Copyright Protection

All materials published by InterVarsity Press are protected by copyright. Therefore, in instances not excepted by the "fair use" clause (see below), you will need written permission before you can reproduce IVP materials in any form including, but not limited to, the following:

  • photocopying or retyping
  • reprinting in a book, magazine, or other publication
  • recording and/or storing in audio or electronic formats
  • translating
  • creating derivative materials, such as study guides, book summaries, or videos (to name a few)

Fair Use

The "fair use" clause of current US copyright law allows you to reproduce short excerpts from copyrighted works (our standard is less than 500 words) with standard footnoting. The "fair use" clause also allows you to make one copy of selected material from a copyrighted work for personal use only (e.g., for your own study or reference). "Fair use" applies to the content of InterVarsity publications and the IVP Online website. Hymns, poems, and illustrations such as cartoons, maps, tables, or charts are usually considered complete pieces, which means that you will need written permission even though they may contain less than 500 words.

Requesting Permission to Reproduce IVP Materials

First, see if we offer permissions through the Copyright Clearance Center. You might be able to acquire permission immediately this way! To check, go to Copyright Clearance Center and then either browse or refine your search by the IVP title you're looking for.

Tip for use with students with disabilities: There might already be an accessible edition available! Check sites where ebooks are sold or visit ReadHowYouWant (which specializes in accessible editions) to see whether there's an ebook or other accessible edition available.

If you can't find the book you want to use in one of these ways, please complete the permissions request form (below). All requests must be made in writing via this form.

Typical Allowed Uses with Permission

We seek to promote the work of IVP by allowing individuals and organizations to reprint IVP materials in their publications or as copies in ways that protect the copyright, the author, and IVP. We aim to offer best-fit solutions for all.

  • Bible Study Use: We usually allow small groups to make up to 20 copies of the first two or three sessions of a Bible study. This is to allow time for the group to order copies of the published Bible study.
  • Academic Use: For a reasonable fee, we will usually allow up to 20% of a title to be reprinted for classroom use.
  • Promotional Online Use: We typically allow the first chapter of any title to be posted at a website for up to six months. Written permission is required.
  • We generally allow use of book cover images, descriptions, tables of contents, and reviews/endorsements as well as other promotional copy found at provided that (i) such information is not modified, and (ii) any copyright notice originally included with such information along with this notice is placed in all copies. See the Copyright Notice posted on our website for more information about use of IVP Online content.
  • Out-of-Print Books: We may not control subsidiary rights for a book once it has gone out of print. We will forward any requests to the appropriate copyright holder. Please complete the permissions request form (below) so that we can send your full request to the copyright holder.

Using First Nations Version

You may quote up to three hundred (300) verses without express written permission from IVP, provided that the verses quoted are no more than 10% of the work you're creating and do not comprise a full book of the Bible.

When quoting the FNV, please include this copyright notice:

Scripture quotations are taken from First Nations Version, copyright ©2021 by Rain Ministries Inc. Used by permission of InterVarsity Press, Downers Grove, IL. All rights reserved.

If you’re quoting more than 300 verses or are looking to use the FNV in ways not covered above (such as use in song lyrics, posters, T-shirts, artwork, etc.) please fill out the form below or email [email protected].

IVP Kids Virtual Story Time Guidelines

We want to encourage you to read IVP Kids books aloud with the children in your life and would be pleased for you to offer a virtual story time using books from IVP Kids with the following guidelines:

  • At the beginning of the story, please mention that your online reading is done with permission from IVP Kids.
  • You’re welcome to read an IVP Kids book aloud for a single live (synchronous) event in any online setting, public or private, provided the event is free and that the video is not available after your event concludes.
  • If you’d like to post a recorded video (asynchronous), we ask that you post your video(s) for free on a private platform or within a closed group where access to the video is limited to your community (or on YouTube as an “Unlisted” file). We ask that you remove the video no later than six months after it has been posted.
  • If you’ll receive any form of compensation for the reading and/or video, please contact our permissions department to obtain prior written permission.
  • Please tag @IVPKids when you mention an IVP Kids book on social media.

What to Expect from Us

We make every effort to

  • set reasonable fees
  • have a staff member available during normal business hours
  • respond to requests within 6-10 business days

Please allow us 6-10 business days to act on your request. We receive a large number of permission requests each day, and sometimes we must do research into the copyright status of the work in question—or even contact an author—before we can give you a final response.

If your request is especially urgent, please make sure that you include the date by which you need a response. We will do our best to respond by the date you request. However, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to meet your deadline.

Request Permission to Use IVP Content