• A Guidebook to Prayer: 24 Ways to Walk with God, By MaryKate Morse

    A Guidebook to Prayer

    24 Ways to Walk with God

    by MaryKate Morse
    Foreword by Joshua Choonmin Kang

    Why is prayer so hard? Many of us have asked that question. We want to pray. We intend to pray. But, as spiritual director and professor MaryKate Morse notes, "We don't pray as consistently or as meaningfully as we might like." And yet prayer offers us such spiritual riches. Prayer

    • draws us to experience love and to be love
    • increases our faith
    • expands our vision of God
    • helps ...
  • Meditation and Communion with God: Contemplating Scripture in an Age of Distraction, By John Jefferson Davis

    Meditation and Communion with God

    Contemplating Scripture in an Age of Distraction

    by John Jefferson Davis

    As culture has become at once more secular and more religiously pluralistic, a renaissance of interest in the spiritual disciplines has been sparked in evangelical Protestant circles. Mounting levels of stress, burnout and spiritual dryness among those in ministry has only stoked this desire for spiritual nourishment and renewal. John Jefferson Davis helps us recover the practice of meditation ...

  • Renovation of the Church: What Happens When a Seeker Church Discovers Spiritual Formation, By Kent Carlson and Mike Lueken

    Renovation of the Church

    What Happens When a Seeker Church Discovers Spiritual Formation

    by Kent Carlson and Mike Lueken
    Foreword by Dallas Willard

    Christianity Today Book Award winner

    Leadership Journal Top Book of the Year

    Copastors Kent Carlson and Mike Lueken tell the story of how God took their thriving, consumer-oriented church and transformed it into a modest congregation of unformed believers committed to the growth of the spirit--even when it meant a decline in numbers.

    As ...

  • Teaching the Faith, Forming the Faithful: A Biblical Vision for Education in the Church, By Gary A. Parrett and S. Steve Kang

    Teaching the Faith, Forming the Faithful

    A Biblical Vision for Education in the Church

    by Gary A. Parrett and S. Steve Kang
    Foreword by J. I. Packer

    Why does the church teach? And what should it teach? In recent years, traditional Sunday school and education programs have declined in influence and effectiveness. Education in the church is often sidelined by other competing priorities, and our efforts become haphazard and random. As a result, many Christians have not learned the fundamental doctrinal content of the faith. As a response, a ...

  • Spiritual Disciplines Handbook: Practices That Transform Us, By Adele Ahlberg Calhoun

    Spiritual Disciplines Handbook

    Practices That Transform Us

    Transforming Resources

    by Adele Ahlberg Calhoun

    The Beloved Handbook for Transformation Through Spiritual Disciplines

    Maybe you long for a more intimate prayer life or deeper insight from God's Word but just don't know how to get there. Or maybe you want to learn about new spiritual disciplines like visio divina, unplugging or attentiveness.

    In Spiritual Disciplines Handbook Adele Calhoun gives us ...

  • Noticing God, By Richard Peace

    Noticing God

    by Richard Peace

    Where is God? How do we encounter God? How do we know it is God we encounter and not some figment of our imagination? Is it possible to know God in some sort of relational way? Richard Peace believes it is. But it requires a certain level of awareness, a certain discipline of the heart. Peace calls it the "spiritual discipline of noticing God." In this book he unpacks what it means to make a ...

  • Surrender to Love: Discovering the Heart of Christian Spirituality, By David G. Benner

    Surrender to Love

    Discovering the Heart of Christian Spirituality

    The Spiritual Journey

    by David G. Benner
    Foreword by M. Basil Pennington

    Surrender to the Only Perfectly Trustworthy Love

    In our self-reliant era, most of us recoil from the concept of surrendering to a power or authority outside ourselves. But surrender need not be seen as threatening, especially when the One to whom we surrender is the epitome of goodness and love.

    God doesn't want his people to respond to him out of fear or obligation. ...

  • Listening to God in Times of Choice: The Art of Discerning God's Will, By Gordon T. Smith

    Listening to God in Times of Choice

    The Art of Discerning God's Will

    by Gordon T. Smith

    All Christians yearn to live at the center of God's will. But how to discern his will is an art that eludes many of us. And the advice we get often conflicts. Some tell us to look for a divine "blueprint"-the one perfect plan for our lives that we need to find. We are encouraged to search the Scriptures and hunt for signs, trying to uncover the map of our lives that God has drawn. Others have ...

  • The Voice of Jesus: Discernment, Prayer and the Witness of the Spirit, By Gordon T. Smith

    The Voice of Jesus

    Discernment, Prayer and the Witness of the Spirit

    by Gordon T. Smith

    A Personal Growth Finalist in the Word Guild Canadian Writing Awards

    "My sheep hear my voice. I know them, and they follow me."

    Jesus takes it for granted that you will hear his voice. But how do you hear it?

    How do you separate it out from the cacophony of other voices you hear everyday, including those of your own desires? Is your experience ...

  • Called to Be Saints: An Invitation to Christian Maturity, By Gordon T. Smith

    Called to Be Saints

    An Invitation to Christian Maturity

    by Gordon T. Smith

    Christianity Today Award of Merit

    Best Book of Spirituality—Academic, from Byron Borger, Hearts and Minds Bookstore

    Evangelicals are known for their emphasis on conversion. But what about life after conversion and beyond justification?

    Desperately needed is a comprehensive theology of the Christian life from beginning ...

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