Partnering with the Global Church, By Nikki A. Toyama-Szeto and Femi B. Adeleye

Partnering with the Global Church

Urbana Onward

by Nikki A. Toyama-Szeto and Femi B. Adeleye

Partnering with the Global Church
  • Length: 32 pages
  • Dimensions: 5.5 × 8.25 in
  • Published: October 29, 2012
  • Imprint: IVP
  • Item Code: 3460
  • ISBN: 9780830834600

*affiliate partner

In our globally interconnected world, mission depends on healthy partnerships across the globe. Many talk about wanting to partner with the Global South, but we're not always sure what that looks like on the ground. Too often North Americans have acted as if we don't need others to do what we think God has called us to do. And our witness overseas has suffered as a result.

We need to live out a more humble posture of missional partnership, marked by true mutuality and service. Nikki Toyama-Szeto and Femi Adeleye look at how we can partner well across cultures. People on mission together from diverse perspectives are a picture of how the body of Christ works together in the world. Addressing tricky issues like power, finances, transparency and trust, the authors provide best practices and models for ministry that reflect the servant heart of God.

God invites us all to engage in his work, and he gives us partners for the task from around the world. Discover how we can do more together than we could ever do on our own.

Includes questions for group discussion.

"In this significant contribution to the urgent and unfolding global conversation on missional partnership, Femi Adeleye and Nikki Toyama-Szeto illuminate the 'why's of partnership--an essential component in bearing witness to hope. As globalization makes the world more accessible and smaller than ever, Femi and Nikki offer a clear road map to partnership based on interdependency. With thoughtful sensitivity and courage, tackling some of the most difficlut issues in cross-cultural partnerships, Femi and Nikki navigate the nuanced challenges of negotiating the complex power dynamics in missional partnerships. Affirming the preeminence of God already at work in the world, Partnering with the Global Church approaches this delicate conversation with humility, while maintaining confidence and conviction."

Christopher L. Heuertz, senior strategist, Word Made Flesh, author of Unexpected Gifts and Simple Spirituality

"As the authors note, 'Partnership is not an option--it is an essential.' This much-needed publication will be helpful both to those who think otherwise and those who haven't given partnership much thought. God's intention for partnerships is often misunderstood, and the authors redirect via Scripture and their thoughtful reflection and instruction, as well as Spirit-led experiences for immediate application. Recommended reading for anyone serving God's kingdom, from collegians to Christian leaders; required reading for every missionary."

Rev. Melanie Mar Chow, campus minister with Asian American Christian Fellowship/JEMS

"'If you want to go far--go with others.' Nikki A. Toyama-Szeto and Femi Adeleye have united their complex personal histories and done the body of Christ a great service in getting to the heart of what it means to function as Jesus intended. A short but powerful guide to reaching the world with the holistic message of Jesus--by portraying the truth of our witness in the way we function with one another."

Steven W. Haas, vice president and chief catalyst, World Vision

"Writing from a global perspective with insightful illustrations, the authors invite us to understand biblical and interdependent partnership--even across financial and cultural divides. This is must reading for any North American desiring to serve alongside the church of the Majority World."

Paul Borthwick, author of Western Christians in Global Mission and How to be a World-Class Christian


Problems with Partnership
One Body, Many Parts
Why Do Partnership?
Partnership Takes Practice
Some Practical Steps Toward Becoming a Better Partner
Power Undermines Partnership
Practicing Partnership Before It Happens
Fruits of Partnership
Questions for Reflection or Discussion
About Urbana


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Nikki A. Toyama-Szeto

Nikki A. Toyama-Szeto is senior director of biblical justice integration and mobilization at International Justice Mission (IJM) in Washington, DC. She provides strategic leadership to the IJM Institute for Biblical Justice and IJM's Global Prayer team to ignite passion for biblical justice among the global church. Prior to joining IJM, Nikki worked with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship for twelve years, including serving as program director for InterVarsity's Urbana Student Missions Convention. She is the coauthor of Partnering with the Global Church and More Than Serving Tea.

Femi B. Adeleye

Femi B. Adeleye (M.Th., University of Edinburgh) is a Christian minister and ordained priest in the Anglican communion. He is associate general secretary for partnership and collaboration for the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES). He previously served as regional secretary for the IFES movement in English-speaking Africa. Adeleye has also been a featured speaker at the Urbana Student Missions Conference and spoke at the Cape Town 2010 Lausanne Congress. He is the author of Preachers of a Different Gospel (Zondervan, 2011). He is currently pursuing a doctorate in African Christian history from the Akrofi-Christaller Institute of Theology in Ghana.