• Lectures on the Psalms, By Didymus the Blind

    Lectures on the Psalms

    Ancient Christian Texts

    by Didymus the Blind
    Edited and Translated by Jonathan Douglas Hicks

    "The Lord shepherds me, and nothing will be lacking for me. In a place of tender grass, there he causes me to encamp."

    In his reading of Psalm 23, early Christian theologian Didymus the Blind perceived the comfort that is provided only by Christ, the good shepherd: "The disciples of Christ who have become perfect in his instruction . . . do not simply hear a voice, ...

  • Nobody's Mother: Artemis of the Ephesians in Antiquity and the New Testament, By Sandra L. Glahn

    Nobody's Mother

    Artemis of the Ephesians in Antiquity and the New Testament

    by Sandra L. Glahn

    How Has Misinterpreting Paul Led to the Silencing of Women?

    Some Christians think Paul's reference to "saved through childbearing" in 1 Timothy 2:15 means that women are slated primarily for delivering and raising children. Alternate readings, however, sometimes fail to build on the best historical and textual evidence.

    Sandra Glahn thinks that we have misunderstood ...

  • Kierkegaard and the Changelessness of God: A Modern Defense of Classical Immutability, By Craig A. Hefner

    Kierkegaard and the Changelessness of God

    A Modern Defense of Classical Immutability

    New Explorations in Theology

    by Craig A. Hefner
    Foreword by Daniel J. Treier

    Danish theologian and philosopher Søren Kierkegaard was not afraid to express his opinions. Living amid what he perceived to be a culturally lukewarm Christianity, he was often critical of his contemporary church.

    But that does not mean Kierkegaard rejected traditional Christian theology. Indeed, at a time when many of his contemporaries were questioning the classical doctrine ...

  • The Magna Carta of Humanity: Sinai's Revolutionary Faith and the Future of Freedom, By Os Guinness

    The Magna Carta of Humanity

    Sinai's Revolutionary Faith and the Future of Freedom

    by Os Guinness

    In these stormy times, voices from all fronts call for change. But what kind of revolution brings true freedom to both society and the human soul?

    Cultural observer Os Guinness explores the nature of revolutionary faith, contrasting between secular revolutions such as the French Revolution and the faith-led revolution of ancient Israel. He argues that the story of ...

  • The Man Born to be King: Wade Annotated Edition, By Dorothy L. Sayers

    The Man Born to be King

    Wade Annotated Edition

    by Dorothy L. Sayers
    Edited by Kathryn Wehr

    From December 1941 until October 1942, the BBC broadcast a series of radio dramas written by Dorothy L. Sayers. Against the backdrop of World War II, the plays presented twelve episodes in the life and ministry of Jesus, from the visit of the magi to his death and resurrection, collectively affirming the kingship of Christ.

    Noted for their use of colloquial English as part ...

  • Worship by Faith Alone: Thomas Cranmer, the Book of Common Prayer, and the Reformation of Liturgy, By Zac Hicks

    Worship by Faith Alone

    Thomas Cranmer, the Book of Common Prayer, and the Reformation of Liturgy

    Dynamics of Christian Worship

    by Zac Hicks
    Foreword by Ashley Null

    In every age, the church must consider what it means to gather together to worship God.

    If the church is primarily the people who follow the risen Christ, then its worship should be "gospel-centered." But where might the church find an example of such worship for today?

    In this Dynamics of Christian Worship volume, scholar, worship leader, and songwriter Zac Hicks contends ...

  • Wisdom for Faithful Reading: Principles and Practices for Old Testament Interpretation, By John H. Walton

    Wisdom for Faithful Reading

    Principles and Practices for Old Testament Interpretation

    by John H. Walton

    The church has too often lost its way in reading the Old Testament for lack of sound principles of interpretation. When careless habits get us off track, we can lose sight of what the Bible is really saying, derailing our own spiritual growth and even risking discredit to God’s word.

    We need a consistent approach to give us confidence as faithful interpreters. In Wisdom ...

  • Global Christianity and Islam: Exploring History, Politics, and Beliefs, By Wafik W. Wahba

    Global Christianity and Islam

    Exploring History, Politics, and Beliefs

    by Wafik W. Wahba

    A Comprehensive Overview of Christianity and Islam

    Together, the adherents of Christianity and Islam make up over half of the world's population, and their numbers are expected to keep growing. The influence of these two faiths—and their relations with each other—is seen in politics, economics, and social interactions. Religious identity and aspirations remain powerful and ...

  • Commentary Index and Resources, By Thomas C. Oden

    Commentary Index and Resources

    Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture

    by Thomas C. Oden

    The Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture does what few of today's students of the Bible could do for themselves. The vast array of writings from the church fathers—including much that is available only in the ancient languages—has been combed for its comment on Scripture. Scholars with a deep knowledge of the fathers and a heart for the church have hand-selected material for ...

  • Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Edited by Mark J. Edwards

    Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians

    Volume 8

    Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture

    Edited by Mark J. Edwards
    General Editor Thomas C. Oden

    Paul's letters to the Galatians, Ephesians, and Philippians have struck an indelible impression on Christian tradition and piety. The doctrines of Christ, of salvation, and of the church all owe their profiles to these letters. And for patristic interpreters, who read Scripture as a single book and were charged with an insatiable curiosity regarding the mysteries of the Godhead, ...

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