Citizenship Without Illusions: A Christian Guide to Political Engagement, By David T. Koyzis

Citizenship Without Illusions

A Christian Guide to Political Engagement

by David T. Koyzis

Citizenship Without Illusions
  • Length: 168 pages
  • Dimensions: 6 × 9 in
  • Published: November 26, 2024
  • Imprint: IVP Academic
  • Item Code: A0862
  • ISBN: 9781514008621

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How can Christians live as citizens of God's kingdom while also fulfilling their responsibilities as citizens of political communities? David Koyzis, author of Political Visions and Illusions, offers a brief, practical guide on political engagement and citizenship.

During numerous conversations with students and readers of his books in Canada, the United States, Brazil, Chile, the United Kingdom, and elsewhere, Koyzis has heard the same questions repeated. Can Christians participate in the public square without buying in to political illusions—ideologies that become idolatrous? Is it better to avoid politics than risk ethical compromise or division among believers? In Citizenship Without Illusions, Koyzis presents a case for political engagement as a way to love our neighbors that doesn't require our full devotion to parties or ideologies. He explores key topics such as:

  • the responsibilities of citizens
  • how to vote
  • mobilizing for political action
  • citizenship under less-than-ideal circumstances
  • the importance of both local and global engagement
  • the role of the church in society

Using examples from various eras and places, Koyzis guides readers to make the best of their own political situations, make thoughtful decisions, and promote societal diversity while respecting those who disagree. With clear understanding and confidence in their ultimate allegiance, Christians can employ their citizenship for the greater good.

"In an age of heightened political division and widespread insistence on individual rights, often to the detriment of a vision for the public good, this primer on the task of being faithful Christian citizens is a breath of fresh (principled!) air. While reflecting the erudition of a senior political science scholar, Koyzis's book is eminently readable, theologically grounded, and insightfully practical for anyone wanting better to live in the tension between the heavenly kingdom of God for which we pray and the broken earthly political and social contexts in which we all live."

David Guretzki, president, CEO, and resident theologian, Evangelical Fellowship of Canada

"Citizenship Without Illusions is the best one-stop treatment of political citizenship written by the most significant evangelical political theorist of our day. In it, Koyzis makes a case for political engagement as a divine vocation in which our allegiance to Christ is primary and our allegiance to political parties and platforms is secondary. His ability to turn complex political realities into practical frameworks for action is second to none. Highly recommended."

Bruce Riley Ashford, senior fellow at the Kirby Laing Centre for Public Theology

"One wonderful, essential thing about David Koyzis is that he takes politics seriously without making an idol of it. This book reflects the generosity of spirit and intellectual care that have characterized David's career. Once again, David has offered us a tremendous gift with this book. Read it closely. Consider it deeply. Dispel political illusions. Love God and love your neighbor."

Michael Wear, founder, president, and CEO of the Center for Christianity and Public Life and the author of The Spirit of Our Politics: Spiritual Formation and the Renovation of Public Life

"David Koyzis has done all Western Christians concerned with their civic, political, and social obligations a great service. Rather than accept faulty assumptions about the nature of citizenship, the nation-state, and the relationship between church and state that run rampant today, Koyzis engages with these ideas historically, philosophically, and theologically before ever turning to concrete guidance. This is an outstanding book worthy of serious consideration."

Trey Dimsdale, executive director of the Center for Religion, Culture, and Democracy at First Liberty Institute

"At a time when much Christian writing on politics is either enmeshed in the polemics of the day or else abstract and utopian, David Koyzis's Citizenship Without Illusions is a breath of fresh air. Koyzis discusses the practical demands of citizenship in a way that is theologically and philosophically grounded and historically astute. And he does so in an eminently readable way, enriched by pithy examples."

Paul Marshall, Wilson Professor of Religious Freedom at Baylor University and senior fellow at the Hudson Institute and the Religious Freedom Institute

"The product of seasoned wisdom won from years of deep Christian reflection on politics, David Koyzis's new book is a timely gift to a church increasingly lured away from gospel faithfulness by pernicious political illusions and dangerous idolatries. Koyzis has crafted an accessible, insightful, and practical account of democratic citizenship as a biblical call to discern and enact public justice in whatever setting we find ourselves, from the local community through the national level to the larger horizons of the global community. Both ordinary believers paralyzed by today's political forces of darkness and tempted to retreat to the private sphere, and longtime practitioners beaten down by our mounting tribal acrimonies, will be inspired to embrace the vocation of citizenship with renewed vision and hope. An uplifting tract for our troubled times."

Jonathan Chaplin, fellow of Wesley House in Cambridge and author of Faith in Democracy: Framing a Politics of Deep Diversity

"David Koyzis provides one of the most useful, nonideological frameworks for Christians seeking to navigate their participation in political society I've ever read. Citizenship Without Illusions is the best protection against Christians succumbing to the temptations of pledging allegiance to ideological visions while simultaneously equipping them to make enduring contributions to the common good. Koyzis provides a new standard, guiding Christians to transcend political polarization so they can truly seek the peace and prosperity of their communities and the world."

Anthony Bradley, author of the Political Economy of Liberation

"As Christians, we are getting lots of sermons on what it means for a Christian to be a church member or parent. But who tells us what it means for a Christian to be a citizen? Thankfully, David T. Koyzis does. With a rich variety of historical and contemporary illustrations from all over the globe, including my own country, he encourages us to be faithful to Christ as members of our civil communities. As former leader of a Dutch Christian party that was part of coalition governments and as a follower of Christ, I thoroughly enjoyed reading this thoughtful, biblical, and well-written book."

Gert-Jan Segers, former Dutch member of Parliament and leader of ChristenUnie, Christian party in the Netherlands

"In an era of extreme polarization, Koyzis offers practical guidance about how to navigate being an excellent earthly citizen in light of one's identity as a citizen of God's kingdom. Shaped by biblical insight and real-life conversations and examples, Koyzis's guidance is neither trite nor idealistic. Readers are encouraged to honor their own and others' convictions by and while resisting idolatrous ideologies that demand one's full allegiance. Christian educators in particular will find it a valuable tool for cultivating good citizens—both earthly and kingdom."

Perry L. Glanzer, professor of educational foundations at Baylor University



1. Understanding Citizenship
2. How to Be a Citizen
3. When Kingdoms Collide
4. How to Vote
5. Mobilizing for Political Action
6. Progressives and Conservatives
7. Global Citizenship
8. Prayer, Politics, and Church

Discussion Questions
Selected Bibliography


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David T. Koyzis

David T. Koyzis is affiliated with Global Scholars Canada and is engaged in an international academic ministry of writing, researching, lecturing, and conversing with readers of his books. He is the author of Political Visions and Illusions and We Answer to Another: Authority, Office, and the Image of God. He taught undergraduate political science for thirty years and lives with his family in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.