Genesis: The Story We Haven't Heard, By Paul Borgman

Genesis: The Story We Haven't Heard

by Paul Borgman

Genesis: The Story We Haven't Heard
  • Length: 252 pages
  • Published: July 25, 2001
  • Imprint: IVP Academic
  • Item Code: 2655
  • ISBN: 9780830826551

*affiliate partner

Time after time choosing selfishness over selflessness, human beings invariably destroy themselves and wreck their societies. Only God can help, says Genesis. Yet God refuses to coerce. Instead he works with individual men and women who turn around--who stop trying to make a name for themselves and start trying to be a blessing to others. The transformation is slow and arduous. God waits. Captured in one of the world's best and best-known stories, this dynamic between God and recreated individuals leads from the universal chaos of Babel to blessing for all our world's peoples.

Unfortunately, most of us overlook the dramatic story of God's work in early time because we read Scripture in disjointed pieces--and we think we've heard it all before! We miss the suspenseful, sweeping narrative of interconnected events. We miss the nuances of emotion and relationship between the characters. Now in Genesis: The Story We Haven't Heard Paul Borgman fits the pieces back together--revealing God's story as if it had never been read before.



Introduction: Why Haven't We Heard?

I. The Prologue
1. I Want a Name for Myself: Genesis 1--11

II. Abraham Sarah
2. Ordinary Choices of the Worst Sort
3. Let Go, Don't Be Afraid: Visits 1-4
4. Walk with Me--and Speak Up! Visits 5 6
5. Coming to Trust in Each Other: Visit 7
6. What's Love--and Fear--Got to Do with It?
7. The Point: Abraham Brings Triple Blessing

III. Jacob Esau; Rachel Leah
8. Jacob Wrestles for His Blessings with Esau, with God
9. Three Mirrors for Jacob
10. Three Breakthroughs--and Disaster

IV. Joseph Family; Judah Tamar
11. Three Descents for Joseph, One for Judah
12. Older Brothers Bow: Does Joseph Tease or Test?
13. All Peoples, Including the Little Ones of Egypt


Selected Bibliography

Subject Index

Author Index

Scripture Index


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Paul Borgman (PhD, University of Chicago) is professor of English at Gordon College in Wenham, Massachusetts, where he teaches world and American literatures as well as biblical literature. He has always been fascinated by story and has taught the Bible as literature for over three decades. After a detour into philosophy for his master's degree, his doctorate in stories and poetry led him to write three books of narrative analysis: Genesis, the Story We Haven't Heard, The Way According to Luke: the Whole Story of Luke-Acts and David, Saul, and God: Rediscovering an Ancient Story.