New Testament Essentials: Father, Son, Spirit and Kingdom, By Robbie F. Castleman
New Testament Essentials
  • Length: 151 pages
  • Dimensions: 7 × 10 in
  • Number of Studies: 12
  • Published: July 28, 2014
  • Imprint: IVP Bible Studies
  • Item Code: 1052
  • ISBN: 9780830810529

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"I was introduced to the gospel of Jesus Christ as a college student. The Jesus of the New Testament overwhelmed me, and by God?s grace Jesus still does," writes professor Robbie Castleman, author of New Testament Essentials. Her love of Jesus and Scripture is evident in this study, which seeks to answer the question Jesus? disciples posed: "What kind of man is this?" (Matthew 8:27).

New Testament Essentials introduces us to the New Testament in three parts: The revelation of God in Jesus Christ, the indwelling of God in the church by the Holy Spirit and the present and coming kingdom of God. In each of the twelve studies the author helps us to hear Scripture in its own historical and cultural context before guiding us to apply it to our own context.

Jesus? life, teachings and works were thoroughly grounded in the Hebrew Scriptures. And so each session includes a special feature called "Connecting to the Old Testament." Through this you will begin to discover the links between the two testaments and gain a fuller sense of our unfolding salvation history.

Following a format similar to the other volumes of the Essentials series, each of the 12 sessions includes the following elements:

  • A memory verse
  • A Bible study
  • A reading
  • A life application section
  • "Connecting to the Old Testament" feature

Designed to work well on your own, with a partner or in a small group, New Testament Essentials offers a comprehensive overview that will enrich your knowledge and deepen your faith.

"Castleman's choice of key passages is enhanced by her own crisp commentary, by linking these passages to illuminating Old Testament parallels and by offering readers opportunities to share their own reflections on the drama of salvation for their lives today. I can't think of a more positive introduction to the Bible for those who wish to grow in their knowledge of Scripture and faith."

James R. Edwards, Professor of Theology, Whitworth University

"Robbie Castleman has done it again. New Testament Essentials is a delicious blend of research, accessibility and devotion that challenges the reader to examine core beliefs and convictions in light of the only book from which we might abstract the ministry and nature of Jesus of Nazareth. Used in the context of private study or, even better, group interaction, this book is an excellent resource for those who are looking to more deeply root and enliven their faith."

Chris Yaw, founder,

"Jesus is at the heart of our faith, and we meet him most clearly in the pages of the New Testament, which also describes the work of the Spirit and the kingdom of God. Robbie Castleman masterfully leads us in a study that introduces us to the glorious teaching of the New Testament, a study that deepens our love and trust in our Savior."

Tremper Longman III, Westmont College, author of Old Testament Essentials



Part I: The Revelation of God in Jesus Christ
1. Jesus, the Messiah
2. Jesus, the Lord of Heaven and Earth
3. Jesus? Work: True Righteousness
4. Jesus? Teaching: True Holiness
5. Jesus, the Incarnate and Risen Savior

Part II: The Indwelling of God in the Church by the Holy Spirit
6. The Spirit as the New Emmanuel: God with Us
7. The Church as the Body of Christ: One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism
8. The Mission of God Through the Church

Part III: The Present and Coming Kingdom of God
9. Community Relationships: The Kingdom of Self-Emptying Love
10. Community of Integrity and Character: The Kingdom of Servant Leaders
11. Community of Faithfulness: The Kingdom of Steadfast Obedience and Hope
12. Community of Joy: The Kingdom Coming in Fullness


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Robbie Fox Castleman

Robbie F. Castleman is professor of biblical studies and theology at John Brown University in Siloam Springs, Arkansas. She is also the author of Parenting in the Pew,The Story of Scripture (LBS) and Story-Shaped Worship.