Holy Is the Day: Living in the Gift of the Present, By Carolyn Weber
Holy Is the Day
  • Length: 192 pages
  • Dimensions: 5.5 × 8.25 in
  • Published: August 26, 2013
  • Imprint: IVP
  • Item Code: 4307
  • ISBN: 9780830843077

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Life pulls us in many directions, sometimes even to the point of pulling our souls apart. We know rest and reflection are necessary for a healthy life—even Jesus took time to get away from the crowds, away from the demands of everyday life, to pray, to spend time with close friends, to sleep.

But when Carolyn Weber—emotionally and physically exhausted from managing her career as a college professor, writing her first book and parenting three children under the age of three—hears this truth from a friend, all she can think is: but who will do everything if I don't?

And this sets her on a journey to find the still, small space in each day.

In these pages Carolyn reflects on the eternal beauty that lurks within the present. Drawing from literature, history and everyday life, Holy Is the Day is a collection of spiritual reflections that trace the way God's ever-renewing grace is a gift of the present. Opening it we find poignant stories of endurance, humility, compassion, remembrance and gratitude, as well a harrowing account of near-death experience.

Carolyn gives us new eyes to receive the precious gift of the present and give it away to others.

"Holy Is the Day grabbed my attention and held it with lines like, 'I couldn't afford therapy, so I started writing.' I love everything about Carolyn Weber's writing. The frankness with which she invites us to share her complicated life as a wife, mother, academic, driven career woman, damaged child, daughter of aging parents, beleaguered believer. The surprises as she leads us through the bends and twists in her spiritual journey. The fresh insights she brings to scriptural truths, from the perspective of someone who unexpectedly came to faith in Christ. And the marvelous turns of phrase from someone who loves literature and learning. My copy of Holy Is the Day is dog-eared and underlined; yours will be too."

Wendy Elaine Nelles, cofounder of The Word Guild and coeditor of Hot Apple Cider

"Weber's memoir is a delight to read, perhaps best summed up in her wise pronouncement at the center of the book that 'trauma prepares us for resurrection.' She writes of having babies at an 'advanced maternal age,' pursuing an academic career in a decidedly anti-Christian professional environment, trying to figure out how to juggle teaching with writing and family, and other day-to-day traumas of life, large and small. She rises up refreshed from each struggle and serves up what she learns with thought-provoking excursions into Scripture as well as into the literature she loves. She writes sweetly and earnestly, like a wise child. Or perhaps like the wise old woman of God that she hopes someday to become which, I'd argue, she already is."

Patty Kirk, writer in residence and associate professor of English at John Brown University, author of The Easy Burden of Pleasing God

"I could not put Holy Is the Day down! Right from her opening story, Weber hooks us with her luscious use of language and reels us close with her insights and stories, all keenly crafted to help open our eyes to see God at work and present in our days. A beautiful read."

Caryn Rivadeneira, author of Broke and Grumble Hallelujah

"Carolyn Weber lives gracefully and writes elegantly. Her poetic eyes search beneath the surface, unearthing delightful insights missed by those in a hurry. Holy Is the Day is a call to see God and latch onto him, so he takes us through the day as he envisions it. This is a beautiful book that spoke to my heart and changed my day."

Randy Alcorn, author of If God Is Good and Deception

"Life and death, sorrow and joy. Waves of life that roll into Carolyn Weber's life are beautifully, soulfully examined. The author's story is meditatively interwoven with Scripture's story, not to hand us answers, but to offer us hope. The book is lovingly and honestly crafted. Read this one carefully as it is a gift from a heart that has grown in wisdom."

Rick Lewis, Logos Bookstore, Dallas, Texas

"This book's first chapter, about the unexpectedly complicated birth of a child, is breath-stopping and reveals Carolyn Weber as a writer of unusual skill. Her abilities with the English language match the intensity of the event she describes. . . . The book's admirable theme is keeping your heart fixed on God and finding signs of God in the hard times."

Preston Jones, Faith Today, March/April 2014

"Oh my, what an amazing book, one of the very best books we've read all year, elegant, interesting, full of fascinating episodes of a fascinating life as a writer, mother, teacher. You may know Ms Weber from her highly regarded conversion memoir Surprised by Oxford and now you should know her for this fabulous book of wise Christian instruction, guidance for finding God in the ordinary, and how to embrace a busy life with grace and a sense of God's daily presence. Oh, the writing in this--what a joy to read! This is a wise and good book, certainly worthy of the highest praise: a Hearts Minds Best Book of 2013 award."

Byron Borger, Hearts Minds Bookstore "Booknotes" Blog, January 21, 2014

"Sometimes it seems like life has a way of combining a series of events that leave a person wanting to simply make it through each day. Carolyn Weber knows about such times, and in Holy Is the Day she masterfully shares her personal struggles with the insightful lessons she learned in moving forward from the past and experiencing God in the present. Weber encourages believers to see God at work every day in every situation."

Jeff Friend, Worship Leader, November/December 2013

"This book is a beautiful blend of everyday musings and discovering the joy of living in the moment, enjoying the gift of today."

Miriam Leslie, Living Light News, November/December 2013

"Weber's insights are deeply thoughtful and beautifully articulated. Suggest this title especially to fans of her book, Surprised By Oxford, and to English majors, who will appreciate the frequent references to authors, poets, and characters from the literary past and present."

Christy Pitney, CBA Retailers + Resources, October 2013

"Holy is the Day is a beautifully written combination of memoir and theology perfect for anyone wanting to become more attune to God's grace in their own life."

Jen Bradbury, YMJen


1. Four in the Furnace
2. The Widow's Offering
3. Refined like Silver
4. U-Turn Friends
5. Even Jesus Went out in a Boat
6. Carpe Deum
7. Exclamation Marks in the Sky!
8. At the Threshold
9. The Dear Hunt
10. Grumble and Trust
11. Living in the Presence


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Carolyn Weber

Carolyn Weber is the award-winning author of Surprised by Oxford and is an international speaker. Dr. Weber holds her MPhil and DPhil from Oxford University, England. She has served as faculty at a number of colleges including Seattle University and Westmont College. She currently resides in a Canadian farmhouse with her husband and their four spirited children.