These daily online studies are adapted from our Quiet Time Bible Guide. The studies go through the Old and New Testaments in just over two years. The approach taken by our quiet time Bible studies does not include answers. The goal of the study is to help you dig into Scripture for yourself. You can go deeper using a commentary, Bible background guide or Bible handbook.

Proverbs 13—14: Finding Wisdom

For more context before you begin studying, read this introduction to the book of Proverbs.

A factory manager's assembly line was down, so he summoned a consultant to suggest remedies. After inspecting a huge piece of machinery, the consultant produced a small hammer, reached between some gears, and gave a small tap. The assembly line worked again, and the factory manager got a bill for $10,000. Aghast, the manager demanded another bill itemizing the charges. When it came, the second bill read: Tapping with hammer: $5.00/Knowing where to tap: $9,995.00.

Wisdom is "knowing where to tap." When we need some tapping done, we'll do it ourselves if we're wise enough; otherwise we'll need someone who knows where to tap. The book of Proverbs points us in both directions—by showing us "where to tap" in many areas of life, and by helping us seek out those who understand what we cannot yet perceive. The proverbs not only show us wisdom, they show us how to seek wisdom.

Warming Up to God

Who do you think of when you ponder "wisdom"? Thank God for that person and what he or she has taught you as you begin.

Read Proverbs 13-14

Discovering the Word

  • We often say that someone is "street smart," meaning that the person has become shrewd through enrollment in the "School of Hard Knocks." Can we get wisdom without the "hard knocks"? Defend your answer from the proverbs themselves.
  • In Solomon's day, the wisdom of Proverbs was probably taught in two places—the home and wisdom schools. Today the "wisdom school" takes many forms, from apprenticeships in trade unions to enrollment in universities. Using the proverbs above as a guide, what would you look for when trying to select such a school?
  • What do you learn from these proverbs about advice?
  • Why do you think there is often such a huge gulf between what seems right to us and what is truly wise (14:12)?
  • Wanting wisdom isn't enough. To get it we must be able to receive it. From each of the proverbs in this study, suggest a character weakness which hinders a person from becoming wise—one character weakness per proverb.

Applying the Word

  • In Proverbs to seek wisdom is to seek skill. What specific types of skill would you like to acquire in your work or in your relationships?
  • What can you do in the week ahead to begin acquiring wisdom?

Responding in Prayer

Proverbs 14:33 says, "Wisdom reposes in the heart of the discerning." Pray for a discerning heart.

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