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Kaylee Prays for the Children of the World

God Hears Every Prayer

by Helen Lee
Illustrated by Shin Maeng

Kaylee Prays for the Children of the World
  • Length: 32 pages
  • Dimensions: 9 × 9 in
  • Published: May 13, 2025
  • Imprint: IVP Kids
  • Item Code: A0916
  • ISBN: 9781514009161

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God hears every prayer!

Kaylee and her grandfather Halbi love reading the newspaper, faithfully fetched each morning by their dog, Keedo. As they read, they look for ways to pray for the children of the world. But when Kaylee encounters the photo of a sad boy halfway around the world she wonders, Does God really care?

This story tenderly guides readers of any age toward the God who hears and answers our prayers—even when we feel overwhelmed or can't find the right words. From author Helen Lee and illustrator Shin Maeng, Kaylee Prays for the Children of the World features a Korean American family whose desire to seek after God will resonate with families of faith all around the world.

Discover IVP Kids and share with children the things that matter to God!

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Helen Lee

Helen Lee (MBA, Babson College, MA, Wheaton College) is the director of product innovation at IVP. She is the coauthor of The Race-Wise Family with Dr. Michelle Reyes, author of The Missional Mom, and a contributor and coeditor of Growing Healthy Asian-American Churches. She has written extensively for publications such as Christianity Today, Sojourners, Jesus Creed, Christ and Pop Culture, and Leadership Journal, and she is cofounder of the Best Christian Workplaces Institute.