and worship of God's people, ...

  • Discipleship Essentials: A Guide to Building Your Life in Christ, By Greg Ogden

    Discipleship Essentials

    A Guide to Building Your Life in Christ

    The Essentials Set

    by Greg Ogden

    The Essential Workbook for Spiritual Growth

    We grow in Christ as we seek him together. Jesus' own pattern of disciple-making was to be intimately involved with others and allow life to rub against life. By gathering in twos or threes to study the Bible and encourage one another, we most closely follow Jesus' example with the twelve disciples.

    This workbook by Greg Ogden ...

    Number of Studies: 25

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