John: The Gospel of Wisdom, By Michael Card alt

John: The Gospel of Wisdom

The Biblical Imagination Series

by Michael Card

John: The Gospel of Wisdom
  • Length: 237 pages
  • Published: July 14, 2014
  • Imprint: IVP
  • Item Code: 7970
  • ISBN: 9780830879700

*affiliate partner

"When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all the truth." - John 16:13

"He who saw this has testified so that you also may believe. His testimony is true, and he knows he is telling the truth." - John 19:35

With time and experience comes wisdom. John, the longest-surviving of the apostles, recorded in his Gospel a portrait of Jesus that displays the depth of years of reflection on who Jesus is and what he means to the world. Writing in light of the philosophies of his day, John describes Jesus as the incarnate Word, the divine Logos, the embodiment of all truth and wisdom.

In this last volume of the Biblical Imagination Series, Michael Card completes his work on the four Gospels. He shows how John stands alongside the other Gospel writers to fill out the picture of Jesus' divine identity, with stories and sayings of Jesus not recorded by the others. This Jesus reorients our understanding of ourselves and the world around us, offering us nothing less than the way, the truth and the life. Like John before him, Card has written these words so that we may better believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing we have life in his name.

"Card's historical scene-setting, rich descriptions, biblical cross-connections, and personal reflections invite us into the book in a fresh and unexpected way. Scripture and people and meaning come to life to intrigue, inspire, and transform. It's like having a personal Bible study accompanied by a trusted pastor who anticipates your questions and both answers them and encourages you to step into the narrative and experience the story as a participant versus simply a listener/reader. . . . As with all books in the series, John: The Gospel of Wisdom is highly recommended for both personal, group, or team study."

Worship Leader, September/October 2014


Preface: The Biblical Imagination
Who Is John?
Learning to Listen to John

Major Themes
The Motif of Misunderstanding
The Prophet Like Moses
The Gospel That Whispers

John 1
Dabar: The Misunderstood Word (1:1-5)
The ?Witness/Martyr? (1:6-9)
The Song to the Incarnation (1:10-18)
The Voice in the Wilderness (1:19-28)
The Unknown Lamb (1:29-34)
The Promise of a New Name (1:35-42)
A Ladder to Heaven (1:43-51)

John 2
First Unmiraculous Miracle (2:1-11)
A Violent Bookend (2:12-25)

John 3
The Rebirth of an Old Man (3:1-13)
The Shoshbin (3:22-36)

John 4
Misunderstood Water (4:1-42)
Miracle in Absentia (4:43-54)

John 5
Healing Waters (5:1-15)
The Prophet (5:16-47)

John 6
The Turn Toward Scandal (6:1-15)
The I Am of Who He Is (6:16-24)
The Bread King (6:25-71)

John 7
?Come to Me and Drink? (7:1-44)
Fearsome Fools (7:45-53)

John 8
A Problem Passage (8:1-11)
Four Precious Promises (8:12-59)

John 9
?You?re Seeing Him? (9:1-41)

John 10
The Good Shepherd (10:1-21)
A Safe Place Before the Storm (10:22-42)

John 11
Sleeping Lazarus (11:1-16)
The Silent Tear (11:17-37)
?Let Him Go? (11:38-44)
The Plot (11:45-57)

John 12
Over-the-Top Love (12:1-11)
A Royal Entry (12:12-19)
The Final Sign (12:20-36)
The Context (12:37-50)

John 13
The Full Extent of His Love (13:1-17)
And It Was Night (13:18-30)
Love One Another (13:31-38)

John 14
The Perfect Comfort (14:1-14)
Another Comforter (14:15-31)

John 15
The Walk (15:1-27)

John 16
A Radical Redefinition (16:1-16)
A Movement Away from Misunderstanding (16:17-33)

John 17
Glorify Your Son (17:1-5)
Protect and Sanctify the Eleven (17:6-19)
Let Them Be One (17:20-26)

John 18
The Arrest (18:1-11)
Peter?s First Denials (18:12-18)
Jesus and Annas (18:19-24)
Peter?s Final Denials (18:25-27)
Jesus and Pilate (18:28-40)

John 19
Amicus Caesaris (19:1-16)
Excruciating (19:17-24)
The Women (19:25-27)
?It Is Finished? (19:28-37)
Two Brave Pharisees (19:38-42)

John 20
No Expectations (20:1-10)
Angelic Questions (20:11-18)
A Joy No One Can Take (20:19-23)
?I Will Never Believe!? (20:24-29)
The First Conclusion (20:30-31)

John 21
The Persistence of Doubt (21:1-14)
Pure Encouragement (21:15-23)
The Final Conclusion (21:24-25)

A. Material Unique to John
B. The Motif of Misunderstanding
C. Occurrences of John?s ?Whispering?
D. The Prophet Like Moses

About the Author


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Michael Card

Michael Card is an award-winning musician and performing artist. He earned a master's degree in biblical studies from Western Kentucky University under Dr. William Lane. His many books include Scribbling in the Sand, A Fragile Stone, Inexpressible, and the Biblical Imagination Series on the four Gospels.