• Apostolicity: The Ecumenical Question in World Christian Perspective, By John G. Flett


    The Ecumenical Question in World Christian Perspective

    Missiological Engagements

    by John G. Flett

    What constitutes the unity of the church over time and across cultures? Can our account of the church's apostolic faith embrace the cultural diversity of world Christianity?

    The ecumenical movement that began in the twentieth century posed the problem of the church's apostolicity in profound new ways. In the attempt to find unity in the midst of the Protestant-Catholic schism, participants ...

  • Why the Rest Hates the West: Understanding the Roots of Global Rage, By Meic Pearse

    Why the Rest Hates the West

    Understanding the Roots of Global Rage

    by Meic Pearse

    "Why do they hate us so much?" Many in the U.S. are baffled at the hatred and anti-Western sentiment they see on the international news. Why are people around the world so resentful of Western cultural values and ideals? Historian Meic Pearse unpacks the deep divides between the West and the rest of the world. He shows how many of the underlying assumptions of Western civilization directly oppose ...

  • Ministering in Honor-Shame Cultures: Biblical Foundations and Practical Essentials, By Jayson Georges and Mark D. Baker

    Ministering in Honor-Shame Cultures

    Biblical Foundations and Practical Essentials

    by Jayson Georges and Mark D. Baker

    Many a Westerner has had a cross-cultural experience of honor and shame. First there are those stuttering moments in the new social landscape. Then after missed cues and social bruises comes the revelation that this culture—indeed much of the world—runs on an honor-shame operating system. When Western individualism and its introspective conscience fails to engage cultural gears, how can we shift ...

  • Polycentric Missiology: 21st-Century Mission from Everyone to Everywhere, By Allen Yeh

    Polycentric Missiology

    21st-Century Mission from Everyone to Everywhere

    by Allen Yeh

    The Edinburgh 1910 World Missionary Conference was the most famous missions conference in modern church history. A century later, five conferences on five continents displayed the landscape of global mission at the dawn of the third millennium: Tokyo 2010, Edinburgh 2010, Cape Town 2010, 2010Boston, and CLADE V (San José, 2012). These five events provide a window into the state of world Christianity ...

  • The Future of the Global Church: History, Trends and Possibilities, By Patrick Johnstone

    The Future of the Global Church

    History, Trends and Possibilities

    Operation World Resources

    by Patrick Johnstone

    • The 2013 Outreach Magazine Resource of the Year in Global Outreach

    In The Future of the Global Church, Patrick Johnstone, author of six editions of the phenomenal prayer guide, Operation World, draws on his fifty years experience to challenge us with his bold vision of the global Christian church. The Future of the Global Church weaves ...

  • Christ's Empowering Presence: The Pursuit of God Through the Ages, By Gary Tyra

    Christ's Empowering Presence

    The Pursuit of God Through the Ages

    by Gary Tyra

    We all have deep longings and desires that can only be filled by His empowering presence. While many spiritual classics contain repeated references to a particular spiritual exercise: the cultivation of an ongoing awareness of Christ's empowering presence, Gary Tyra makes the claim that this particular activity is at the heart of Christian spirituality and provides the reader with:

    • A ...
  • Operation World: The Definitive Prayer Guide to Every Nation, By Jason Mandryk

    Operation World

    The Definitive Prayer Guide to Every Nation

    Operation World Resources

    by Jason Mandryk

    Operation World, the definitive global prayer handbook, has been used by more than a million Christians to pray for the nations. Now in its 7th edition, it has been completely updated and revised by Jason Mandryk with a team of missionaries and researchers, and it covers the entire populated world. Included in this updated and revised 7th edition:

    • All the countries of the world ...
  • Christ Our Reconciler: Gospel, Church, World, Edited byJulia E. M. Cameron

    Christ Our Reconciler

    Gospel, Church, World

    Edited by Julia E. M. Cameron
    Foreword by S. Douglas Birdsall

    The Third Lausanne Congress in Cape Town, South Africa, convened in 2010, was hailed as the most representative gathering of the global church in the history of Christianity. Thousands of delegates from almost 200 nations gathered to hear from God and each other, as they cast new vision for world evangelization in the third millennium. Global leaders grappled with the most significant issues facing ...

  • Global Theology in Evangelical Perspective: Exploring the Contextual Nature of Theology and Mission, Edited by Jeffrey P. Greenman and Gene L. Green

    Global Theology in Evangelical Perspective

    Exploring the Contextual Nature of Theology and Mission

    Wheaton Theology Conference Series

    Edited by Jeffrey P. Greenman and Gene L. Green

    Jeffrey P. Greenman and Gene L. Green edit this collection of essays from the proceedings of the 2011 Wheaton Theology Conference. The essays explore the past, present and future shape of biblical interpretation and theological engagement in the Majority World. Leading scholars from around the world interact with the key theological issues being discussed in their regions. In addition, some theological ...

  • Introduction to World Christian History, By Derek Cooper

    Introduction to World Christian History

    by Derek Cooper

    Christianity is a global faith. Today, people are increasingly aware that Christianity extends far beyond Europe and North America, permeating the Eastern and Southern hemispheres. What we may know less well is that Christianity has always been a global faith. A vast untold story waits to be heard beyond the familiar tale of how the Christian faith spread across Europe. Not only was Jesus born ...

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