These daily online studies are adapted from our Quiet Time Bible Guide. The studies go through the Old and New Testaments in just over two years. The approach taken by our quiet time Bible studies does not include answers. The goal of the study is to help you dig into Scripture for yourself. You can go deeper using a commentary, Bible background guide or Bible handbook.

Ecclesiastes 1:12-2:16: Where Can We Find Fulfillment?

For more context before you begin studying, read this introduction to the book of Ecclesiastes.

Imagine a total plunge into hedonism-following every possible avenue of self-seeking pleasure and satisfaction. Now let your imagination grow further, having the political and financial means to indulge yourself to the fullest possible extent. Imagination turns to reality in this section of Ecclesiastes-surely one of the most colorful passages in the Bible. Here is one person's attempt at something many only dream about.

Warming Up to God

If by some sudden shift in perspective wordly pleasure suddenly became your overriding goal, what would you likely do? With what results? Talk to God about your deeper desires to forsake short-term self-indulgence for the long-term gain of knowing him.

Read Ecclesiastes 1:12-2:16

Discovering the Word

  • How does the Teacher describe himself and his quest?
  • Why does the author call his search for wisdom "a heavy burden" (1:13)?
  • Describe the various avenues the Teacher tested in his quest for fulfillment (2:1-16).
  • In 2:12-16 he outlines two approaches to discovering meaning in life. What are the advantages and limitations of these two approaches?
  • What prompts his change of perspective (2:14-16)?
  • In the first six chapters the Teacher repeats his thesis that "everything is meaningless" 21 times. How does he show that life is meaningless in 1:12—2:16?

Applying the Word

  • How have you been convinced of the meaninglessness of living outside of Christ's lordship?
  • What would help you turn your desire for meaning in life into a wholehearted pursuit of God?

Responding in Prayer

Matthew 7:8 promises that all who seek shall find. Knock on Jesus' door right now and ask him to give you a hunger to find meaning in life through knowing him better each day.

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