Great Commission Companies: The Emerging Role of Business in Missions, By Steven Rundle and Tom A. Steffen

Great Commission Companies

The Emerging Role of Business in Missions

Revised Edition

by Steven Rundle and Tom A. Steffen

Great Commission Companies
  • Length: 240 pages
  • Dimensions: 6 × 9 in
  • Published: February 09, 2011
  • Imprint: IVP
  • Item Code: 3827
  • ISBN: 9780830838271

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Business as mission has emerged as a significant new model for mission in the twenty-first century. Today's globalized economy has created strategic opportunities for Christian business enterprises in some of the most unlikely corners of the world.

In this landmark book, economist Steve Rundle and missiologist Tom Steffen offer their paradigm for the convergence of business and missions--the Great Commission Company. Such companies intentionally create businesses in strategic locations, pursuing profits while remaining unabashedly Christian in their purpose. By establishing authentic businesses that employ local workers among the least-reached peoples of the world, they contribute to the economic health of the immediate community and also provide avenues for both physical and spiritual ministry.

In an era where multinational corporations have global influence and impact, the Great Commission Company opens up new possibilities for missions-minded entrepreneurs and businesspeople who want to change the world to the glory of God.

This revised and expanded edition provides new and updated case studies of Great Commission Companies in diverse contexts around the world.

"Steve Rundle has done more research on the emerging phenomenon of Business as Mission (BAM) than virtually any other academic leader. This updated edition of Great Commission Companies adds welcome dialogue on the basic definitions of this still-new movement, the things that unite and divide it, and the huge potential in what he calls the 'promise and peril of kingdom business.' With new case studies, Rundle and Steffen expose us to even more applications of BAM which will, I think, encourage even more exploration and experimentation in the field. GCC is part of my core library of recommendations for anyone wanting to learn about God's plans for business."

Michael R. Baer, entrepreneur, BAM practitioner and author of Business as Mission (YWAM Publishing)

"Business as Mission (BAM) is a global movement with a major focus on the Arab world and Asia. Rundle and Steffen's book gives a most helpful introduction to BAM, identifying key issues, clarifying key terms and conveying important lessons learned. This book is essential."

Mats Tunehag, senior associate for Business as Mission for the Lausanne Movement and the World Evangelical Alliance

"The original publication of Great Commission Companies by Steve Rundle and Tom Steffen was a seminal breakthrough that stirred--no, catapulted--a whole new generation into an understanding of how Christian-led businesses can be used by God for kingdom building in a hurting, needy world. "This revised and updated version is equally powerful. It takes the entire genre of literature on the Business as Mission movement (BAM) another bold step forward, in three highly significant ways: First, it explores the unparalleled opportunities for Christian mission through business that have resulted from globalization; second, it makes a convincing case (which is counterintuitive to most Christians in the pews) for Christian support of international trade; and third, it gives an unprecedented ten-year perspective on GCCs that are actually doing the Lord's work on the field. "Rundle and Steffen have hit a home run and it will be required reading for all of my young Christian entrepreneurial students who want to do mission through business."

C. Neal Johnson, professor of business and management at Hope International University and author of Business as Mission

"This is a remarkable book. Two street-smart business professionals grounded in a contemporary holistic biblical theology have demonstrated that income-producing businesses managed by 'kingdom professionals' can play a central, essential role in extending Christ's kingdom worldwide. Rundle and Steffen have plowed much-needed, new ground for all who take the kingdom seriously."

James F. Engel, coauthor, Changing the Mind of Missions

"The authors have done an exceptional job defending and explaining the BAM model and have provided a book that combines the best of the technical side of business with the missional heartbeat of Great Commission Christians. . . . Great Commission Companies is a must read for churches supporting BAM, investors with a Great Commission desire, mission agencies, and current and potential BAM entrepreneurs."

Anthony Case, The Great Commission Research Journal, Winter 2012



Part 1: Principles of Great Commission Companies
1 The Good News About Globalization
2 Toward a Definition of a Great Commission Company
3 Globalization and Business
4 Globalization and Missions
5 Turning Vision into Action
6 Sustaining Success

Part 2: Great Commission Companies in Practice
7 The Silk Road Handicraft Company
8 Bajalia Trading Company/Bajalia International Group
9 Little Texas
10 Global Engineering and Management Solutions
11 Olive Technology
12 Pura Vida Coffee

Appendix: Selected Resources for Further Research
Name and Subject Index
Scripture Index


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Steven Rundle

Steve Rundle is associate professor of economics and business as mission at Biola University in La Mirada, California. His teaching and research interests are focused on the intersection between international economics and faith-based business. He is also the editor of Economic Justice in a Flat World: Christian Perspectives on Globalization.

Tom A. Steffen

Tom Steffen is professor of intercultural studies at Biola University in La Mirada, California, where he directs the Doctor of Missiology program. He was a missionary to the Philippines for fifteen years, and he is the author of a number of books on missions and crosscultural ministry.