Jesus: Lord & Savior, By F. F. Bruce
Jesus: Lord & Savior
  • Length: 228 pages
  • Published: May 21, 1986
  • Imprint: IVP
  • Item Code: 0932
  • ISBN: 9780877849322

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F. F. Bruce re-examines the biblical evidence for who Jesus was, what his ministry was like and how he related to his disciples and other Jews. In fascinating detail he also considers Jesus' last meals, his arrests and trial, and his resurrection.

Throughout the book Bruce looks at the implications for us in recognizing Jesus as Son of God, the incarnate Word, our Lord and Savior. We find him to be our eternal contemporary, as available to us as he was to his disciples to thousand years ago.


1. The Jesus of History and the Christ of Faith
2. Jesus--the Evidence
3. Jesus--the Historical Setting
4. The Beginning of Jesus' Ministry
5. Jesus and His Disciples
6. The Son of Man
7. Jesus' Way of Life
8. Jesus in Jerusalem
9. Jesus' Last Meals
10. Arrest and Trial
11. The Crucified King
12. The Risen Lord
13. Jesus and the Jewish Parties of His Day
14. Jesus in Christian Experience
15. The Son of God
16. The Incarnate Word
17. The Saviour of the World
18. The Coming One
19. Jesus is Lord
20. Jesus Christ the Same

Notes to Text

For Future Reading

Index of Biblical References

Index of Authors, etc.

F. F. Bruce

F. F. Bruce (1910–1990) was Rylands Professor of Biblical Criticism and Exegesis at the University of Manchester in England. During his distinguished career, he wrote more than forty bestselling commentaries and books, including A Mind for What Matters and Paul, Apostle of the Heart Set Free. He also served as general editor of The New International Commentary on the New Testament.