It's Not Your Turn: What to Do While You're Waiting for Your Breakthrough, By Heather Thompson Day alt

It's Not Your Turn

What to Do While You're Waiting for Your Breakthrough

by Heather Thompson Day
Foreword by Annie F. Downs

It's Not Your Turn
  • Length: 216 pages
  • Dimensions: 0 × 0 in
  • Published: June 29, 2021
  • Imprint: IVP
  • Item Code: 4777
  • ISBN: 9780830847778

*affiliate partner

What do you do when it seems like everybody else is getting their dreams and you're not?

You don't have to be distressed when Instagram comparison makes you feel like others are more successful than you. Heather Thompson Day shows us what we can do to shape ourselves while waiting, so we are ready when it's our turn. She unpacks instant gratification and peer comparison in a social media world, and teaches how we can cultivate perspectives and practices that will enable us to be more content, patient, and constructive. We can learn to walk slowly and trust God to do his work in us, being more present in our relationships rather than striving for premature image-based success.

Your turn will come. Here's what you can do to get there.

"I have spent my fair share of time in the waiting room, that place of sitting and waiting for it to be my turn. Anyone who has waited for the next step, the fulfilled dream, or the break of the glass ceiling will benefit by reading this book. Dr. Day gives us practical steps not just to wait but work, until it is our turn."

Aaron Duvall, teaching pastor at Victory Highway Wesleyan Church in Painted Post, New York, and former director of spiritual formation at Ohio Christian University

"Tired of clichés about counting your blessings? Then you'll love this book! It's Not Your Turn throws out those tired, guilt-inducing admonitions to just put on a happy face for Jesus and shows us the surprising, practical—and even fun!—way to wait in God's upside-down kingdom. My soul felt lighter just reading this book—and yours will too!"

Sheila Wray Gregoire, blogger at and author of The Great Sex Rescue

"In It's Not Your Turn, Heather reminds us that the process is often more important than the outcome. This book is full of wisdom, faith, research, humor, and practical advice on what to do until it is your turn."

Christine Caine, founder of A21 and Propel Women

"While you are waiting, grow. While you are waiting, learn. While you are waiting, listen. It's your turn to become who you've always wanted to be."

Annie F. Downs, author of That Sounds Fun and host of the That Sounds Fun Podcast, from the foreword

"What God does in you as you wait is more important than what you are waiting for. This is the essence of what Heather Thompson Day is leading us to in this needed book. With refreshing vulnerability, wit, and poignant insights, she helps us navigate the frustrations that come through the soul-wearying habit of comparison."

Rich Villodas, pastor of New Life Fellowship Church and author of The Deeply Formed Life

"What do you do when everyone around you seems to be winning the race for success, perfection, and progress while it feels like your prayers are unanswered and your life is stuck? In It's Not Your Turn, Dr. Heather Thompson Day offers much-needed perspective. Drawing on biblical insights, current research, and poignant personal stories, she reminds us that God's activity in our lives is not limited to society's definition of or timetables for success. Furthermore, she contends that our waiting time is not wasting time but can be a God-infused opportunity for growth, transformation, and purpose. Heather has given us a valuable resource for every chapter in our lives."

Jo Saxton, leadership coach and author of Ready to Rise

"It's Not Your Turn is the perfect resource on what to do while we wait. What should we do with our time while waiting? Heather gives us the tools!"

Michelle Williams, actress and singer, former member of Destiny's Child

"Heather is real, transparent, and beautifully eloquent at reminding us of the importance of trusting that all things—especially God's timing—work together for our good. If you are in a season of waiting and uncertainty and struggling to see the bigger purpose of it all, it is most definitely your turn to read this book!"

Mandy Hale, author of You Are Enough

"Heather Thompson Day writes in a way that sinks deep into your spirit. Her honest self-assessments help reveal the places where we all get caught up in jealousy, competition, and envy when it comes to the life God has given us in contrast to the life God has given others. A timely read for anyone struggling to move beyond comparison to a patient, nonanxious posture where we wait for the divine goodness of 'our turn.'"

Casey Tygrett, spiritual director and author of As I Recall: Discovering the Place of Memories in Our Spiritual Life

"This book is wise, hilarious, vulnerable, practical, and utterly delightful. Heather winsomely unpacks insights from psychology, biology, her experience, and her faith to yank us from our visions of glory, prisons of despair, or tantrums of envy, and helps us take concrete steps to make life good and beautiful again. It's Not Your Turn is a wonderful book that serves up guidance and healing for the striving-yet-discouraged soul."

James Choung, author of True Story and Real Life

Read an Excerpt


Foreword by Annie F. Downs
1. It's Not Your Turn
2. It's Your Turn to Wait
3. It's Your Turn to Say It Out Loud
4. It's Your Turn to See
5. It's Your Turn to Think Small
6. It's Your Turn to Set the Goal
7. It's Your Turn to Network
8. It's Your Turn to Take a Second Look at Power
9. It's Your Turn to Find Community
10. It's Your Turn to Re-envision God
11. It's Your Turn to Move on Maybe
12. It's Your Turn to Make Your Move


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Heather Thompson Day

Heather Thompson Day is associate professor in the department of visual arts, communication, and design at Andrews University in Berrien Springs, Michigan. She runs an online community called I'm That Wife and hosts the Viral Jesus podcast. An interdenominational speaker, Heather is the author of books including Confessions of a Christian Wife and How to Feed the Mediavore. She is a contributor for Religion News Service, Newsweek, and the Barna Group, and she previously taught at Colorado Christian University. She lives in Michigan with her husband and their three children.