In the Beginning, By Henri Blocher
In the Beginning
  • Length: 240 pages
  • Published: October 17, 1984
  • Imprint: IVP
  • Item Code: 0325
  • ISBN: 9780877843252

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"Curiosity about our beginning continues to haunt the human race. It will not call off the Quest for its origins."

The opening chapters of Genesis -- important at any time -- have been the focal point of controversy for more than a century. Few topics have been so hotly debated by theologians, philosophers and scientists alike.

Henri Blocher argues that our primary task is to discover what these key chapters of the Bible originally meant. Only then will we be able to unravel the knotty issues surrounding human origins.

Taking into account a vast array of scholarship, Blocher provides a detailed study of creation week, the image of God, the significance of male and female, the garden covenant, the Fall, the curse and the promise of redemption. He also offers significanct theological insights into the creation-evolution debate.


Translator's preface
Select bibliography
1. Approaching Genesis
2. The week of creation
3. Being, order and life
4. The image of God
5. Man and woman
6. The covenant in Eden
7. The breaking of the covenant
8. The wages of sin
9. The aftermath and the promise

Appendix: Scientific hypotheses and the beginning of Genesis

Index of biblical references

General index


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Henri Blocher

In October 2003, Henri Blocher was appointed to the Guenther H. Knoedler Chair of Theology at Wheaton College in Wheaton, Illinois. Since 1965 he has served as professor of systematic theology at the Faculté Libre de Théologie Evangélique in Vaux-sur-Seine near Paris, France. A leading evangelical theologian and statesman, Blocher was a member of the Lausanne Committee on World Evangelization (1975-1980), served the World Evangelical Fellowship/Alliance in a number of capacities, and taught in schools in Europe, Australia, Africa, Canada and the US. He is currently president of the Fellowship of European Evangelical Theologians. Blocher studied at a number of institutions including the Sorbonne, London Bible College, Gordon Divinity School, and Faculté Libre de Théologie Protestant of Paris. He has written six books, four of which have appeared in English, and several dozen articles. His English publications include Original Sin: Illuminating the Riddle, Evil and the Cross: Christian Thought and the Problem of Evil and In the Beginning: The Opening chapters of Genesis.