• Redeeming Creation: The Biblical Basis for Environmental Stewardship, By Fred H. Van Dyke and David C. Mahan and Joseph K. Sheldon and Raymond H. Brand

    Redeeming Creation

    The Biblical Basis for Environmental Stewardship

    by Fred H. Van Dyke, David C. Mahan, Joseph K. Sheldon, and Raymond H. Brand

    "Preeeeep." The sound of the peepers, tiny frogs an inch or two long, penetrated the dusk. Beneath the jack pines at the edge of a small pond in the northern Michigan woods, the males were calling their mates. A professor and a group of ecology students sat speechless as closer and closer, louder and louder, more and more peepers joined in chorus. There was just light enough to see them, crawling ...

  • Introducing Eastern Orthodox Theology, By Andrew Louth

    Introducing Eastern Orthodox Theology

    by Andrew Louth

    With an estimated 250 million adherents, the Orthodox Church is the second largest Christian body in the world. This absorbing account of the essential elements of Eastern Orthodox thought deals with the Trinity, Christ, sin, humanity and creation as well as praying, icons, the sacraments and liturgy.

  • Light from the Christian East: An Introduction to the Orthodox Tradition, By James R. Payton Jr.

    Light from the Christian East

    An Introduction to the Orthodox Tradition

    by James R. Payton Jr.

    The Word Guild Canadian Christian Writing Awards winner

    "Do they really pray to icons?" "Why do they use incense?" "What do they believe?"

    To many people, the Orthodox Christian tradition (or Eastern Orthodoxy) seems unfamiliar and mysterious. Yet this tradition is arguably the most faithful representative of early Christianity in existence today and ...

  • Life in the Trinity: An Introduction to Theology with the Help of the Church Fathers, By Donald Fairbairn

    Life in the Trinity

    An Introduction to Theology with the Help of the Church Fathers

    by Donald Fairbairn

    What can the early church contribute to theology today? Although introductions to Christian theology often refer to its biblical foundations, seldom is much attention paid to the key insights the early church had into the nature of Christian faith and life. Donald Fairbairn takes us back to those biblical roots and to the central convictions of the early church, showing us what we have tended to ...

  • Reading Scripture with the Church Fathers, By Christopher A. Hall

    Reading Scripture with the Church Fathers

    by Christopher A. Hall

    Many Christians today long to become reacquainted with their ancient ancestors in the faith. They see a deeper worship and devotion in the prayers and hymns of the early church. And they believe that the writings of the early church can shed new light on their understanding of Scripture.

    But where and how do we begin? Our first encounter with the writings of the church fathers may seem like ...

  • Karl Barth's Infralapsarian Theology: Origins and Development, 1920-1953, By Shao Kai Tseng

    Karl Barth's Infralapsarian Theology

    Origins and Development, 1920-1953

    New Explorations in Theology

    by Shao Kai Tseng
    Foreword by George Hunsinger

    Theologians have long assumed that Karl Barth's doctrine of election is supralapsarian.

    Challenging decades of scholarship, Shao Kai Tseng argues that despite Barth's stated favor of supralapsarianism, his mature lapsarian theology is complex and dialectical, critically reappropriating both supra- and infralapsarian patterns of thinking. Barth can be described as basically ...

  • Delighting in the Trinity: An Introduction to the Christian Faith, By Michael Reeves

    Delighting in the Trinity

    An Introduction to the Christian Faith

    by Michael Reeves

    Over 100,000 Copies Sold Worldwide!

    The Beloved Introduction to the Trinity and Christian Life

    Why is God love? Because God is a Trinity.

    Why can we be saved? Because God is a Trinity.

    How are we able to live the Christian life? Through the Trinity.

    In this lively book, we find an introduction to Christianity and the Christian life ...

  • Retrieving Doctrine: Essays in Reformed Theology, By Oliver D. Crisp

    Retrieving Doctrine

    Essays in Reformed Theology

    by Oliver D. Crisp

    In this volume Oliver Crisp offers a set of essays that analyze the significance and contribution of several great thinkers in the Reformed tradition, ranging from John Calvin and Jonathan Edwards to Karl Barth. Crisp demonstrates how these thinkers navigated pressing theological issues in their historical settings and in what ways contemporary readers can draw important insights from the tradition ...

  • Salvation Belongs to Our God: Celebrating the Bible's Central Story, By Christopher J. H. Wright

    Salvation Belongs to Our God

    Celebrating the Bible's Central Story

    Christian Doctrine in Global Perspective

    by Christopher J. H. Wright

    A great multitude that no one could count . . . cried out in a loud voice: "Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb." Every phrase in Revelation 7:10 resonates with significant themes in the Old and New Testaments. Christopher Wright views the story of God's salvation through the lens of this verse to show the great breadth of God's saving work: the character ...

  • The Doctrine of Humanity, By Charles Sherlock

    The Doctrine of Humanity

    Contours of Christian Theology

    by Charles Sherlock

    At the end of the twentieth century the forces of race, gender, ethnicity, culture, social status, life-style and sexual preference threaten to disassemble any notion of universal "human nature" or "human condition." In light of this historical moment, the Christian doctrine of human nature is ripe for rethinking and reformulation. Charles Sherlock sees this theological task as demanding a "double ...

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