Israel & the Nations: The History of Israel from the Exodus to the Fall of the Second Temple, By F. F. Bruce and David F. Payne

Israel & the Nations

The History of Israel from the Exodus to the Fall of the Second Temple

by F. F. Bruce and David F. Payne

Israel & the Nations
  • Length: 258 pages
  • Dimensions: 6 × 9 in
  • Published: August 03, 1998
  • Imprint: IVP Academic
  • Item Code: 1510
  • ISBN: 9780830815104

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The story of Israel is one of the outstanding tales of human history. Israel, occupying a narrow strip of land between sea and desert, was positioned on an international highway of commerce and warfare. This was a people whose future would be intertwined with the stories of nations great and small.

F. F. Bruce shapes the daunting complexities of this history, nearly fourteen hundred years from the exodus to the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70, into straight prose that sparkles with clarity. More than half of the book is devoted to the postexilic history of Israel, the "intertestamental" period and the first-century history that forms the backdrop of the New Testament.

First published in 1963, Israel and the Nations has achieved wide recognition as an excellent introduction to the history of Israel. This new edition, carefully revised by David F. Payne, includes some new material and a revised bibliography.

"An excellent sketch of the history of Israel, written with a splendid clarity"

John Bright


1. Israel's Beginnings
2. The Philistines and the Hebrew Monarchy
3. The Reign of David
4. Solomon and His Successors
5. The Dynasty of Omri
6. The Syrian Wars and the Rise of the Prophets
7. The Fall of the Northern Kingdom
8. Hezekiah and the Assyrian Peril
9. Apostasy and Restoration
10. Last Days of the Kingdom of Judah
11. The Exile
12. When the Lord Turned Again the Captivity of Zion
13. The People of the Law
14. The Jews in the Persian Empire
15. Rival Greek Empires
16. Oniads and Tobiads
17. And Ambitious Greek King
18. The Abomination of Desolation
19. The Hasmonaean Resistance
20. Judas Maccabaeus
21. Independence Won
22. The Hasmonaean Dynasty
23. The Roman Conquest
24. The Reign of Herod
25. The Sons of Herod and the Early Roman Governors
26. Herod Agrippa and the Jews
27. Troubles Mulitply in Judaea
28. The War with Rome and the End of the Second Temple

Genealogical and Chronlogical Tables





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F. F. Bruce

F. F. Bruce (1910-1990) was known worldwide as the "dean of evangelical scholarship"—a reputation earned by a lifetime of scholarship, teaching, and writing. Trained in classics at the University of Aberdeen and Cambridge University, he taught at the Universities of Edinburgh, Leeds, and Sheffield before serving for nearly twenty years as the Rylands Professor of Biblical Criticism and Exegesis at the University of Manchester in England. During his distinguished career, he wrote many outstanding commentaries and books, including Paul, Apostle of the Heart Set Free; Israel and the Nations; New Testament History; The Books and the Parchments: How We Got Our English Bible; Jesus and Christian Origins Outside the New Testament; and The New Testament Documents: Are They Reliable? He also served as general editor of The New International Commentary on the New Testament.