Athanasius: The Life of Antony of Egypt, By Albert Haase OFM


The Life of Antony of Egypt

Classics in Spiritual Formation

by Albert Haase OFM
Foreword by Shane Claiborne

  • Length: 128 pages
  • Published: March 22, 2012
  • Imprint: IVP Formatio
  • Item Code: 3592
  • ISBN: 9780830835928

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Athanasius, one of the most influential church fathers in history, records in his Life of Antony of Egypt the story of another extremely influential figure of early Christianity. In these pages we read of St. Antony's early life, his retreat into the desert and his famous spiritual battles. Albert Haase's work gives us access to a masterwork of spiritual formation, that we too might know the God of the universe as richly and deeply as Athanasius himself did.

Also included in this volume are a few lesser known pieces of Athanasius's writing: Letter to Ammoun, Letter to Dracontius and Festal Letters 39.

"Taking one of the best—and also oldest—spiritual classics, Athanasius's The Life of Antony of Egypt, [Albert Haase] has made it accessible to us in this paraphrase. Lively, engaging and sometimes humorous, his new paraphrase of this very old work turns it from something alien into something inviting, convicting and relevant. His occasional call-out comments explain and clarify the document just when the reader needs it most. We owe Albert a debt of gratitude for doing such good work for the church."

Gerald L. Sittser, professor of theology, Whitworth University, and author of Water from a Deep Well and A Grace Disguised

"When Antony of Egypt relocated to the desert, he reimagined spiritual formation for Christians in a time of upheaval. For those of us who sense that Christianity is in a similar time of transition, Albert Haase has done a brilliant job of unleashing the prophet's distinct voice to speak to us in the present."

Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove, author of The Wisdom of Stability

"Thanks to scholars like Albert Haase, O.F.M., we are the first generation of English readers to have translations of the Desert Fathers and Mothers. Now comes the hard work of teaching what they taught. But what is still required is to live this text in our lifetime."

Mary Margaret Funk, O.S.B., author of Thoughts Matter


Foreword by Shane Claiborne
1. The Life of Antony of Egypt
2. Letter to Ammoun
3. Letter to Dracontius
4. Fragment of Festal Letter 39
Discussion Questions
Annotated Bibliography


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Albert Haase OFM

Albert Haase, OFM, is a preacher, teacher, and spiritual director. A former missionary to mainland China for over eleven years, he is the award-winning author of ten books on popular spirituality and the presenter on five bestselling DVDs. He holds a PhD in historical theology from Fordham University and an MDiv from Catholic Theological Union. He is currently serving as chaplain at Cedarbrake Retreat Center near Austin, Texas.