• The Wonders of Creation: Learning Stewardship from Narnia and Middle-Earth, By Kristen Page

    The Wonders of Creation

    Learning Stewardship from Narnia and Middle-Earth

    Hansen Lectureship Series

    by Kristen Page
    Contributions by Christina Bieber Lake, Noah J. Toly, and Emily Hunter McGowin

    When an author of fiction employs the imagination and sets characters in a new location, they are in a sense creating a world. Might such fictional worlds give us a deeper appreciation for our own?

    Many readers have found themselves, like the Pevensie children, transported by C. S. Lewis into Narnia, and they have traveled from Lantern Waste to Cair Paravel and the edge of ...

  • Flood and Fury: Old Testament Violence and the Shalom of God, By Matthew J. Lynch

    Flood and Fury

    Old Testament Violence and the Shalom of God

    by Matthew J. Lynch
    Foreword by Helen Paynter

    What do we do with a God who sanctions violence?

    Old Testament violence proves one of the most troubling topics in the Bible. Too often, the explanations for the brutality in Scripture fail to adequately illustrate why God would sanction such horrors on humanity. These unanswered questions leave readers frustrated and confused, leading some to even walk away from their faith.

    In ...

  • Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Edited by Mark J. Edwards

    Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians

    Volume 8

    Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture

    Edited by Mark J. Edwards
    General Editor Thomas C. Oden

    Paul's letters to the Galatians, Ephesians, and Philippians have struck an indelible impression on Christian tradition and piety. The doctrines of Christ, of salvation, and of the church all owe their profiles to these letters. And for patristic interpreters, who read Scripture as a single book and were charged with an insatiable curiosity regarding the mysteries of the Godhead, ...

  • Matthew 14-28, Edited by Manlio Simonetti

    Matthew 14-28

    Volume 1B

    Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture

    Edited by Manlio Simonetti
    General Editor Thomas C. Oden

    The Gospel of Matthew stands out as a favorite biblical text among patristic commentators. The patristic commentary tradition on Matthew begins with Origen's pioneering twenty-five-volume commentary on the First Gospel in the mid-third century. In the Latin-speaking West, where commentaries did not appear until about a century later, the first commentary on Matthew was written by ...

  • Swing Low, volume 2: An Anthology of Black Christianity in the United States

    Swing Low, volume 2

    An Anthology of Black Christianity in the United States

    Swing Low Set

    General Editor Walter R. Strickland II
    Associate Editor Justin D. Clark, Yana Jenay Conner, and Courtlandt K. Perkins

    A Groundbreaking Portrait of African American Christianity

    The history of African American Christianity is one of the determined faith of a people driven to pursue spiritual and social uplift for themselves and others to God's glory. Yet stories of faithful Black Christians have often been forgotten or minimized. The dynamic witness of the Black church in the United States ...

  • A0420

    Swing Low, volume 1

    A History of Black Christianity in the United States

    Swing Low Set

    by Walter R. Strickland II

    A Groundbreaking Portrait of African American Christianity

    The history of African American Christianity is one of the determined faith of a people driven to pursue spiritual and social uplift for themselves and others to God's glory. Yet stories of faithful Black Christians have often been forgotten or minimized. The dynamic witness of the Black church in the United States ...

  • The Trinity in the Book of Revelation: Seeing Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in John's Apocalypse, By Brandon D. Smith

    The Trinity in the Book of Revelation

    Seeing Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in John's Apocalypse

    Studies in Christian Doctrine and Scripture

    by Brandon D. Smith
    Foreword by Lewis Ayres

    How should we read the book of Revelation?

    Interpreting Scripture faithfully is a challenge with regard to any text and for any reader of the Bible. But perhaps no text confronts and confuses readers as much as the book of Revelation. With its vivid imagery and rich prophetic language, John's Apocalypse provokes and stirs our imaginations. Some have viewed it primarily as ...

  • Restless Devices: Recovering Personhood, Presence, and Place in the Digital Age, By Felicia Wu Song

    Restless Devices

    Recovering Personhood, Presence, and Place in the Digital Age

    by Felicia Wu Song

    We're being formed by our devices. Today's digital technologies are designed to captivate our attention and encroach on our boundaries, shaping how we relate to time and space, to ourselves and others, even to God. Our natural longing for relationship makes us vulnerable to the "industrializing" effects of social media. While we enjoy the benefits of digital tech, many of us feel ...

  • Faithful Disobedience: Writings on Church and State from a Chinese House Church Movement, By Wang Yi

    Faithful Disobedience

    Writings on Church and State from a Chinese House Church Movement

    by Wang Yi
    Edited by Hannah Nation and J. D. Tseng
    Foreword by Ian Johnson

    Reader's Choice Award Winner

    Throughout China's rapidly growing cities, a new wave of unregistered house churches is growing. They are developing rich theological perspectives that are both uniquely Chinese and rooted in the historical doctrines of the faith. To understand how they have endured despite government pressure and cultural marginalization, we must ...

  • Now and Not Yet: Theology and Mission in Ezra–Nehemiah, By Dean R. Ulrich

    Now and Not Yet

    Theology and Mission in Ezra–Nehemiah

    New Studies in Biblical Theology

    by Dean R. Ulrich
    Series edited by D. A. Carson

    For various reasons, the books of Ezra and Nehemiah have suffered comparative neglect in Old Testament scholarship. However, as Dean Ulrich demonstrates, Ezra–Nehemiah as a literary unit is part of the Christian Bible that tells God's grand story of saving activity. It focuses not so much on how to be an effective leader but on how to be a godly participant in God's story. God may ...

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