• The Language of Science and Faith: Straight Answers to Genuine Questions, By Karl W. Giberson and Francis S. Collins

    The Language of Science and Faith

    Straight Answers to Genuine Questions

    by Karl W. Giberson and Francis S. Collins

    Christians affirm that everything exists because of God--from subatomic quarks to black holes. Science often claims to explain nature without including God at all. And thinking Christians often feel forced to choose between the two. But the good news is that we don't have to make a choice. Science does not overthrow the Bible. Faith does not require rejecting science. World-renowned scientist Francis ...

  • Subverting Global Myths: Theology and the Public Issues Shaping Our World, By Vinoth Ramachandra

    Subverting Global Myths

    Theology and the Public Issues Shaping Our World

    by Vinoth Ramachandra

    It is a myth that only the uninformed masses believe in myths and that power brokers, media moguls, leading scientists, financial tycoons, political luminaries and intellectual elites don't. The myths that the ruling classes believe may be more sophisticated, but they are myths nonetheless. These public, large-scale narratives engage our imaginations and shape the way we experience the world. They ...

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