• Counseling and Christianity: Five Approaches, Edited by Stephen P. Greggo and Timothy A. Sisemore

    Counseling and Christianity

    Five Approaches

    Christian Association for Psychological Studies Books

    Edited by Stephen P. Greggo and Timothy A. Sisemore
    Foreword by Eric L. Johnson

    What does authentic Christian counseling look like in practice? This volume explores how five major perspectives on the interface of Christianity and psychology would each actually be applied in a clinical setting. Respected experts associated with each of the perspectives depict how to assess, conceptualize, counsel and offer aftercare to Jake, a hypothetical client with a variety of complex issues. ...

  • No Place for Abuse: Biblical  Practical Resources to Counteract Domestic Violence, By Catherine Clark Kroeger and Nancy Nason-Clark

    No Place for Abuse

    Biblical Practical Resources to Counteract Domestic Violence

    by Catherine Clark Kroeger and Nancy Nason-Clark

    Domestic violence is a leading cause of injury and death to women worldwide. Nearly one in four women around the globe is physically or sexually abused in her lifetime, and gender violence causes more death and disability among women aged 15 to 44 than cancer, malaria, traffic accidents or war. Regrettably, the church is not immune to this problem. Numerous studies suggest that incident rates among ...

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