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Freedom to Heal

A Christian Clinician's Guide to Treating Child Sexual Abuse

by Tammy Schultz, Hannah Estabrook, and Adam David Dell

Freedom to Heal
  • Length: 272 pages
  • Dimensions: 6 × 9 in
  • Published: March 18, 2025
  • Imprint: IVP Academic
  • Item Code: A0751
  • ISBN: 9781514007518

*affiliate partner

A Practitioner's Guide to Caring for Survivors of Sexual Abuse

For adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse, there is no easy road to healing. Yet there is hope for true freedom—to thrive, to love others, and to love God.

Tammy Schultz, Hannah Estabrook, and Adam David Dell have written a go-to resource for faith-based practitioners caring for survivors of sexual abuse. Drawing from their personal experiences and work with survivors, the authors discuss the integration of theology and mental health practices and the healing pathways of the counseling journey. They also incorporate current research into each chapter, offering evidence-based, practical guidance. This book

  • reflects on biblical trauma narratives that show God's concern for survivors;
  • helps counselors and caregivers compassionately comprehend survivors' experiences;
  • suggests evidence-based therapeutic approaches and practices that address individualized needs;
  • addresses vicarious traumatization and sustainable practices for clinicians and caregivers; and
  • recommends interventions and resources to equip practitioners with next steps.

While every client's experience is unique, there are common themes and challenges practitioners must understand as they craft personalized treatments. Freedom to Heal is an honest, compassionate guide for therapists, medical professionals, pastoral counselors, and others who endeavor to journey with trauma survivors.


1. Tamar: A Desolate Woman
2. Anguish Unvoiced
3. Cesspools of Shame
4. Trust and Treachery
5. Addiction: An Enslaving Solution
6. Complex Trauma, Complex Memories
7. Indomitable Hope
8. Attached to God: Prayer Practices in Therapeutic Settings
9. Hitting the Wall: Vicarious Traumatization
10. Flying Above the Fray: Forgiving Incalculable Suffering
11. Living Beyond Desolate: Forests of Flourishing
